Chops Jun 24, 2021 torn between "classic up through wrath makes sense" and "classic through BFA makes money"
Chops Jun 21, 2021 gonna dig out the old blue + gold warrior "mail" mog from back in the day for National F2P Day!
fungchewuchi May 31, 2021 >This ran its course a week ago. You should have let it die but i wanted more about the famed chops charge
>This ran its course a week ago. You should have let it die but i wanted more about the famed chops charge
Nkopala May 15, 2021 Yo Chops, I remember when you were a F2P legend, in MoP Why don't you revive the legend?
Yo Chops, I remember when you were a F2P legend, in MoP Why don't you revive the legend?
fungchewuchi May 7, 2021 hey quick locking threads before i get to post funny shitposting meme images