
I am back. That is all. Please suppress your anger. I do not wish to fight today.
I remember that avatar.
well well well
you playing 19s again or just 70s and 24s?
welcome back drayner!! how've things been? what twink bracket you playing?
I played 24s for a good week before it got boring again. Mostly 70s since I leveled Daphane out. I leveled a Holy Pally from 10-19 in XP ON Battlegrounds for a story on Twinking.net recently and played 2 games of 19 XP OFF in the process.

As far as what I plan to play moving forward... I am not sure. I really don't like lock anymore. It's not as bad as I thought after my Beta testing, but I am not keen on playing lock as destro or Demo. If I wanted a mage, I'd roll a mage. I am waiting for the dust to settle to decide what bracket to play. I will say that I have leveled a Holy Pally, Priest, and Warrior through XP ON battlegrounds to get a feel for what other classes are like though.

Welcome back, what brought you back here?
Social Groups.
WB old schooler who likes to play incognito!!

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