BiS Level 1 Hunter twink Guide
I’ve been playing on my level 1 hunter twink for alost a year now and finally decided to make this guide on how to get a BiS level 1 hunter.
I started to play wow during vanilla and played until the end of TBC. During this period I started to experiment with level 1 twinks and had a level 1 rogue with way too much dodge. Recently I thought I should go back and see how wow was nowadays and decided to create the level 1 hunter twink I always wanted to. This time I had decided to get the best possible twink and not stop until I had it.
This guide is a collection of all gear/parts you need to collect in order to get BiS but also a collection of tips and tricks from what I’ve experienced and learned during the collection of all these items. My hope is that this guide could help both new and experienced level 1 hunter twinks.
Level 1 twinking isn't only about fighting. Half the pleasure is to get all the gear and things you need in order to be better. Sometimes this could be hard, and often requires you to do things on other character that the level 1 twink itself in order to obtain the items.
These twinks could be really powerful. With the power to beat players up to level 25 (or even higher depending on class and gear) in duels, it is fun to see the opponent's reaction when they got owned by a level one.
The Hunter
The hunter is currently the strongest class at level 1 (WoD 6.2.2). The key reason for that is the ability to kite and still deal a high amount of damage due to it's instant attacks and pet.
While level 1 twinks in general gets nerfed in patch updates the low level character is vulnerable when hited by a higher level. Hunter is the perfect class to stay away from their enemies and avoid damage taken. Since Auto Shot and Arcane Shot are instant attacks, it's easy to run sideways in order to kite and deal damage at the same time. On top of that, the pet will stick to the enemy and deal damage like an ongoing dot. In general, the pet itself stands for 25 % of the total damage dealt.
Besides kiting and the pet, the last reason why hunters are the most powerful class is While a lot of gear and enchants got scaled, this scope hasn't been scaled that much and when it procs, you will deal 400 damage instantly and thereafter about 150 damage per hit for the coming 10 seconds.
The Pet
As many of you already knows, the hunter's pet gets more powerful as you get better gear. The same occurs at level 1 and the pets do get very powerful with the right gear.
My pet has about 650 health and deals 45 damage per hit each 1.3 seconds. This is a lot better than most players below level 10. Therefore, I could just let my pet deal all the damage against these low level targets and it's a win.
The ability Mend Pet also gives the pet a constant 25 % heal over 10 seconds which will make sure your pet will stay alive.
The choice of race is just as important as everything else at this level. When choosing race, the racial ability should be the reason why you picked the race.
I chose Dreanei instead of Night elf which probably is the most common race due to (heals for 20% over 5 seconds). The night elf may have a bit higher starting stats (mainly agility) and the ability to regenerate health fast while stealthed in due to the quick health regeneration speed at level 1 and the fact that Shadowmeld takes you out of combat. Why I chose Gift of the Naaru instead is because you could still kite your enemy while gaining health which is a key mechanic as a level 1 hunter. As a Night elf needs to stand still (run away raises the risk of being hited and taken into combat again) the Draenei can still obtain the distance while getting some health back.
Human could be a strong choice as well, but just after you got 2x and mainly against Paladins and their
Since I almost never played horde, I can't give you any tips of which class to choose. But on paper, Troll or Orc seems to be the best races.
Hunters starts with and as their main abilities. Arcane Shot will deal the main damage while Mend Pet will keep your pet alive. The great thing about Arcane Shot is that it won't drain any focus if missed so you are sure that all your focus will be transformed into damage dealt.
Since you are limited to just these two abilities at level 1, it's a great idea to try to get all other possible spells available. The easiest one to get is which let's you resurrect your whole group and you get it by joining a guild. More offensive skills you can get is the utilities that came in MoP;, and (read more about these items under 4. Misc items/Tools/Devices/Toys).
1. Gear
In this section I’ve posted the gear to use in order to be BiS and also which enchant you should put on each part.
As of neck, back and rings I primarily uses the versatility enchants. This gives me about 18% increased damage which seems to be better than full haste even if it will generate Focus faster. Since the primarily DPS comes from Flintlocke’s Woodchucker proc and pet damage (about 25% of total damage dealt) Focus regeneration won’t be any problem.
Versatility will also decrease the damage taken which is good in a defensive play style. I am used to let my pet do most of the damage (almost like a continuous dot) while I try to run away in order to stay alive.
1.1 Head
1.2 Neck
Enchant: (+3 Versatility)
1.3 Shoulders
Enchant: (+1 Stamina & +1 PvP Resilience)
I uses Prized Beastmaster’s Mantle as my primarily shoulders. This is due to the bonus haste instead of crit.
