Chops Mar 1, 2021 TF hosted an in-house 2s tourney this weekend. Watch some cool match ups and laugh at my terrible camera work
TF hosted an in-house 2s tourney this weekend. Watch some cool match ups and laugh at my terrible camera work
Progamerr Feb 27, 2021 yo chops question, where do you farm on your f2p 28s bfa boes? i cant find any good farm in my 20 tiwnk in drustvar
yo chops question, where do you farm on your f2p 28s bfa boes? i cant find any good farm in my 20 tiwnk in drustvar
Chops Feb 24, 2021 If you ever wondered "does Chops have brain dmg" youll be excited to see my brain glitch out in real time
If you ever wondered "does Chops have brain dmg" youll be excited to see my brain glitch out in real time
Chops Feb 21, 2021 I just saw you getting aggro in the chat box and thought id try to lighten the mood. Seems like a mistake
I just saw you getting aggro in the chat box and thought id try to lighten the mood. Seems like a mistake
Chops Feb 21, 2021 Im starting to think the person you think I am is not me. And that hurts my feefees
Chops Feb 17, 2021 the bracket doesnt need more hunters, it needs people playing more classes than can counter them. DKs and rogues come to mind...
the bracket doesnt need more hunters, it needs people playing more classes than can counter them. DKs and rogues come to mind...