Account Update Requests

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@Shamatix @Myrm Could the old guide section database from TI get transfered to Xpoff? I would really appreciate it, I spent a lot of hours on some of my guides, as others did as well.

All the data including guides has actually been moved over but is hidden from most people as we want to choose which forums / threads we want shown. So it's all about time before moderators etc starts to make em viewable for you guys:) No worries^^
All the data including guides has actually been moved over but is hidden from most people as we want to choose which forums / threads we want shown. So it's all about time before moderators etc starts to make em viewable for you guys:) No worries^^

Sweet, thanks!
Where do I find my flag capping/flagger/stealthed shitters/dealing with WoW players guides
As mentioned earlier, right now all TI threads has been hidden away for most people as we would liek to sort which forum / threads we would like to show to keep away some of the more nasty threads
I just wanted to say that the people on the tech side of this site are awesome.
Where do I find my flag capping/flagger/stealthed shitters/dealing with WoW players guides

Over the coming weeks we will be moving guides and other quality content over from the archive to this website. It won't happen overnight, but it will happen.
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