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  1. Inkobah


    What is this? I don't even... -Ink
  2. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    You've missed my point (though it can be easy bc I'm posting @ 3 different locations about this topic): the point has always been about ethics. Dealing with the exploiters always had to do with ethics. I've yet to jump on other ethics issues because I haven't seen them in action like I have...
  3. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    They're not 85 twinks yet. :) But in seriousness, you're right about the gear discrepancy but I'm pointing at a deeper issue than gear. Even if gear was completely even a premade (or group) of skilled players could still do what the exploiters have done. I'm arguing that the real issue is...
  4. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    I'm going to be up front and honest: you're wrong. To claim that I'm on a witch hunt against people who don't impact me is not even close to being accurate. Why? As a twink and an advocate for twinking I am painted by the same brush as these people who very clearly want to ruin the gaming...
  5. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    Do they have to cheat to get there? -Ink
  6. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    We care because the issue is about people elevating themselves to a higher pedestal than others and by proxy ruining the game experience for other people. You can avoid these people by doing what you suggested but that is not an adequate solution to the problem. The problem will still exist...
  7. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    Upset? Nah. Dislike cheaters and those who ruin anything for others? Yes. Exactly. If they afk out they can't ruin the BG. -Ink
  8. Inkobah

    It would appear the bg "exploit" has been patched.

    It depends on how you define active. If active is cheating, farming, and ruining game experience then yes this change is counter-productive. If active is playing competitive games with others on the same playing field and not ruining anyone else's game experience then no this change is...
  9. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    Time to pop speed pots like crazy to keep 10 farmers from getting the flag. -Ink
  10. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    Are you saying you got banned or are you saying that you are terrified of logging in to find that you got banned? -Ink
  11. Inkobah

    The "Exploit" has been fixed.

    Glad it's fixed but there will still be problems. I have a thread related to the exploit over on the WoW forums and posted there why there's still a problem: These 10s Need to Be Banned! - Forums - World of Warcraft -Ink
  12. Inkobah

    Best US lvl 10 Twink Server?

    As far as I know you won't get queues except during scheduled times or if you use the exploit (which a lot of the Medivh twinks seem to be doing). But yes, Medivh seems to have the largest population of 10s. -Ink
  13. Inkobah

    Cedar Point Appreciation Thread

    Haven't been there since high school but back then it was the best place. I hear they've gotten a lot of great coasters since then. I'd love to go there again but it's super far from where I live now. -Ink
  14. Inkobah

    Where Stands in the Virtual Universe

    Don't forget that under Daman's reign also had the highest traffic in the history of TI. The current traffic numbers only go back to when the site was switched back to vBulletin and not the past vBulletin or Vision Boards. Don't believe me check the archives. It did decline towards the end of...
  15. Inkobah

    [10] Beats on Fouteens (A) recruiting.

    I have. If you follow the link trail you'll see that I did petition Blizzard and asked why it hasn't been fixed after over a year of having this issue reported to them. But you're wrong to say that we shouldn't point fingers at those that are using this exploit to grief. Right now I know...
  16. Inkobah

    [10] Beats on Fouteens (A) recruiting.

    Healstrong, why are you letting your players continue to utilize the exploit to grief other players? You're a respectable guy around here...I'm shocked by your guildies' lack of respect for others and the game. Any help on your end would be appreciated man. For reference: These 10s Need to Be...
  17. Inkobah


    I don't doubt you put a lot of work into being the best 20 you can and you should take pride in that. At the same time, you can't be upset that people don't give hunters respect because they are extremely easy, overpowered, and they are everywhere as a result. For example, about 2 months ago...
  18. Inkobah

    price check Mindthrust Bracers!!!!

    10k gold is where I'd try to sell them. GLWS. -Ink
  19. Inkobah

    Where Stands in the Virtual Universe

    You have a big crush on, don't you? Seems like every chance you get you mention it. I can't say I'm upset though. But the moral of the story is that even though TI is such a big deal to all of us it's pretty small in the big scope of things. -Ink
  20. Inkobah

    Hello :D

    What Slydur is saying is that Mocha is a very helpful person around these parts...wish I could say the same about most of the others on these forums from lvl 19s. Welcome to twinking and to TI! Shoot me a PM if you ever need anything. -Ink