Ambassador Rantcasey

Woot! Just got my Ambassador title. It looks sexy, but thats about it lol. I will post a screen shot as soon as i figure out how =P.
what quests u have to do to get ambassador as alliance? (well where???) because i want it on my pala(29)
coming from someone who did a couple of months of grinding chens empty keg and almost got it that way, pay the 30$s its worth your sanity.
Gratz, did you happen to count, or have an estimate of farmed hours and number of quests done?
Noo said:
Gratz man! Well deserved!

This! Still waiting :( QQ

Wondering if the migration thing will get overrun lol. Wouldn't surprise me if the servers had a massive breakdown. How did the start go on US servers? Anyone?
I did mine the first day, which you would expect to be the worst. I had about a 14 hour wait, and a lot of that I slept through cause I did it late the night that it became available. So all in all it was not that bad. One thing worth mentining, which was discussed in a different thread is that it does not show your FC as pending like it does for realm or acct transfers. If you look at the pending transfers page it will say your payment has not been processed yet and gives you an option to cancel, so it made me think something was wrong with the transaction. But I called up blizzard and they said that was normal and before I knew it my FC was done. Anyway hope that is helpful to you for when it becomes available.
Murk said:
Gratz, did you happen to count, or have an estimate of farmed hours and number of quests done?

Sorry I know I just double posted :p My experience getting this title will be different from most people but I think I can give you some idea. I had done all of the quests on horde side that gave rep for those factions and most that had not. around 430 total. I had also done all of the lunar festival quests to honor your elders. If I remember correctly each one gave you 75 rep to all factions. I also ground out a lot of chens empty keg, so if you are not doing that (which I would not recommend) then you will have to make up for both the lunar festival and the chens.

I got mine at around 130 or 150 quests complete on the ally side. There are over 500 on ally so I would assume that you should plan to do all of the quests on the horde side, and i know that you can hit exalted with 2 of the factions depending on your home faction, and revered with the others, just from ally alone. So you will probably hit exalted with all of them well before finishing up the 500+ quests on the ally side.

Maybe someone can give you a better idea if they had done it without doing lunar festival quests and chens empty keg. Hope that was helpful though.
domhring said:
Sorry I know I just double posted :p My experience getting this title will be different from most people but I think I can give you some idea. I had done all of the quests on horde side that gave rep for those factions and most that had not. around 430 total. I had also done all of the lunar festival quests to honor your elders. If I remember correctly each one gave you 75 rep to all factions. I also ground out a lot of chens empty keg, so if you are not doing that (which I would not recommend) then you will have to make up for both the lunar festival and the chens.

I got mine at around 130 or 150 quests complete on the ally side. There are over 500 on ally so I would assume that you should plan to do all of the quests on the horde side, and i know that you can hit exalted with 2 of the factions depending on your home faction, and revered with the others, just from ally alone. So you will probably hit exalted with all of them well before finishing up the 500+ quests on the ally side.

Maybe someone can give you a better idea if they had done it without doing lunar festival quests and chens empty keg. Hope that was helpful though.

does that mean the achievement 1k quests complete is possible to achieve?
builtokill said:
does that mean the achievement 1k quests complete is possible to achieve?

No, as all quests completed achievements are removed i believe, at least thats the way i read the blue posts. Its done to stop people getting loremaster/seeker titles so easily i could only assume, although titles would still stay if you had already achieved them.

So the way i see it 1000 quests is not possible by faction changing.
The quest achievements are not removed, it just resets your quest achievement tracker to 0 again. Or you will only track the quests that both factions can get, like ratchet quests. So in other words I achieved 250 quests achievement with my home faction, but because horde doesn't have 500 total quests, when I faction changed, my tracker reset in my achievements interface. I can't remember exactly how many I was showing, but I think it was under 50. So I can still get the 500 quests achievement, because ally side has over 500 total, but i need to do all of the ally quests to get it. In other words the two don't add together. Which kinda bummed me out. Hope that helps.
Thanks for the info Domh! I just found quest number 444th that I haven't done on Vanas last night. Are you aware of how long it takes before you can change back to horde again btw?
I believe that it is 60 days, so yeah..... that sux

I should be about another 50 or so. seems much slower once you get there than it does in theory lol.

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