1.4 Back
Enchant: (+4 Versatility & 10% Movement Speed)
1.5 Chest
Enchant: (+1 All Stats)
I uses this enchant instead of Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats due to the “bugged” display of +3 All Stats instead of + 1 All Stats. Even if it says +3, it only gives +1. So if you don’t want to spend a lot of time finding an enchanter having this formula don’t do it.
1.6 Wrist, or
Enchant: (+1 All Stats)
This enchant has the same “bugged” display as the chest enchant and displays +3 All Stats instead of +1 All stats.
1.7 Hands
Enchant: (+2 Stamina)
Herbalist’s Gloves can be created by a 135+ Leatherworker and are relatively cheap to make. In order to put Glove Reinforcements on, you need to have a level 60+ character to do it before the gloves is soulbound. So you should not equip the gloves before you have the Glove Reinforcements on.
1.8 Waist
Squealer's Belt is BiS with it’s +4 Armor instead of +3 Armor which the starting zone waists gives. However, Squealer's Belt is removed from the game and if you find it for sale, you’ll probably have to pay 20k+ gold for it. I was lucky enough having it on one of my old level 1 twinks I created back in TBC when Squealer's Belt still was droppable. Even then it was tough to get it though.
1.9 Legs
Enchant: (+1 Stamina & +1 Dodge)
I am using the stamina and dodge leg enchant since I think stamina is a better stat that agility at this level. I am playing defensive and let my pet do most of the damage, and therefore a defensive stat is better.
1.10 Feet, or
! It is important to use Minor Speed instead of some of the newer movement speed enchants such as Boar's Speed (Minor Speed & Stamina) since is will stack with the +10% movement speed from the cloak enchant.
1.11 Rings
Enchant: (+2 Versatility)
Heirloom rings could be a bit tricky to get. The first one is Dread Pirate Ring. This is a reward for coming at first or second place in the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza. Every sunday at 2:00 PM PST the contest start and you’ll have to collect 40x Speckled Tastyfish from the spawning fishing pools as fast as possible. I was lucky enough to make a second place on my first try. My best tip is to get Weather-Beaten Journal before the competition and also have Booty Bay as your home. Weather-Beaten Journal will give you the possibility to display fishing pools in the mini map and requires 100+ fishing to use. I found it while levelling my fishing in Stranglethorn. As soon as you have 40 Speckled Tastyfishes, use your Hearthstone to get to Booty Bay as fast as possible.
You can read more about Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza here:
1.12 Trinkets x2
Arena Grand Master is easily the best trinket(s) at level 1. There is no other gear even close to that +11 Stamina. Every three hours a chest will spawn in the middle of Gurubashi Arena in The Cape of Stranglethorn. This chest contains among other [Arena Master]. When you have 12 of these you can turn them in for a Arena Grand Master trinket. It’s not that easy though, the arena is a free-for-all area where even players on the same faction turns into enemies and the arena is almost always crowded with level 100’s fighting for the chest
I got two of these in almost exactly one month while trying to get the chest about three times each day and with no help from friends. I did however ask everyone at the arena at the time to help me, and sometimes I had a good team helping me and it was pretty easy. If I didn’t have a team to help me, I just tried to loot the chest over and over while the other fighting each others. This worked more ofter than I first thought. One advantage of being level 1 is that you don’t have a respawn timer so you could just run back and respawn without have to wait.
While trying to get the Arena Grand Masters, I highly suggest you to use some of these trinkets instead: /
1.13 Weapon
Flintlocke’s Woodchucker is probably the biggest reason why level 1 hunters are as good as they are. When it procs, it will instantly deal 400-500 damage and all increase Agility by 112 for 10 seconds. This doesn’t only mean a high burst, but every hit after the proc will hit for about 150 damage.
After some testing, the result showing that Flintlocke's Woodchucker has a cooldown of 40s and a PPM of 1.15.
In order to get Flintlocke’s Woodchucker on to your bow, you need to have a level 80+ hunter on your own account to do so. I didn’t have one myself at that point, so I levelled one. This is one of these things I love about level 1 twinking. it’s not just about being good in fights, but the things you have to do in order to get all of the items.
2. Consumables
Consumables plays an important role at level 1. You are very limited to how good stats you could have and every extra stat is worth much.
2.1 Food
This is the best food for a level 1. It is fished in Darkmoon Island during Darkmoon Faire. Anyhow, you will probably never need to eat since the health regeneration is fast when out of combat at level 1.
2.2 Healing
2.2.1 Healing Potion,,
Gladiator's Healing Potion and Darkmoon Healing Tonic are the best healing potions at level 1. They gives about +20% health, but could only be used outdoors. They are also pretty hard to obtain which makes Minor Healing Potion my favourite. They are cheap to make and gives about 15% health back to me (924 health unbuffed).
