Search results

  1. Alternative Hunter Gear-Sets?

    No, they need a nerf. But many people enjoy mixing up gear for fun.
  2. Alternative Hunter Gear-Sets?

    Haste set wouldn't really do much as the haste doesn't stack that well.
  3. tence 19 hpally video

    Nice video, was enjoyable.
  4. LvL 10 rogue help

    Gloves: Ceremonial Leather Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft +15 agil Boots: Silver Embossed Boots - Item - World of Warcraft +7 agil for dodge or minor speed Legs: Embossed Leather Pants - Item - World of Warcraft Neck: Voice Amplification Modulator - Item - World of Warcraft only neck that...
  5. Your New Admin -- Eliot

    Gratz Eliot on promotion !
  6. mounts and pets and achievements

    Account wide achievements kill a certain part of WoW but also might not be all bad :/
  7. Prot Paladin vs Prot Warrior

    i like warriors but its hard to say :/ if you do go warrior make it goblin first so you can get the goblin blue quest gloves.
  8. dodge

    For dodge use +12 dodge cloak +5 dodge bracers +15 agil gloves and both weps chest +4 stats boots +7 agility Use all heirloom gear Edit: for max dodge also be night elf
  9. Mounts Galore... and other minor changes

    The pak yak doesn't look very cool, I'd rather buy another tundra mammoth on an alt =/ the crane might be pretty cool. Thanks for the info ;)
  10. Making Transmog sets!

    Great looks :) i like the purple mage the most atm ;) are there any purple cloth pants for transmog?
  11. Need Info

    ah :/ thanks for info tho :)
  12. Need Info

    Do you have any clue how? I can't figure it out when i log into bnet, theres no change name option =\
  13. Need Info

    I asked Nakedplumber about this but I would like to see if anyone else can give different info or has had different experiences. If I were to buy characters from someone else is there a way to put them on my 'main' account? Like change name of your bnet account? This probably isn't the right...
  14. BOA legs

    But the rings will be great for lvl10s
  15. 20 shadow power to gloves

    ^ it will say for example like 149 SP (169 shadow)
  16. Balthasaur 19 Warrior Final(?) PvP Video

    Great movie, can't wait to see resto vids. Keep up the good work.
  17. Whats the highest hp you have stacked?

    I haven't ever stacked hp, but I remember seeing a vid on youtube of a druid at beginning of WotLK with heirlooms, shoulder ( +30 stamina +15 res ) enchant i believe and the +55 stam +12 agility leg armor, fully buffed and in bear at slightly over 7k hp. not sure if the vid is still up on...
  18. Hello! New twink in trouble.

    ^ and the stat benefits at lvl10 are far more superior than that at level 14. The only class that is actually worth possibly getting 14 in is priest. As a level 10 rogue the almost 70% crit ( no +7 agility on boots) and using the BoA gun (+1crit) helps so much compared to the crit of a lvl 14...
  19. Hello! New twink in trouble.

    Pretty good start if you want to fully twink i'd recommend these items: Slayer's Band - Item - World of Warcraft BiS Dread Pirate Ring - Item - World of Warcraft BiS or The 1 Ring - Item - World of Warcraft Voice Amplification Modulator - Item - World of Warcraft Best Neck Battleworn Thrash...