Guide for 19 Mages.!


Thanks notoriousthf for all your help.! :)
[item]Jutebraid Gloves[/item]

maybe you didnt add it because it was grandfathered, idk.

EDIT: didnt read the 3rd page, but i still dont see it there?

EDIT2: it says at the bottom nvm
[item]Keeshan's Dagger[/item] is a good alternative to Dawnblade for those Alliance players out there, gives 3 hit rather than an extra 2 stamina.
[item]Durak's Wand[/item] for horde is a favorite ranged weapon, and for alli, [item]Ello's Band[/item] is BiS for a stamina set. and [item]Keeshan's Bandana[/item] makes you look relly good vs other mages and makes gnomes impossible to polly
[Keeshan's Bandana] is my favorite item
Hapsen said:
i was wondering, for proffesions do mages go for the stam bonus from mining or the crit from skinning?

It depends. If you feel you need more HP or if you wanna be an FC, get mining. If you want a higher chance of getting crits, go skinning.
If you have at least 1.4-1.5k health, go with skinning

If you want to stack stam or have below 1.4k health, go with mining.

Here's another suggestion for sp stacking arcanes:

devout aurastone hammer with 30 sp and mystic tome. You get more sp from this than pve boa staff
Cámo @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft - The set I usually wear

Use the firebane cloak with +5 resistances and Keeshan's Bandana in certain situations such as destro locks and hunters.

If you don't have jutebraid then use goldfleck/serpent gloves.

If you don't have the Sacred Burial Trousers or Piuos Leggings than use Godfrey's Britches.

Very important : If you don't have ellos band than use the BoA staff of jordan and winder rider wand to get hit cap. Use double seal of argas or one argas and a blood ring.
Camocross said:
Cámo @ Bleeding Hollow - Game - World of Warcraft - The set I usually wear

Use the firebane cloak with +5 resistances and Keeshan's Bandana in certain situations such as destro locks and hunters.

If you don't have jutebraid then use goldfleck/serpent gloves.

If you don't have seal of slyvanas use ellos band and seal of argas, if you don't have ellos band than use a blood ring or another seal of argas if you have it.

If you don't have the Sacred Burial Trousers or Piuos Leggings than use Godfrey's Britches.

hey jw isn't the boa ring better then ello's band?

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