2.2.2 Bandage
Even if you can use Heavy Runecloth Bandage at level 1 (225 First Aid), Runecloth Bandage will still heal for more. This is probably a bug in the scaling system.
2.3 Buffs
Every extra stat you can get at level 1 is important so you should always try to have at least one buff of each (Guardian Elixir, Battle Elixir and Well fed) when fighting.
2.3.1 Guardian Elixir
Gives +3 Stamina and could be bought from in Stormwind (Alliance) for just 1s 50c. The supply is limited and the best way tog get these is to visit the vendor as much as possible. You could also craft these from Inscription.
Regenerates 2 health every 5 seconds for one hour. If the fight is longer than 1 minute and 15 seconds, this guardian elixir is more efficient than Scroll of Stamina. Therefore, this elixir could be useful in PVE fights.
2.3.2 Battle Elixir
It doesn’t require much explanation on these elixirs. The best one to use is Darkmoon Tincture of Alacrity and they’re also pretty easy to obtain during Darkmoon Faire.
2.3.3 Well fed
Well fed is probably the cheapest way to get extra stats. The ones I uses most are the ones that gives +2 Stamina. These are,,,, and
There is also other types of well fed buffs which gives other stats than stamina. These are: (+2 Agility) (+10% Versatility)
On top of that, there is also seasonal food with different buffs. More on this coming soon.
2.3.4 Other
This is the best stamina buff available at level 1. It will give you 10 stamina for 15 minutes, but the downside is that it’s hard to obtain. The only way to do so is to fish it from Schooner Wreckage Pools.
Not too useful since it only give +1 physical damage, but every stat counts.
Tents increases all stats by 10% which means +1 Agility and Stamina for level 1 hunter. In order to create tents you need to have a level 2 Tannery at your Garrison and a follower with Leatherworking attached to it (needs to be done on your main character). The tents lasts for 5 minute but the buff lasts for 1 hour. It will disappear if you log out though.
You can only have 5 of each tent, but there are 23 different (different skins) so you can have a total of 115 tents in your inventory.
If you want to read more about tents, this is one of them:
2.4 Other
Used to cure poisons from enemies up to level 35. You could also use Anti-Venom which will make the same, but only from enemies up to level 25. This consumable is useful against rogues and hunter with pets that put a poison on you.
3. Professions
As of professionals, there is only one that you need to have. That is First Aid and you want to have a skill of 200+. This due to be able to use Runecloth Bandage which is the best bandage usable at level 1.
If you want to level other professionals as well, cooking is useful to create your own well fed food, and herbalism is useful to collect flowers in order to create Minor Healing Potion (requires an level 5+ alt with alchemy).
4. Misc items/Tools/Devices/Toys
This is probably the only toy that make sense to use. While used all damage taken has a chance to deal 300 - 350 damage back to the enemy attacking you. This is a lot at this level. The proc chance is reasonable high in comparison to the damage it deals. I guess I sees it proc every other fight on average.
It is also easy to obtain Iron Boot Flask if you’re having a level 100. You need to collect 20x Relic of Ulduar which drops from elites in Halls of Stone among other places and only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to obtain.
This device is used to reduce your taget’s damage dealt and movement speed. The damage decreased is by 3 and movement speed by 1%, so this is not an item you’ll have to use in every fight. This item does share cooldown with Drums if Fury, so I suggest you to only use this item when you have the 10 minute Exhausted active However, if you want to have this item, it is created by 160+ engineers.
This is a really powerful item which gives you +25% haste for 40 seconds. It can only be used every 10 minutes though.
This item lets you glide in the air. Usable if you have to get down from a high cliff etc.
4.1 MoP Tools
In MoP, three tools where added usable at all levels. These are rare drops from rare spawns. I got these three items by staying at the respective spawn place and wait for the rare to spawn. As soon as they did, I typed /who and started to whisper all level 100’s to help me out killing it. This was a successful method and in most of the cases I had someone to kill the rare in less than one minute.
This is the only CC available for level 1’s. It is dropped by Ski’thik in Kun-Lai Summit with a drop chance of 15%. It was the hardest of all three for me to get and I think it took me about 8 kills before I got it. What disappointed me after I got it was you cannot use it on PVP targets and their pets. However, this is a great item to have in PVE fights since it could CC targets for 1 min and only has a 5 min cooldown.
This item is the only usable in duels. it is used to unmount your target and I has come in handy for me in some duels where I was fighting melee classes who tried to mount up in order to get closer to me. This item is dropped by Nessos the Oracle in northern Kun-Lai Summit with a drop chance of 18%. I had some luck with the drop rate and had mine on the second kill.
The last MoP tool is the Battle Horn which works as a taunt for all enemies in a 40 yard range. With just a 2 minute cooldown this is useful when fighting elites in a group. The Battle Horn is dropped by Blackhoof in Valley of the Four Winds with a drop chance of 20%. It took a long time for me to see Blackhoof spawn, but as soon as he did I had it dropped on the first kill.
