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  1. LF Supporter (Kinda ^^)

    What are you? Alliance/Horde? US/EU?
  2. Ab 30 jan 11

    I think Queing for Ab might stop once you finish a WSG match. Correct me if I'm mistaken- but a couple of times I noticed that I had been taken out of the Que when I finished WSG
  3. BiS

    I think this also is what I was trying to say, from a different perspective.
  4. BiS

    I didn't say I wanted to disregard it. I just feel when people get so carried away with BiS, they lose sight of the fun of the game. You don't have to not try for it, just keep an open mind while playing Thankyou
  5. Queue for AB and WSG

    Grabco, is your character Gracob? I played you today- best game I've played in a long time
  6. How will Waw Tawent do this time around?

    Amen to this
  7. BiS

    Each to there own. I don't disagree with BiS- I just disagree with how people are taking it too far so that it becomes more about obtaining this holy BiS word than the actual game
  8. Mage Macros

  9. BiS

    This What I have always liked about twinking, was being an underdog
  10. Firetruckk III intro ROUGH preview.

    Looking forward to a mage video
  11. Mage Macros

    I think I'm gonna have fun with Stop Casting Counterspell and Focus Polymorph. Thanks!
  12. True Mage BiS list based on role [situational]

    Yus! And please include Macros!
  13. Mage Macros

    Splenda, you always seem to answer my posts with an ironic remark. It's slightly awesome
  14. Mage Macros

    Anyone got any useful ones up their sleeves?
  15. BiS

    New gear is great. I just hope that pvp doesn't lose it's zest anymore than it has because of BiS
  16. Guide for 19 Mages.!

    [Keeshan's Bandana] is my favorite item
  17. BiS

    Twinking for me is about low level PvP I feel like the challenge of PvP is becoming second nature to obtaining the BiS gear
  18. BiS

    Honestly, ever since the "BiS" acronym was introduced into this community, there has been a growing feeling that that's all people care about. Not that everyone is purely obsessed with becoming the "best" through their gear, just seems like things are changing too much I feel like...
  19. Im unlucky.

    You're gonna stop playing a character because it can't gain BiS..?
  20. What class to Make?

    You don't need two shadowfangs for a rogue. BiS doesn't mean need