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  1. godroad

    The final end to 80 PvP?

    Anyone got any more info on exactly what is going to happen in 5.3? Does the lvl 80 pvp gear lose resilience? And why would this be the end of 80 pvp? If lvl 80s don't get the base 65 resil then it will be exactly as it is right now (assuming we will retain the resil on gear) That being said...
  2. godroad

    Fury test time, new Arch 1h x2. Arms

    Sick :D keep us updated!
  3. godroad

    5.2 BGs! Balanced or Ruined?

    Xipe u got oneshot with 93% resi? :s how the fuck? xD I loved pvping on my 80 resil stacked warr and part of the experience was dueling lvl 80-89 in durotar. Now it's either level to 84 to enjoy battlegrounds or stay 80 and enjoy duels... U guys think these changes are permanent? Are you...
  4. godroad

    Fury test time, new Arch 1h x2. Arms

    Tell us how it goes. If this change goes through and stays that way i may be leveling my warr to 85.
  5. godroad

    Goin' on break - No time to panic but time to wait and see what happens next.

    Aight. I too shall wait with Monochrome. In the end i guess the worst that will happen is we have to level to 84 to be top again. As will 85s have to level to 89... no resilience, no options, just max level now. Oh and you cant enjoy arenas if you wanna enjoy bgs. We will survive but meh...
  6. godroad

    5.2 BGs! Balanced or Ruined?

    So Xipe what are you saying? 80-84 leveling bgs are fine? Yeah but we're talking about xp-locked bgs arent we? what about those? My 80 warr resilience plumets which was my only counter versus geared 84s. Now they can still lolonehit me and i die even faster. YOur point?
  7. godroad

    Level 80 409's nerfed in 5.2?

    Yeah, I wasn't clear on that. I wanted to say they will still have more raw stats coz they have access to more 400ilvl gear. Their base stats will idd be the same as those of lvl 80.
  8. godroad

    Level 80 409's nerfed in 5.2?

    I think they will still be hard to kill, only your base stats change, you will still have a lot less base stats than the 84s because of their gear. But here's hoping we have a good chance versus them ;>
  9. godroad

    85 Retribution Paladin Gear?

    yeah, I took time off from my pala until 5.2 hits so i can maybe finally get cataclysmic gear... As for fishing i haven't started yet... Wish i could just pay a guild to boost me but no guilds are interested :/
  10. godroad

    where did buy cata set gear..?

    I dunno about warriors m8, they're considered one of the worst classes to twink at 85...
  11. godroad

    80-84, Druid Questions

    It's a lot of fun aye ;D I am currently working on a hunter, just to see if i can get 100% crit... I wonder if that would possibly rival mage/lock dps... a guy can dream.
  12. godroad

    80-84, Druid Questions

    Sure Monochrome @ Mazrigos - Community - World of Warcraft got 65k hp, 80% resil with flask, a 90 lock with full epic gear tested Chaos bolt on me, it was critting for around 15k if i remember correctly so no, I don't get 1shot by 84s. In bgs i do quite well but getting top dmg is hard as I'm...
  13. godroad

    80-84, Druid Questions

    You have two choices, go for full pve gear including the caster 400+ ilvl stuff and be a glass cannon or go for a mix of 400gear and pvp gear which i think is the main advantage of a lvl 80. I have an 80 warr and i can get 80% resilience dmg reduction (combined with resil flask) and I have yet...
  14. godroad

    Calculating resil dmg reduction %

    I'll give it a try when i find an extra pair of Bjam's Door-breakers :D could make for some fun burst
  15. godroad


    Looking at their armour is hardly an indicator of whether or not they're viable in 85 bgs... Definitely very few of them about.
  16. godroad

    Calculating resil dmg reduction %

    Now I get Splosion's bafflement rofl xD Can't believe i counted the 40% base resil into the rating omg... dumb mistake. Ty all for the helpful posts! Aylax yeah it's definitely worth trying ;D Do you know if the buff from Windsong stays on if I switch weapons?? would be cool to go into the fight...
  17. godroad

    Calculating resil dmg reduction %

    thanks Hapsen :D but for which lvl is this equation? 80 or 85? at 80 1k resil grants me 68% dmg reduction :s do I just put 28% instead of the 20% in the equation? Edit: waaait so resil is linear? I think i always forgot about the static 40% >.<! so by this calculation i would get 87.3%...
  18. godroad

    Calculating resil dmg reduction %

    How do you calculate the amount of dmg reduction from resilience for 80 and 85? thanks!
  19. godroad

    85 BiS (PVP)

    Gear Guide: Twinking with Pandaria Gear - Wowhead News
  20. godroad

    85 Retribution Paladin Gear?

    Heya guys ;D the Sun Lute appeared on Mazrigos-EU for the second time in 1 month. Just won the auction for 70k, can't believe no one was interested especially since i had to let it go last time for 466k.... The dude that won the first one kinda didn't want to talk to me after i mentioned how...