Tabernarius Aug 7, 2021 Hi? I'm not sure how to message you, but it said to contact you for an invite to the alliance guild on Kel'thuzad. My character name is Tabernarius
Hi? I'm not sure how to message you, but it said to contact you for an invite to the alliance guild on Kel'thuzad. My character name is Tabernarius
Chops Aug 5, 2021 i would assume they do something to the wrapping paper before they do something to the items themselves. just also very ban wary
i would assume they do something to the wrapping paper before they do something to the items themselves. just also very ban wary
Chops Aug 5, 2021 the greeks have been warning us about the consequences of hubris for 5000 years and some of you goobers are still logging in your 54s lol
the greeks have been warning us about the consequences of hubris for 5000 years and some of you goobers are still logging in your 54s lol
Chops Aug 3, 2021 CEOs arent game designers. Theyre just in charge of keeping profit flowing to share holders