5. Macros
Arcane Shot + Start Attack
#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/cast Arcane Shot
/startattack [harm]
Target out of stealth
/targetenemy [noharm]
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Leave Combat
6. Addons
These are the addons I use in order to monitor and track everything important that is happening during a fight.
6.1 Need To Know
This is an addon used to track time left on spells and cooldowns. I’ve set up mine to display time left of Mend Pet and Flintlocke’s Woodchucker. I have also another set of bars to keep track of the cooldowns from Healing Potion and my healing macro (Gift of the Naruu + Neck).
6.2 OmniBar
I am using OmniBar to track enemies cooldowns. While my enemies aren’t higher than level 25 in general, there isn’t much of cooldowns I need to track. The two most important are paladin’s Hammer of Justice and mage’s Blink.
While stunned from Hammer of Justice, there isn’t much you can do so it is important to be prepared of when you could be stunned. Mage’s Blink is good to track as well since you always want to stay out of sight from mages casts and it is easier to plan your route when you know when the mage could blink and change position directly.
Other that these two spells I also track shaman’s Wind Shear, rogue’s Kick and mages Counterspell. It may be a bit overkill, but they can all interrupt you when casting Revive Pet after your pet has died. Since you doesn’t have much to monitor, this won’t be an effort to track.
6.3 Power Auras
I am using Power Auras to track Flintlocke’s Woodchucker and also when Mend Pet is active on my pet. This is a great way to visualise what’s happening while still focusing on the fight.
6.4 Cooldown Count
Used in order to see remaining time more easily.
6.5 DuelCountdown
Small extension which gives an cooldown on duels just as in arenas. Since level 1 twinking is much about dueling, this is a really good addon in order to not miss the start of a duel.
7. Tips
Since you are very limited in attacks at level 1, it is important to use every technique and mechanic out there in order to perform better. In this section I have collected some of the techniques I uses.
7.1 Play Style
I tend to play a very defensive play style. This is due to I know how weak a level 1 could be against level 15-20’s and these fights is often about running away from danger. This is possible since the pet will deal a lot of damage (about 25% of total damage when dealing damage). However, I try to hit as much as possible with auto attack and Arcane Shot in order to get Flintlocke’s Woodchucker to proc. As soon as it procs I goes offensive in order to deal as much damage as possible.
7.2 Health regeneration
One of the most efficient (and free) ways of getting health during a fight is to leave combat as a level 1 twink. As soon as you leave combat at this low level your health will regenerate to full health in just a few seconds. To leave combat, during a fight, use my Leave Combat macro posted above.
Remember that you opponent also will regenerate health when you’re out of combat so as soon as your health is full start to attack again. While your opponent in general are much higher level, the regeneration won’t be as high as yours.
I am trying to have a order in how I get my health back up. I looks like:
7.3 Pet Control
At level 1 hunters can’t control their pet. But there are some tricks to master. Your pet will attack everything that attacks you and the target you attack. Therefor it’s important to get a fast shot at your enemy to get your pet there as soon as possible in a fight.
7.4 Mend Pet
Mend pet will heal your pet for 25% during a 10 second span. It’s important to always have Mend Pet active since it doesn’t cost Focus to cast. I’ve set up my addons to easily monitor Mend Pet and always have it active during a fight.
I’ve been playing on my level 1 hunter twink for alost a year now and finally decided to make this guide on how to get a BiS level 1 hunter.
I started to play wow during vanilla and played until the end of TBC. During this period I started to experiment with level 1 twinks and had a level 1 rogue with way too much dodge. Recently I thought I should go back and see how wow was nowadays and decided to create the level 1 hunter twink I always wanted to. This time I had decided to get the best possible twink and not stop until I had it.
This guide is a collection of all gear/parts you need to collect in order to get BiS but also a collection of tips and tricks from what I’ve experienced and learned during the collection of all these items. My hope is that this guide could help both new and experienced level 1 hunter twinks.
