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  1. Hurtaz

    EU+US Item Level 58 on a level 1

    Unfortunately, you can't learn fishing before level 5, so it's impossible to get that trinket.
  2. Hurtaz

    EU+US Item Level 58 on a level 1

    I'm fully aware of that. That's why I wrote it's too bad I won't be able to join bgs. But it was a fun challenge to see how high I could get. As most of level 1 twinking, it is all about pushing the boundaries :)
  3. Hurtaz

    EU+US Guide: Useful Toys

    Of course! Thanks for tip, will add it as well. Have had that item for long, but never thought of using it in that way. Have just seen it as a fun cosmetic thing.
  4. Hurtaz

    EU+US Item Level 58 on a level 1

    Well, I wouldn't call myself a "banker" since all I do is collecting gear, playing PVE (killing high(er) level rares and elites) and playing PVP (duels).
  5. Hurtaz

    EU+US Item Level 58 on a level 1

    I guess so. And then the toy itself (the use) will be in your toy book. I have to mention that it is not confirmed that Bottled Tornado will turn into a toy or not. Due to the Legion db on wowhead, it will continue to be a ilvl 400 trinket, but without it's use.
  6. Hurtaz

    EU+US Item Level 58 on a level 1

    I know, that's why I wanted to get as high item level as possible before Legion is released ;) Guess it will be harder that due to the toy transformation, and since a level 1 can't join instanced PVP the ilvl gear will be as useless as it is today for level 1 twinks.
  7. Hurtaz

    EU+US Guide: Useful Toys

    I'm pretty sure many people missing what benefits they can get from toys, at least at level 1. Therefore, I created this thread to help you find the toys you need to have! Toys you need to have Iron Boot Flask Bought from Olut Alegut (H) or Rork Sharpchin (A) for 10 Relic of Ulduar. These are...
  8. Hurtaz

    EU+US Item Level 58 on a level 1

    Tried to max my ilvl and reached 58. Do you think it's possible to get higher? Too bad level 1s won't be able to join battlegrounds in Legion ;) Special items used: Bottled Tornado (ilvl 400) Mist-Piercing Goggles (ilvl 90) Problem Solving Pendant (ilvl 80) Stratholme Lily (ilvl 70) Insignia...
  9. Hurtaz

    EU Selling Blackened Defias Belt (EU)

    Just found out after I posted this, sent an apply for joining!
  10. Hurtaz

    EU Selling Blackened Defias Belt (EU)

    Selling Blackened Defias Belt on Stormscale EU (Alliance). Interested? Let me know!
  11. Hurtaz

    EU+US Level 1 Twinks in Legion?

    Great! I made some research yesterday and so far, the biggest changes I could find will be the ability for Hunters and Shamans to equip Mail armor and Warrior and Paladin to equip Plate armor, the insignia trinket will be a spell instead and there won't be any new Heirlooms for players below...
  12. Hurtaz

    EU+US Level 1 Twinks in Legion?

    What do we know/expect about level 1 twinks in Legion? Anyone who have played the beta who knows any significant changes to level 1s?
  13. Hurtaz

    EU Level One Twinks - Making it active again (EU)

    I'm going to make a hunter on Dunemaul. I will be able to gear it with fully enchanted heirlooms (including Flintlocke's Woodchuker), but may need help with enchants on the other gear + Herbalist Gloves with Glove Reinforcement.
  14. Hurtaz

    EU+US Question with Guild rep.

    Yes, it is possible. I am myself. Buy the Epic guild tabard and mail to your level 1 character then do all the starting quests in all areas. This will make you friendly with your guild and about halfway to honored if I remember correctly. At this point you will be able to access guild bank from...
  15. Hurtaz

    1-9 BiS Level 1 Hunter tink Guide

    Want to share how to summon a goblin outside it's starting area? :)
  16. Hurtaz

    1-9 BiS Level 1 Hunter tink Guide

    You have a point, that's a good question.
  17. Hurtaz

    1-9 BiS Level 1 Hunter tink Guide

    This would been the case if bears had Invigorating Roar at level 1. Pets at level 1 have just one skill and for bears it is Claw.
  18. Hurtaz

    1-9 BiS Level 1 Hunter tink Guide

    As hunter, you can choose between crit and haste on shoulders, and I personally rather stack haste than crit. If there were versatility shoulders, I guess I would go with them. So my stat priority is Versatility > Haste > Stamina > Crit > Agility. I can also mention that I got both shoulders...
  19. Hurtaz

    1-9 BiS Level 1 Hunter tink Guide

    Thank you :)
  20. Hurtaz

    1-9 BiS Level 1 Hunter tink Guide

    I've seen many people asking this and I guess it's all a big misunderstanding. There is no problem at all hitting players up to level 20, after that it gets a bit more harder, but you'll still got a chance to beat them. So even if hit is removed from the game, you won't having any problem...