fungchewuchi May 31, 2021 >This ran its course a week ago. You should have let it die but i wanted more about the famed chops charge
>This ran its course a week ago. You should have let it die but i wanted more about the famed chops charge
Nkopala May 15, 2021 Yo Chops, I remember when you were a F2P legend, in MoP Why don't you revive the legend?
Yo Chops, I remember when you were a F2P legend, in MoP Why don't you revive the legend?
fungchewuchi May 7, 2021 hey quick locking threads before i get to post funny shitposting meme images
Chops Apr 29, 2021 If you just took the current game and labeled it "TBC Classic" half the player base would call it the best mmorpg ever
If you just took the current game and labeled it "TBC Classic" half the player base would call it the best mmorpg ever
Chops Apr 16, 2021 yea, its possible I just misunderstood what folks were trying to say and/or my understanding of it is outdated.
yea, its possible I just misunderstood what folks were trying to say and/or my understanding of it is outdated.