1. Gear
4. Misc items/Tools/Devices/Toys
6. Addons
1.1 Head
1.2 Neck
1.3 Shoulders
1.4 Back
1.5 Chest
1.6 Wrist
1.7 Hands
1.8 Waist
1.9 Legs
1.10 Feet
1.11 Rings
1.12 Trinkets
1.13 Weapon
2. Consumables1.2 Neck
1.3 Shoulders
1.4 Back
1.5 Chest
1.6 Wrist
1.7 Hands
1.8 Waist
1.9 Legs
1.10 Feet
1.11 Rings
1.12 Trinkets
1.13 Weapon
2.1 Food
2.2 Healing
3. Professions2.2 Healing
2.2.1 Healing Potion
2.2.2 Bandage
2.3 Buffs2.2.2 Bandage
2.3.1 Guardian Elixir
2.3.2 Battle Elixir
2.3.3 Well fed
2.3.4 Other
2.4 Other2.3.2 Battle Elixir
2.3.3 Well fed
2.3.4 Other
4. Misc items/Tools/Devices/Toys
4.1 MoP Tools
5. Macros6. Addons
6.1 Need To Know
6.2 OmniBar
6.3 Power Auras
6.4 Cooldown Count
6.5 DuelCountdown
7. Tips6.2 OmniBar
6.3 Power Auras
6.4 Cooldown Count
6.5 DuelCountdown
7.1 Play style
7.2 Health regeneration
7.3 Pet Control
7.4 Mend Pet
7.2 Health regeneration
7.3 Pet Control
7.4 Mend Pet
Level 1 twinking isn't only about fighting. Half the pleasure is to get all the gear and things you need in order to be better. Sometimes this could be hard, and often requires you to do things on other character that the level 1 twink itself in order to obtain the items.
These twinks could be really powerful. With the power to beat players up to level 25 (or even higher depending on class and gear) in duels, it is fun to see the opponent's reaction when they got owned by a level one.
The Hunter
The hunter is currently the strongest class at level 1 (WoD 6.2.2). The key reason for that is the ability to kite and still deal a high amount of damage due to it's instant attacks and pet.
While level 1 twinks in general gets nerfed in patch updates the low level character is vulnerable when hited by a higher level. Hunter is the perfect class to stay away from their enemies and avoid damage taken. Since Auto Shot and Arcane Shot are instant attacks, it's easy to run sideways in order to kite and deal damage at the same time. On top of that, the pet will stick to the enemy and deal damage like an ongoing dot. In general, the pet itself stands for 25 % of the total damage dealt.
Besides kiting and the pet, the last reason why hunters are the most powerful class is While a lot of gear and enchants got scaled, this scope hasn't been scaled that much and when it procs, you will deal 400 damage instantly and thereafter about 150 damage per hit for the coming 10 seconds.
The Pet
As many of you already knows, the hunter's pet gets more powerful as you get better gear. The same occurs at level 1 and the pets do get very powerful with the right gear.
My pet has about 650 health and deals 45 damage per hit each 1.3 seconds. This is a lot better than most players below level 10. Therefore, I could just let my pet deal all the damage against these low level targets and it's a win.
The ability Mend Pet also gives the pet a constant 25 % heal over 10 seconds which will make sure your pet will stay alive.
The choice of race is just as important as everything else at this level. When choosing race, the racial ability should be the reason why you picked the race.
I chose Dreanei instead of Night elf which probably is the most common race due to (heals for 20% over 5 seconds). The night elf may have a bit higher starting stats (mainly agility) and the ability to regenerate health fast while stealthed in due to the quick health regeneration speed at level 1 and the fact that Shadowmeld takes you out of combat. Why I chose Gift of the Naaru instead is because you could still kite your enemy while gaining health which is a key mechanic as a level 1 hunter. As a Night elf needs to stand still (run away raises the risk of being hited and taken into combat again) the Draenei can still obtain the distance while getting some health back.
Human could be a strong choice as well, but just after you got 2x and mainly against Paladins and their
Since I almost never played horde, I can't give you any tips of which class to choose. But on paper, Troll or Orc seems to be the best races.
Hunters starts with and as their main abilities. Arcane Shot will deal the main damage while Mend Pet will keep your pet alive. The great thing about Arcane Shot is that it won't drain any focus if missed so you are sure that all your focus will be transformed into damage dealt.
Since you are limited to just these two abilities at level 1, it's a great idea to try to get all other possible spells available. The easiest one to get is which let's you resurrect your whole group and you get it by joining a guild. More offensive skills you can get is the utilities that came in MoP;, and (read more about these items under 4. Misc items/Tools/Devices/Toys).
1. Gear
In this section I’ve posted the gear to use in order to be BiS and also which enchant you should put on each part.
As of neck, back and rings I primarily uses the versatility enchants. This gives me about 18% increased damage which seems to be better than full haste even if it will generate Focus faster. Since the primarily DPS comes from Flintlocke’s Woodchucker proc and pet damage (about 25% of total damage dealt) Focus regeneration won’t be any problem.
Versatility will also decrease the damage taken which is good in a defensive play style. I am used to let my pet do most of the damage (almost like a continuous dot) while I try to run away in order to stay alive.
1.1 Head
1.2 Neck
Enchant: (+3 Versatility)
1.3 Shoulders
Enchant: (+1 Stamina & +1 PvP Resilience)
I uses Prized Beastmaster’s Mantle as my primarily shoulders. This is due to the bonus haste instead of crit.
