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  1. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    Ouch if this is true I will uninstall unfortunately :/
  2. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    Download took about an hour, level 1 eth bard! Pretty sick customization on the facial features
  3. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    Y'all should check this out, this is real diversity!! Class - Rift Wiki
  4. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    Do they actually use spells that involve music?
  5. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    I think you effectively made yourself look like you don't know what we are referring to when we say skill cap. You contradicted yourself hard a few times up top, and throughout the rest for that matter. When referring to skill cap we are not talking about how difficult it is to be successful...
  6. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    I'm really gonna have to at least try this game. I'm so psyched about bard... Haha
  7. RIFT as an alternative for F2P

    No fuckin way you can be a bard?? I have wanted to play a bard in MMOs like all my life... I have to play
  8. F2P. Server = Guild?? No?? Thoughts?

    Orrr we could use the channel change to get rid of the people we don't like... Think about it we could just join a channel and not tell the people we don't like, then nobody would bother us!
  9. Highest skillcap on classes @ F2P

    I'm with Cotus on the Last Word thing. Paladins can do a ton of healing on the move, this makes that healing even more effective I also believe fury wars should be higher up. Maybe just NE or BE or Tauren, but those racials take the spec further, as well as PH being so useful for peeling...
  10. Warlock Tank

    holy cow good luck getting all those BoEs but yeah if you could pull that off, the lock probably wouldnt get gibbed. Only problem with a lock FC is their lack of mobility imo. edit: go dwarf for resil trinket and stoneform
  11. Gonna put together some clips for a f2p video, let me know if you want your clip in:)

    Re: Gonna put together some clips for a f2p video, let me know if you want your clip Hey Medan put some of Bone and I vs you and aty! good times.. The beginning of f2p for real!
  12. F2P. Server = Guild?? No?? Thoughts?

    Yeah title says it basically, it seems like this is what servers are turning into for f2ps, I'm kinda interested in what you guys have to say about it? Idk I was kinda bored and this has been going through my mind for a bit haha
  13. I have answered the question

    This isnt related to anyone's 24 premades specifically... But I am a very competitive person, and I dont like losing at all, It's not a part of my mentality, I dont do things half ass! So yeah, I find myself getting pretty heated in low level bgs due to the fact that it is simply imbalanced...
  14. Need Macro Help PLEASE!!! Goldendays??

    If one toon is closer than all the others he will be targeted first. Make sure they have all takin spirit rez which puts them at the exact same spot
  15. Dear AP Alliance premade,

    Unless there are players like me and you on it Insects!! Haha ;)
  16. Dear AP Alliance premade,

    Right, and people who play on AP don't play as much hunter/paladin as the rest of the bracket which is what I'm saying haha :) Anyways. Real talk the bgs in this bracket a painful haha
  17. Dear AP Alliance premade,

    The thing is though you premade with players on AP that generally don't play hunters. But in the entire f2p bracket, AP probably makes up some 1% of the population. If not less. So your experiences are probably a little biased whether you meant them to be or not.
  18. Dear AP Alliance premade,

    My goodness Rhae, I was going to say the exact same thing... Haha
  19. Shield for enhancement shaman

    What earl said, you probably won't kill mos overgeared backpedalling hunters either, just find some LoS and wait for some help haha... Using one vs a rogue opener is pretty interesting though!
  20. All-Star Roster for AP Horde / MG Alliance / Others

    I would take 2 arcane mages against an alliance team, for whoever said they aren't any good