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  1. Snowjobs

    Good games, good times and good showing in TS

    The more I think about it the less I like having the spriest on my team . Should the healers be intelegent they can just cleanse the spriest a dots and keep themselves on dr for fear and negate the demo pretty well on the other hand to do that they would be loosing a bit on healing output from...
  2. Snowjobs

    Good games, good times and good showing in TS

    I have no idea why but I feal like boomy has been way under represented. I think I may play boomy tonight and see for myself how it works . Keep in mind though only 2 mele and to take a enh I would have to give up warrior or rogue . Tough decision
  3. Snowjobs

    Good games, good times and good showing in TS

    Before dicking around with demo lock last week my ideal Comp was this rdruid fc rshaman disc mw ----frontline---- Arms balance bm hunter (water strider) Combat -----back line---- aflic -shadow fury for rogue peals shadow priest high rot with high burst and medium healer cc Main in...
  4. Snowjobs

    Good games, good times and good showing in TS

    The demo lock uses bg targets as any good lock should and can therefore see trinket cd's . He leaps into heals and instantly starts casting fear on a healer with trinket and has his sucubuss start casting seduce on another neither will go off if the heals don't trinket but will if they do ...
  5. Snowjobs

    Unearthed Bands of the Bear

    For a dps prot they are more than likely bis . Prot is also very fun IMO as you are always getting procs that you need to react to and it's the only tank spec class that does take more damage than a normal dps :)
  6. Snowjobs

    Good games, good times and good showing in TS

    Oh stop ur going to make me blush ☺️
  7. Snowjobs

    A tale of two builds, advice / critiques wanted!

    Run a set with higher haste and Stam when in mid . Then when your mounting over to the efc with zerker swap to a max int set with vers enchants and non crit poop on him for aroun 4.2k
  8. Snowjobs

    A tale of two builds, advice / critiques wanted!

    for me to give you a what is better / bis i would need the ss's to be from bgs with scaled stats :O
  9. Snowjobs

    Good games, good times and good showing in TS

    had fun playing demo lock :)
  10. Snowjobs

    Protection Warriors/Pallies; Best Sword & board combinations?

    Kaartish's Sword - Item - World of Warcraft is a fun one . parry gives more revenge's and revenge is a large chunk of your damage if you want utility go with dazzling longsword for te proc Battered Viking Shield - Item - World of Warcraft or Commander's Crest - Item - World of Warcraft...
  11. Snowjobs

    interest in a 2v2 f2p tourney in near future

    Bop @ lankypuss Double rogue dream ???
  12. Snowjobs

    Math Breakdown: Rogue Weapons

    bis is sf+ screw driver. easy substitution V loom 2.8 sword + wsg dagger
  13. Snowjobs

    POLL: Who is the best 39 player?

    no hulk hogan reference so OP was not bis.
  14. Snowjobs

    Shaman glyphs (so many choices)

    well the first game i entered it auto assigned me as resto because i forgot to deselect it. I hadn't even set up anything yet for that spec yet so i played a game with only healing surge keybound. ( that sucked) . I did notice though that the glyph of ghostly speed did work in bgs (for about 6...
  15. Snowjobs

    Shaman glyphs (so many choices)

    sold on lakestrider but im still not 100% on major glyph -10 sec on ts seems huge to me. I guess I'll have to experiment some
  16. Snowjobs

    Shaman glyphs (so many choices)

    opinion on best glyph for a ele shaman focusing on utility and key burst opportunities ? I'll probably sit back next to the healers and ts mele of into roots, defensivly shear, purge, heal a little , lava burst some, ground some other spells, chain lightning a little to get some charges...
  17. Snowjobs

    Beautifully Summarized Explanation of Poor Quality

    opinion on best glyph for a ele shaman focusing on utility and key burst opportunities ? I'll probably sit back next to the healers and ts mele of into roots defensivly shear, purge, heal a little , lava burst some, ground some other spells, chain lightning a little to get some charges. My...
  18. Snowjobs

    Beautifully Summarized Explanation of Poor Quality

    but if I sheep then I can't go pew pew pyro.......... :(........ (I'm a terrible mage and i'm sorry ) probably will be playing ele shaman from Saturday on though so you wont have to worry about me sucking on mage. too much more.
  19. Snowjobs

    how are ele shams

    while their lava burst is weaker they can still burst for more than a rshaman with fulmination being a 400% sp nuke . outside of that resto may do more lava burst damage but I wouldn't rule out ele entirely as they do more standard dps because of no cd on chain lightning and the .5sec + 70% lb...