1.4 Back
Enchant: (+4 Versatility & 10% Movement Speed)
1.5 Chest
Enchant: (+1 All Stats)
I uses this enchant instead of Enchant Chest - Glorious Stats due to the “bugged” display of +3 All Stats instead of + 1 All Stats. Even if it says +3, it only gives +1. So if you don’t want to spend a lot of time finding an enchanter having this formula don’t do it.
1.6 Wrist, or
Enchant: (+1 All Stats)
This enchant has the same “bugged” display as the chest enchant and displays +3 All Stats instead of +1 All stats.
1.7 Hands
Enchant: (+2 Stamina)
Herbalist’s Gloves can be created by a 135+ Leatherworker and are relatively cheap to make. In order to put Glove Reinforcements on, you need to have a level 60+ character to do it before the gloves is soulbound. So you should not equip the gloves before you have the Glove Reinforcements on.
1.8 Waist
Squealer's Belt is BiS with it’s +4 Armor instead of +3 Armor which the starting zone waists gives. However, Squealer's Belt is removed from the game and if you find it for sale, you’ll probably have to pay 20k+ gold for it. I was lucky enough having it on one of my old level 1 twinks I created back in TBC when Squealer's Belt still was droppable. Even then it was tough to get it though.
1.9 Legs
Enchant: (+1 Stamina & +1 Dodge)
I am using the stamina and dodge leg enchant since I think stamina is a better stat that agility at this level. I am playing defensive and let my pet do most of the damage, and therefore a defensive stat is better.
1.10 Feet, or
! It is important to use Minor Speed instead of some of the newer movement speed enchants such as Boar's Speed (Minor Speed & Stamina) since is will stack with the +10% movement speed from the cloak enchant.
1.11 Rings
Enchant: (+2 Versatility)
Heirloom rings could be a bit tricky to get. The first one is Dread Pirate Ring. This is a reward for coming at first or second place in the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza. Every sunday at 2:00 PM PST the contest start and you’ll have to collect 40x Speckled Tastyfish from the spawning fishing pools as fast as possible. I was lucky enough to make a second place on my first try. My best tip is to get Weather-Beaten Journal before the competition and also have Booty Bay as your home. Weather-Beaten Journal will give you the possibility to display fishing pools in the mini map and requires 100+ fishing to use. I found it while levelling my fishing in Stranglethorn. As soon as you have 40 Speckled Tastyfishes, use your Hearthstone to get to Booty Bay as fast as possible.
You can read more about Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza here:
Admiral Taylor's Loyalty Ring was the last part I got in order to be BiS. This is a Naval Mission reward from a rare mission called The House Always Wins. It took me several months before this mission appeared but it was totally worth the wait.
1.12 Trinkets x2
Arena Grand Master is easily the best trinket(s) at level 1. There is no other gear even close to that +11 Stamina. Every three hours a chest will spawn in the middle of Gurubashi Arena in The Cape of Stranglethorn. This chest contains among other [Arena Master]. When you have 12 of these you can turn them in for a Arena Grand Master trinket. It’s not that easy though, the arena is a free-for-all area where even players on the same faction turns into enemies and the arena is almost always crowded with level 100’s fighting for the chest
I got two of these in almost exactly one month while trying to get the chest about three times each day and with no help from friends. I did however ask everyone at the arena at the time to help me, and sometimes I had a good team helping me and it was pretty easy. If I didn’t have a team to help me, I just tried to loot the chest over and over while the other fighting each others. This worked more ofter than I first thought. One advantage of being level 1 is that you don’t have a respawn timer so you could just run back and respawn without have to wait.
While trying to get the Arena Grand Masters, I highly suggest you to use some of these trinkets instead: /
1.13 Weapon
Flintlocke’s Woodchucker is probably the biggest reason why level 1 hunters are as good as they are. When it procs, it will instantly deal 400-500 damage and all increase Agility by 112 for 10 seconds. This doesn’t only mean a high burst, but every hit after the proc will hit for about 150 damage.
After some testing, the result showing that Flintlocke's Woodchucker has a cooldown of 40s and a PPM of 1.15.
In order to get Flintlocke’s Woodchucker on to your bow, you need to have a level 80+ hunter on your own account to do so. I didn’t have one myself at that point, so I levelled one. This is one of these things I love about level 1 twinking. it’s not just about being good in fights, but the things you have to do in order to get all of the items.
2. Consumables
Consumables plays an important role at level 1. You are very limited to how good stats you could have and every extra stat is worth much.
2.1 Food
This is the best food for a level 1. It is fished in Darkmoon Island during Darkmoon Faire. Anyhow, you will probably never need to eat since the health regeneration is fast when out of combat at level 1.
