WSG Flag Carrier using Globin Glider

Is it possible for a flag carrier to use globin glider in WSG? I saw someone doing this today. I suppose this was disabled. Did i misunderstand anything?
I think this is what he is trying to say.

1) Get too high ground (somewhere where you can jump off of)
2) use a slow fall potion
3) /cancelaura alliance(or)horde flag
4) /use goblin glider (jump at the same time)
5) /cancelaura goblin glider (repick flag)

Idk I never did weird shit like this
you spam

/use Goblin Glider Kit
/cancelaura Goblin Glider Kit

with a slow fall on to propel yourself forward, and with good timing pick the flag up before you’re too far already

you’ll want your interact with mouseover in keybinds bound to something spammable too so you can pick up flag, you’ll be moving fast
It's worth noting that you can use slow falls like flexweave underlay while holding the flag.

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