Best of 24s in the United States

Why not try something like having players submit a screenshot of their time played on that character? If player x has 25 days played and only 2 days played at their current level, then there is a high chance that they got most of their kills at a different level, because getting flap captures will take a lot of time. If you think about it, you can only get a maximum of 3 captures per game and it won't happen too often where you are the one to get all 3 captures. You'll also have to account for queue times. A person with 25 days played and 24 days played at the current level, on the other hand, most likely got their flag captures at the level they are twinking at. I suppose the only flaw to this is with players who were either free to play or pay to play level 20s that moved up to level 24 twinks, but I'm sure that the active people in the bracket will be able to back the person up when they say this.

Hope this makes sense.
goodness i was bored out of my mind reading the f2p section but this is much more entertaining .

its weird the f2p section is like the discovery channel / spike / telemundo

where the 20-24 section is like E , BET , and OWN
Why are you pulling me out?

If your gonna talk about me, might as well talk about everyone else.

Give it up.

Give what up? I called you out for your poorly thought out list, and all you have managed to do is deflect culpability. You're still taking credit for getting caps in a bracket that you have barely played.
Give what up? The fact that you think your always right. I never said all my caps were as a 20, and I hardly play this bracket? I'v been in the game since the start. Like I said before the difference between real 19s and the f2p bracket is I could actually be stopped back then. I'm gonna get more caps bro, It can't be stopped.
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Still no defense of why it's okay to put someone in the list who has gotten basically no caps or returns in the 20-24 bracket, can't say I'm surprised. :rolleyes:

Taking the time to put together a picture in MS Paint doesn't change that.
I hate having to repeat myself;

I do believe I got all my caps in a bracket that:
did not get pops 24/7
did not get mounts
was not lolfaceroll3cap games
had plenty of better FC's then a druid

That's just to name a few things that made getting caps, from my perspective, harder.

Believe what you want. I'm pretty sure if I was quing 24/7 versus f2ps, I would have more caps then what I got!

The numbers speak for them self, one does not simple get over 2,000 flag captures, the only difference in the brackets I played in is now it's just a joke. Capping on alliance is like taking candy from a bby.PEACE
The numbers speak for themselves? I see 1500+ WSGs played, not counting any AFKs. Doing that many games as an FC will result in a lot of caps, I don't care what bracket it is. The thread should be in the general twinking section, really.
Well it's not, its a specific thread, there is nothing general about it. At least you see it my way; high or low bracket, a cap is a cap, and that entitles me to my efforts. I didn't make the thread to brag, You must have the wrong impression.
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Just an observation, if you list more than one or two of each class/spec is it really a 'best of'??

Ahhh, let me just check the handbook for best of lists...and it looks like your inquiry of best of lists was correct.
So in a Bracket in which one has to play against heavily under geared players, you make a best of list? You need a list to work out who can 1-shot F2P the fastest? MIND=BLOWN
So in a Bracket in which one has to play against heavily under geared players, you make a best of list? You need a list to work out who can 1-shot F2P the fastest? MIND=BLOWN

I feel your pain. I would be mad if I wasn't on it to.
this is literally the shittiest thread i have ever seen in my entire life. also hi Myles.

thank u for ur opinion, this is a good opinion

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