2.2 Healing
2.2.1 Healing Potion,,
Gladiator's Healing Potion and Darkmoon Healing Tonic are the best healing potions at level 1. They gives about +20% health, but could only be used outdoors. They are also pretty hard to obtain which makes Minor Healing Potion my favourite. They are cheap to make and gives about 15% health back to me (924 health unbuffed).
2.2.2 Bandage
Even if you can use Heavy Runecloth Bandage at level 1 (225 First Aid), Runecloth Bandage will still heal for more. This is probably a bug in the scaling system.
2.3 Buffs
Every extra stat you can get at level 1 is important so you should always try to have at least one buff of each (Guardian Elixir, Battle Elixir and Well fed) when fighting.
2.3.1 Guardian Elixir
Gives +3 Stamina and could be bought from in Stormwind (Alliance) for just 1s 50c. The supply is limited and the best way tog get these is to visit the vendor as much as possible. You could also craft these from Inscription.
Regenerates 2 health every 5 seconds for one hour. If the fight is longer than 1 minute and 15 seconds, this guardian elixir is more efficient than Scroll of Stamina. Therefore, this elixir could be useful in PVE fights.
2.3.2 Battle Elixir
It doesn’t require much explanation on these elixirs. The best one to use is Darkmoon Tincture of Alacrity and they’re also pretty easy to obtain during Darkmoon Faire.
2.3.3 Well fed
Well fed is probably the cheapest way to get extra stats. The ones I uses most are the ones that gives +2 Stamina. These are,,,, and
There is also other types of well fed buffs which gives other stats than stamina. These are: (+2 Agility) (+10% Versatility)
On top of that, there is also seasonal food with different buffs. More on this coming soon.
I suggest you to level cooking in order to farm and cook the +2 stamina food yourself.
2.3.4 Other
This is the best stamina buff available at level 1. It will give you 10 stamina for 15 minutes, but the downside is that it’s hard to obtain. The only way to do so is to fish it from Schooner Wreckage Pools.
Not too useful since it only give +1 physical damage, but every stat counts.
Tents increases all stats by 10% which means +1 Agility and Stamina for level 1 hunter. In order to create tents you need to have a level 2 Tannery at your Garrison and a follower with Leatherworking attached to it (needs to be done on your main character). The tents lasts for 5 minute but the buff lasts for 1 hour. It will disappear if you log out though.
You can only have 5 of each tent, but there are 23 different (different skins) so you can have a total of 115 tents in your inventory.
If you want to read more about tents, this is one of them:
2.4 Other
Used to cure poisons from enemies up to level 35. You could also use Anti-Venom which will make the same, but only from enemies up to level 25. This consumable is useful against rogues and hunter with pets that put a poison on you.
3. Professions
As of professionals, there is only one that you need to have. That is First Aid and you want to have a skill of 200+. This due to be able to use Runecloth Bandage which is the best bandage usable at level 1.
If you want to level other professionals as well, cooking is useful to create your own well fed food, and herbalism is useful to collect flowers in order to create Minor Healing Potion (requires an level 5+ alt with alchemy).
4. Misc items/Tools/Devices/Toys
This is probably the only toy that make sense to use. While used all damage taken has a chance to deal 300 - 350 damage back to the enemy attacking you. This is a lot at this level. The proc chance is reasonable high in comparison to the damage it deals. I guess I sees it proc every other fight on average.
It is also easy to obtain Iron Boot Flask if you’re having a level 100. You need to collect 20x Relic of Ulduar which drops from elites in Halls of Stone among other places and only takes about 5 to 10 minutes to obtain.
This device is used to reduce your taget’s damage dealt and movement speed. The damage decreased is by 3 and movement speed by 1%, so this is not an item you’ll have to use in every fight. This item does share cooldown with Drums if Fury, so I suggest you to only use this item when you have the 10 minute Exhausted active However, if you want to have this item, it is created by 160+ engineers.
This is a really powerful item which gives you +25% haste for 40 seconds. It can only be used every 10 minutes though.
This item lets you glide in the air. Usable if you have to get down from a high cliff etc.
4.1 MoP Tools
In MoP, three tools where added usable at all levels. These are rare drops from rare spawns. I got these three items by staying at the respective spawn place and wait for the rare to spawn. As soon as they did, I typed /who and started to whisper all level 100’s to help me out killing it. This was a successful method and in most of the cases I had someone to kill the rare in less than one minute.
This is the only CC available for level 1’s. It is dropped by Ski’thik in Kun-Lai Summit with a drop chance of 15%. It was the hardest of all three for me to get and I think it took me about 8 kills before I got it. What disappointed me after I got it was you cannot use it on PVP targets and their pets. However, this is a great item to have in PVE fights since it could CC targets for 1 min and only has a 5 min cooldown.
