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  1. Achievment points wowhead

    Haha. It is indeed. I'm not bad. How about you? PM me perhaps? MSN is your friend (:
  2. Achievment points wowhead

    Nice. I was thinking in investing in a second account after Xmas to do this :)
  3. Kalu'ak Fishing Derby

    Keep us up to date with this! Penguin pet <3! Personally I hope it's tabards, pets & cool shit tbh.
  4. New titles!

    Yey! 5 titles on my mage. Maybe I should go for the final 6th title "of the Horde" on ~7k hks atm. Maybe not :P
  5. Ambassador Title!

    Thanks again people. I'm sorry Domhring, I noticed you were first in US, but I don't know US players as such, so only mentioned EU players :( Sorry :P
  6. Ambassador Title!

    Thanks everybody :)
  7. Ambassador Title!

    I finally got mine last night! Nøø Also like to say a big congratulations to Vanas & Raax on achieving Ambassador. Don't think anyone else has got it yet, but I maybe mistaken :) Vanas Rââx
  8. Blizzard, secret message. Alliance twinks?!

    LOL Jaxel you have nothing better to do ? :P
  9. lvl 10 of the Horde

    He's the only person to have obtained it. Iirc it was a bug, and was later fixed :) Still, best title at 19!
  10. faction change info - tips - XP gain

    I also had problems with it. So what? See me crying about it? No. If you DID ding, Blizzard would give you level 19 back, as it's THEIR mistake.
  11. faction change info - tips - XP gain

    How do I know? Because I have faction changed...
  12. faction change info - tips - XP gain

    Didn't for me. So....No idea -.-
  13. faction change info - tips - XP gain

    What the fuck you on? :S If your xp is disabled. It won't randomly enable it self when you faction change.
  14. Faction Change avaible in Europe

    Nice. I see your way ahead of me :( Oh well. I'll aim for #02 then ;)
  15. Kurenai exalted still possible?

    Yeah. It's possible.
  16. Just Think About This

    I started twinking after hitting 1800+ in season 2 & 3 as a feral druid, and frankly, find the arena system shit. New gear etc next season? How fucking ty. Gave up that ages ago. So I "started" twinking with the intention of very rarely upgrading my gear. And it went from there. So I...
  17. Ambassador Rantcasey

    Gratz man! Well deserved! This! Still waiting :( QQ
  18. Ambassador Title Update?

    Lucky US players. I want faction change in EU so I can complete it on my mage :P
  19. Mage Guide

    153sp would the be the SP cap. If you want fire, it's like, 165+ not sure on actual total. wtf? gc mages are srsly pwnage if you can play them well, least I pwn with mine.
  20. Twink Dictionary

    no offense, but if you didn't know them, your an idiot? :S