Mage Macros


Anyone got any useful ones up their sleeves?
Splenda, you always seem to answer my posts with an ironic remark. It's slightly awesome
Stop Cast Counterspell (VERY useful)

#showtooltip Counterspell


/cast Counterspell

Mouse Over CS

#showtooltip Counterspell

/cast [target=mouseover, harm][harm] Counterspell

Focus CS

#showtooltip [target=focus,harm] [] Counterspell


/clearfocus [modifier:shift][target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists]

/focus [target=focus,noexists]

/cast [target=focus] Counterspell

Focus Polymorph

#showtooltip [target=focus,harm] [] Polymorph


/clearfocus [modifier:shift][target=focus,dead][target=focus,noexists]

/focus [target=focus,noexists]

/cast [target=focus] Polymorph

And a really awesome macro if you're an Orc or Troll


/cast [Shift Click Insert Racial Here]

/cast Lifeblood(Rank 4)
I think I'm gonna have fun with Stop Casting Counterspell and Focus Polymorph. Thanks!
#showtooltip offensivespellsuchasfrostboltorfireblastetc


/cast offensivespellsuchasfrostboltorfireblastetc

This enables your autoattack when you use your the spell that's in the macro, it will sometimes give you "free" dmg when you're standing close to your opponant since you will hit them with your staff also.

Example of frostbolt.

#showtooltip frostbolt


/cast frostbolt

I use these on every offensive spell, just don't use it on frostnova or polymorph since that is... well very dumb.

AkAPatriot said:
#showtooltip offensivespellsuchasfrostboltorfireblastetc


/cast offensivespellsuchasfrostboltorfireblastetc

/cast [target=mouseover] polymorph




all must haves if frost

O and i'd also add stop casting to any focus or mousover cs u use.

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