This item is the only usable in duels. it is used to unmount your target and I has come in handy for me in some duels where I was fighting melee classes who tried to mount up in order to get closer to me. This item is dropped by Nessos the Oracle in northern Kun-Lai Summit with a drop chance of 18%. I had some luck with the drop rate and had mine on the second kill.
The last MoP tool is the Battle Horn which works as a taunt for all enemies in a 40 yard range. With just a 2 minute cooldown this is useful when fighting elites in a group. The Battle Horn is dropped by Blackhoof in Valley of the Four Winds with a drop chance of 20%. It took a long time for me to see Blackhoof spawn, but as soon as he did I had it dropped on the first kill.
5. Macros
Arcane Shot + Start Attack
#showtooltip Arcane Shot
/cast Arcane Shot
/startattack [harm]
Target out of stealth
/targetenemy [noharm]
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
Leave Combat
6. Addons
These are the addons I use in order to monitor and track everything important that is happening during a fight.

6.1 Need To Know
This is an addon used to track time left on spells and cooldowns. I’ve set up mine to display time left of Mend Pet and Flintlocke’s Woodchucker. I have also another set of bars to keep track of the cooldowns from Healing Potion and my healing macro (Gift of the Naruu + Neck).
6.2 OmniBar
I am using OmniBar to track enemies cooldowns. While my enemies aren’t higher than level 25 in general, there isn’t much of cooldowns I need to track. The two most important are paladin’s Hammer of Justice and mage’s Blink.
While stunned from Hammer of Justice, there isn’t much you can do so it is important to be prepared of when you could be stunned. Mage’s Blink is good to track as well since you always want to stay out of sight from mages casts and it is easier to plan your route when you know when the mage could blink and change position directly.
Other that these two spells I also track shaman’s Wind Shear, rogue’s Kick and mages Counterspell. It may be a bit overkill, but they can all interrupt you when casting Revive Pet after your pet has died. Since you doesn’t have much to monitor, this won’t be an effort to track.
6.3 Power Auras
I am using Power Auras to track Flintlocke’s Woodchucker and also when Mend Pet is active on my pet. This is a great way to visualise what’s happening while still focusing on the fight.
6.4 Cooldown Count
Used in order to see remaining time more easily.
6.5 DuelCountdown
Small extension which gives an cooldown on duels just as in arenas. Since level 1 twinking is much about dueling, this is a really good addon in order to not miss the start of a duel.
7. Tips
Since you are very limited in attacks at level 1, it is important to use every technique and mechanic out there in order to perform better. In this section I have collected some of the techniques I uses.
7.1 Play Style
I tend to play a very defensive play style. This is due to I know how weak a level 1 could be against level 15-20’s and these fights is often about running away from danger. This is possible since the pet will deal a lot of damage (about 25% of total damage when dealing damage). However, I try to hit as much as possible with auto attack and Arcane Shot in order to get Flintlocke’s Woodchucker to proc. As soon as it procs I goes offensive in order to deal as much damage as possible.
7.2 Health regeneration
One of the most efficient (and free) ways of getting health during a fight is to leave combat as a level 1 twink. As soon as you leave combat at this low level your health will regenerate to full health in just a few seconds. To leave combat, during a fight, use my Leave Combat macro posted above.
Be careful to use this trick while fighting PvE since leaving combat for too long can reset the mob you’re fighting.
Remember that you opponent also will regenerate health when you’re out of combat so as soon as your health is full start to attack again. While your opponent in general are much higher level, the regeneration won’t be as high as yours.
I am trying to have a order in how I get my health back up. I looks like:
1. Healing Potion
2. Gift of the Naruu (Draenei Racial) / Neck / Trinkets etc.
3. Bandage
4. Out of combat health regeneration
2. Gift of the Naruu (Draenei Racial) / Neck / Trinkets etc.
3. Bandage
4. Out of combat health regeneration
Healing potion has a cooldown of 1 minute, but you can’t use it again if you haven’t left combat. Therefor leaving combat could be useful in longer fights in order to be able to use a healing potion again.
7.3 Pet Control
At level 1 hunters can’t control their pet. But there are some tricks to master. Your pet will attack everything that attacks you and the target you attack. Therefor it’s important to get a fast shot at your enemy to get your pet there as soon as possible in a fight.
Even if you can’t control your pet, my Leave Combat macro will also work on your pet. If you use it, your pet will also leave it’s target and run back to you. As soon as you start to attack again your pet will do so as well.
7.4 Mend Pet
Mend pet will heal your pet for 25% during a 10 second span. It’s important to always have Mend Pet active since it doesn’t cost Focus to cast. I’ve set up my addons to easily monitor Mend Pet and always have it active during a fight.
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