Search results

  1. Are 19 enhancement shammies even playable?

    y dont u noobs just heal
  2. Resilence

    dory still putting people in thier place i c.
  3. Alliance holy Paladin

  4. Sidni the Bloodthirsty!!!

    why would someone smile when they lose losings not good O.o P.S Gj sid
  5. new horde guilds?

    you guys' double warrior tactic rapes pugs :X
  6. People Don't Appreciate Help.

    Why do you attention whore so hard -.- people would like you if you didnt act like a faggot sometimes 242
  7. 80 vs 19s raid BTB/PuG

    nice sig bro PS cloud what song is that?
  8. Random idea (hitlist game?)

    Primo's first lets go boys
  9. Do you like my computer

    how are you gonna use lag as your excuse for being outclicked with a good computer?
  10. 19s: Make a F2P 20 for Arenas

    he's p2p O.o
  11. Trilium back to Alliance

    rise of the alliance has been happening, we've been getting raped premade or not because all the good players went alliance to beat WT for e-peen stats
  12. Dazzlerazzle #1

    can i be number one something?
  13. How to Improve my Priest Play

    you mean that you can do insane healing and burst harder than most classes? sign me up for priest
  14. fishin hat

    tried about 7 times before i gave the hell up
  15. Forest Buckler vs. Arctic Buckler

    you're just haterade because you cant transmigglefy your combat wombat hat into green tinted goggles dont lie to me
  16. It's been awhile, guys.

    if you're going horde, goblin jump is pretty sweet for ToT
  17. Druids will get blink for next xpac?

    why dont youjust face where you want to go and go?