BCEPQue 3.0 Twink Rating Addon (Release)


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Hello Twink Community, look for your mate for this new Twink Wod Saison! The official 1.XP Level Saison (Twink PVP Saison) begins today 6:00 PM (MEZ). At this time starts the saison and the download for BCEPQue 3.0 (Will be Here | Official BCEPQue Curse visit it 6:00 PM MEZ) is available! You can create your BCEP Account and add all your Twinks. How does it work?
1. Add your chars on BCEP Here (Atm. Only via Account/Ticket available)
2.Create your BCEP Account
3.Log in and add your Character via the search line
4.Wait for a Verified Status
5.Enjoy and update your Chars when you want.(Only Available on Sunday 08.02.2015 6:00 PM MEZ)
6.Look your char at the Ladder

Notice: BCEPQue Rated Mode is always turned off when you logout.If you want to play after rated arenas something like RND BGs or Wargames TURN OFF Rated Mode!

Here are again the Notes for BCEPQue 3.0:

[*]Share Function (New)
You can share your rating with stats over: BattleNet Broadcast/Guild/(Instance/Group)/Whisper

[*]Not Rated/Rated Mode (New)
Player can change their rating mode in Rated Mode (Earn rating/win/lose) and Not Rated(dont get any rating/win/lose). You cant change the rating mode at Que pop and during arena match.
Important: That is the only solution which player can abort the que . To switch in non rated mode and then leaving que!

[*]SN - ID (New)
The SN - ID is an identification number for each char and will be need it for the BCEP Ladder.

[*]3v3 (New)
We want to open a second available PvP-Bracket in Skirmish: 3v3. The stats and ratings will be splitted in 2v2/3v3 (Before: You are able to get in 2v2&3v3 , rating and stats for the 2v2 part )

[*]1.XP Saison (New)
We want to start the 1.XP Saison in which all players worldwide can add their Level (20/29/39/60/70/80/85/90) chars to the Ladder. Every Level Bracket will have their own ladder.
You will need a registered BCEP Account

Everyone who download BCEPQue Version 3 , will have all ratings&stats reset.
We have change the ratingsystem. (Before: people did get over 3k rating in 45-50 wins)
You can only get rating in Rated mode when you are queing in a group with 1 or 2 Players more [Like the real system] (Before: People could que solo and earn rating)



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Another bug When I play a game of 3s, it affects my 2s win/loss ratio?

Ye how i said in the notes
BCEPQue 3.0 is now available! Let the Battles begin! 1.XP-Level Saison starts right now! Read the Notes. Have fun guys and i hope for a nice saison!
If someone has download it between 6:00-6:03 PM you should download it again because curse has updated late
We working on a problem where Player cant add their char to BCEP (Only the oldest chars are on BCEP)
But Player their chars are already on BCEP havent this problem
Nevertheless everbody can play rated (20,29,60,70,80,85) and Update this later when our character add System is repaired. But now you can only add your character via Ticket in your BCEP Account and The Admins will add them manual. And congratulation to our First r1&r2 70s :) in BCEP
Report us via Twinkinfo or BCEP Support (BCEP ACCOUNT Requiered) Bugs like in The Beta BCEPQue 2.0 and feedbacks Are too cool. Tell us what for Features you want or what for an Addon :)
Players from ALL Realms are able to add their characters on BCEP!
You can add now your 20/29/60/70/80/85 Twink to BCEP and get ranked with our Ladders from all brackets :)!
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Will you ever add a feature to see the ladders in-game through the addon? That would be neat
Im actually 28 , does this matter ?

Yes it does , because we offer this only for 20,29 Level in this radius
No it Wont be a ladder Ingame because this is impossible . Reason: we Cant get Data from a server to The game.

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