Neon Mar 14, 2020 My cat was falling off my lap and I swear to god he thought he was going to die, he was clawing my leg the fuck up.
My cat was falling off my lap and I swear to god he thought he was going to die, he was clawing my leg the fuck up.
Neon Mar 12, 2020 Btw if you quote me in the insignias thread I can't reply which I really don't care , just letting people know. Someone took permission away
Btw if you quote me in the insignias thread I can't reply which I really don't care , just letting people know. Someone took permission away
Neon Mar 12, 2020 I notice alot of 20s are toxic for no reason. If your going to be toxic atleast be an exceptional player.
I notice alot of 20s are toxic for no reason. If your going to be toxic atleast be an exceptional player.
Neon Mar 5, 2020 No one cares who is good or bad lol. Everyone in the community already know the best twink players.
Neon Mar 2, 2020 Talking classic wow 29 fury not retail we all know that is retarded but can be kited easily so who cares.
Talking classic wow 29 fury not retail we all know that is retarded but can be kited easily so who cares.