Race change to dwarf and you will not need AGM![]()
Not quite sure where you get that I am talking purely about me. Unless you are just trying to start an arguement because that is what I think you are trying to do. Are you talking about rogues and AGMs? Or are just trying to derail this thread? Which is it?
Sure, AGM may be grandfathered as have many items. And many of those grandfathered items are inferior to gear that we have now. AGM has a 15 min CD. Which, unless you use it early on in a BG, you only get to use one time. Yes, one single time. Where as, BM trinket you can use as many times as 8-9 times. With only one less stamina plus it's buff can not be purged.
The new AGM adds versatility to that equation. That means more damage/healing out and less damage taken. And it also has a 2 minute cooldown. Let's compare...
An item that has one time use BG that can be purged with one extra stamina.
Or an item that you can use 8-9 times in a BG that has only one less stamina that does not add to your damage.
Or an item that you can use 8-9 times in a BG that has one less stamina and has a stat that can increase damage.
I wonder what rogues will choose?
Well, even if you were dwarf, AGM would be bis because it'd give you a 2nd cooldown to get a restealth despite having DoTs on
You only mentioned how YOU like to play in the post, and how you feel like it's useless to the classes YOU play. Hence it's really easy to figure that you were talking about YOUrself, as usual.
The fact that some grandfathered items are not BiS anymore has nothing to do with this issue. There are also items that were shit when available to anyone, but became really good after being gf'd.
Your argument about the 15min cd is stupid. One can switch the AGM to whatever trinket he chooses, at any time he is out of combat in a bg. What's better, using BM trinket 8-9 times or using AGM twice AND using bm trinket 8-9 times? You do the math.
Like said, no-one has reflexes quick enough to purge at the exact millisecond a rogue chooses to use his agm -> stealth macro. If you're not using AGM for this, then yeah BM is better.
Not sure why you are even taking the versa trinkets into equation when they are not even in the game yet. This discussion was about agm vs bm, nothing else.
Bottom line: agm is without a doubt best in slot for a rogue, anyone claiming something else is either clueless, stupid, or too lazy to get an AGM.
Why lay of MJ? Here you go, a colleague of mine wrote this up. It does not include the psychological effects. Although, I doubt you will read it.
Marijuana In The Body - A Fact Sheet On The Effects Of Marijuana | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS
If possible, you should try to obtain an AGM and Blackened Defias Boots (for the set's armor bonus). I've also noticed that most combat rogues tend to stack more haste (foreman's, boa legs) but that comes down to personal preference - not sure if you use this set in bgs or not, but I've found balanced sets to be far more effective in this patch than glass cannon ones. Once again, bis is all about personal preference - if this set maximizes your playing ability, then sure, you could say it's bis.
I would still highly recommend having a 2nd set for situations where agi stacking isn't effective. As for AGM, it honestly isn't a must-have item for combat rogues in pugs, but I would pick one up for if you ever respec or play premades/skirms - it's essential for subtlety and useful for both assassination and combat.
umm, I didn't think the armor bonus from 2 defias pieces worked on non tank specs? I know that it works on a resto druid, but will only apply in cat form or bear form.
Why lay of MJ? Here you go, a colleague of mine wrote this up. It does not include the psychological effects. Although, I doubt you will read it.
Marijuana In The Body - A Fact Sheet On The Effects Of Marijuana | Busted - America's War On Marijuana | FRONTLINE | PBS
Spoken like a true druggie.
Wrong concerning all cancer causing agent must be radioactive. I guess MJ is working it's magic. How many cancer causing agents would you like me to list?
More articles below. Although I feel I am wasting my time with an addict such as you.
MMS: Error
Altered brain tissue composition in heavy marijuana users
Adverse effects of cannabis
I can go on and on. There have been thousands upon thousands of studies done indicating adverse effects of habitual use.
Have a nice day!
I's important to note that you can be addicted to anything, chemical addiction is only one way addiction happens.
Also scouts blade is bis oh.
As long as you're aware screwdriver isn't bis.Yes addiction is possible with any substance maybe i should've been more clear it's not really a addiction which has a negative effect or withdrawl that's what I meant
Scout isn't BiS It's miniscule worse than goblin but it's really preference like anything
1+ agil on screw which i'm stacking
While Scout gives more stam and like .6 more dps or some.