Dear AP Alliance premade,


I don't appreciate you guys face melting me and my substandard team in Warsong Gulch while I'm tryin to save up for Staff of Jordan. My feelings are kind of hurt but it's ok, just next time stand still for me so I can spam arcane blast and polymorph, kthxbai.

Concerned Wizardly Citizen of the Horde
Dont worry get a premade on your side and face roll them.
You could try opening a ticket about being disconnected, I got 200 free honor for doing that. That's like 1-2 less wins!
Dont worry get a premade on your side and face roll them.
Horde rolls a rainbow array of classes,
Alliance is pretty much a black and white collage of hunters and paladins, with some grey area here and there.
Not much of a chance, I've did about ten BGs this CTA, nine of which were 5+ premades, and we lost all but one, and in that one we had two 24s, an HPally and Prot warrior, so we got carried.
All the rest of the matches were riddled with Hunters
Horde rolls a rainbow array of classes,
Alliance is pretty much a black and white collage of hunters and paladins, with some grey area here and there.
Not much of a chance, I've did about ten BGs this CTA, nine of which were 5+ premades, and we lost all but one, and in that one we had two 24s, an HPally and Prot warrior, so we got carried.
All the rest of the matches were riddled with Hunters

Bad luck then. I was in a whole slew of AP premades yesterday and I don't remember losing more than 1.

Bad luck.
Horde rolls a rainbow array of classes,
Alliance is pretty much a black and white collage of hunters and paladins, with some grey area here and there.
Not much of a chance, I've did about ten BGs this CTA, nine of which were 5+ premades, and we lost all but one, and in that one we had two 24s, an HPally and Prot warrior, so we got carried.
All the rest of the matches were riddled with Hunters
Avoid generalizations, they make you look like a child.

Anyone who has played both sides and has been willing to see the truth knows that both sides have a ton of hunters. Hunters and paladins are everywhere, horde and alliance both play them and don't try to tell me otherwise. Whenever I play alliance everyone in chat is saying "horde has way more hunters", guess what horde is saying "ally is all paladins and hunters". Hmm...
Avoid generalizations, they make you look like a child.

Anyone who has played both sides and has been willing to see the truth knows that both sides have a ton of hunters. Hunters and paladins are everywhere, horde and alliance both play them and don't try to tell me otherwise. Whenever I play alliance everyone in chat is saying "horde has way more hunters", guess what horde is saying "ally is all paladins and hunters". Hmm...

My goodness Rhae, I was going to say the exact same thing... Haha
Anyone who has played both sides and has been willing to see the truth knows that both sides have a ton of hunters.
I play both sides, I started on Alliance side, and standing in Goldshire I see a lot of hunters with a few other classes speckled here and there, but then maybe I only hit Goldshire during the hunter peaks, and getting honor on my Warlock and Paladin has been effortless because of all the hunter carries I get into.

and I might be missing all the hunter stuffed Horde randoms, because I honestly have only been in one horde random with more then five hunters, and it was a deliberate hunter premade.

But I'm also not saying that sarcastically, RNG has been weird to me lately, so I could just be missing all the Horde hunters.

Got Old Crafty on my second cast in Orgrimmar, my first and second springstrider on my 50-60th egg, my LFH on my 54th cast on my first tournament, and I just got done getting "Sundays Finest" on my druid and it took 723 eggs (Not counting eggs containing items) to get it. ~.~
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Horde rolls a rainbow array of classes,
Alliance is pretty much a black and white collage of hunters and paladins, with some grey area here and there.
Not much of a chance, I've did about ten BGs this CTA, nine of which were 5+ premades, and we lost all but one, and in that one we had two 24s, an HPally and Prot warrior, so we got carried.
All the rest of the matches were riddled with Hunters
heh, dunno. Groups I played with today, ended up coming to a total of 16-0. We actually won so much I got bored and logged off :cool:
The thing is though you premade with players on AP that generally don't play hunters. But in the entire f2p bracket, AP probably makes up some 1% of the population. If not less. So your experiences are probably a little biased whether you meant them to be or not.
I suppose a little maybe, but I don't have a set group of people I premade with either, I just premade with whoever gets in the group with me, which typical aren't hunters. >.<
Ideally premades are best but my mage is on a different server - the server I wanna play on when I eventually get around to buying the full game. It's ok though, I'm almost to the 3500 honor points required anyways, I made this post as a compliment really. The efficiency in which the AP alliance premade smashed us was amazing, and they were crazy good at protecting their healers and whatnot. I dunno, I was impressed but also frustrated because less honor for me. XD
Ideally premades are best but my mage is on a different server - the server I wanna play on when I eventually get around to buying the full game. It's ok though, I'm almost to the 3500 honor points required anyways, I made this post as a compliment really. The efficiency in which the AP alliance premade smashed us was amazing, and they were crazy good at protecting their healers and whatnot. I dunno, I was impressed but also frustrated because less honor for me. XD

Efficient.. that's pretty unusual for an alliance team :p
heh, dunno. Groups I played with today, ended up coming to a total of 16-0. We actually won so much I got bored and logged off :cool:

I played like mad this CTA, i got like ~30 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss yesterday.
I NEVER had more then 2 hunters in 10 man premade, or 1 in 5 man premade.

But yea, AP community makes a small amount of all F2P chars so its just matter of luck who are you gonna be grouped with.
I played like mad this CTA, i got like ~30 wins, 1 draw and 1 loss yesterday.
I NEVER had more then 2 hunters in 10 man premade, or 1 in 5 man premade.

But yea, AP community makes a small amount of all F2P chars so its just matter of luck who are you gonna be grouped with.

Similar experience, Mórgana awesome! :D
Even PUGs were great for me.
And one loss was actually pretty awesome, a PUG with a Spirestone premade. We were totally owned by Düke # 1. <3

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