Why'd you name your twink that?

There's surely an old old thread around here somewhere about this but I was pondering this question (Why'd you name your twink that?) as I was strolling through a few threads. I'm sure there's various reasons but I was curious to hear some stories...so why'd you name your twink that?

Gringötts = Banker alt after the Harry Potter "Bank" Gringotts and my Guild name is <Vault Seven Thirteen> as in 713 where you know what was stored. There just wasn't Goblin race playable 3 something years ago.

Bankröbber = Ugly ass female Orc with "Thug" gear and shotgun + Shanker in MH as well you guessed it, a bank robber.

Creepybutler = Male BElf with long white hair and a flavor savor. Has pimp cane + hat + aweful fake jewelry + tux shirt/jacket and NO PANTS.

I wasn't as creative with my other toon names/themes.

**Garyone = Another bank alt (non-twink, Undead toon) with Guild name <Vault One 0 Eight> lets see who can figure that one out.
Sanitarium - song by metallica

Floods - song by pantera

Crionics - song by slayer

Spench - friend misheard me when saying "stench" and out came this word.
I figured I should post my story too. I've had several twinks but I'm most known as Inkobah as you are probably aware. The original Inkobah character was first named Pwny, but after about 2 years of having that name Blizzard made me name change it. I didn't have a name off-hand to change to so I picked a 2nd name that I could get changed later if I wanted so I picked the name Cotexx (yes odd I know but I knew this name could get a name change on a RP server). That name lasted about a month and Blizzard again asked me to change the name.

Meanwhile, my young daughter would occasionally see me checking mail and the AH on this character (which was a human female character with blonde hair) and she was convinced this character was Tinkerbell. I'd make her do little emotes for my daughter and she loved it. The only thing was my daughter was 2 at the time and she couldn't say Tinkerbell...what she called Tinkerbell sounded like Inkobah.

So when Blizzard asked me to change the name for a 2nd time I just changed it to Inkobah. Inkobah became infamous on Lightninghoof for the mass amount of auctions I posted with her (there was a period of time I was posting like 1500 different auctions - many of which were twink items) so when I joined TI it was only natural to pick the name that I was most known as.

I've consequently made a few twinks with Ink variations and had a few other twinks like Gadar (I don't even remember why I named this char that) and Wrx (because I drive a WRX and love them). Perhaps you saw me sucking it up in WSG at some point on these chars. That's how Inkobah became Inkobah. I'm curious to hear the stories behind some other people that I've crossed paths with.

gingerbred because i was originally intending to FC during wrath, 'run run run as fast as you can, you can't catch me im the gingerbread man'

also since i was a ginger cow i decided to use bred instead of bread because i thought it would be more fitting. Cool story eh?
I really have no idea
Estk = the band, Eyes set to kill

Estktwo = also the band, but my 2nd twink (actually third, w/e) and the two also stands for one of their albums "The world outside"

Fxc = dont play it enough to care, really dont remember tbh.

Bankmeup = "you were an accident"

some real hilarious ones in here keep posting
Snèaky...I think it's pretty self explanatory. I'm a rogue, I sneak around, I sneakily Shadowmeld stealth when I need to...and yeah, that's about it.

I named my main Lightßringer because he's a pally and I'm also a big Uther the Lightbringer fan
Nesyla : No reason here, i just invented it, hence why i'm the only one with it. I'v seen a ton of people copying the name over the past weeks, but all of them where created after my toon. Which is quite annoying since i have made a toon on 50 % of servers to prevent this from happening.
All my toons have "cer" in their name, so I went with "MrCer".

I wanted something original and catchy. Been making toons with the name "Cer" since pre-bc
My mage's name is Edmerlin, the only one in the world. This was made by my father about 5 years ago simply because our middle name is "Edward" so thats the Ed and then the Merlin because hes pro shit.

I am most known as Tonks, or Tonkks as origonally named(fags take names and never log on) because when i made this toon i had just got finished watching Harry Potter, and decided that "Tonks" was pretty catchy for a rogue.
Kore was just a cool syllable, so I went with it.

Unsubtle was originally meant to be a level 13 Tauren PvE Twink with which me and my RL friends would raid DM and various other places. That never got off the ground and so Unsubtle became a little princess human warrior instead. I liked the name because it seemed to me exactly what a big badass Tauren warrior should be.

Ballast was conceived when I was frantically trying to think of a cool name on short notice. Flicking through the dictionary helped me there!

Krivens, my little gnome mage, was named after the semi swear word the Nac Mac Feegles use in the Terry Pretchet novel: Wee Free Men. I like to think that when they say it that they're actually calling out to my gnome as their deity.

Shurka was just another syllable that I thought worked well.

Billbailey for obvious reasons. He is just every kind of awesome.

Craic cos its a fun word and has a fun meaning too.

Volo was named after Volothampton from the Forgotten Realms games. I know he's neither a bard nor a scribe, but go ahead and sue me!

Kore nametooshort came from trying to create my account on PWNdepot. Just "Kore" (named after my first twink ofc) was too short apparently, so when it came to migrate over here the name stuck.

Korette was my second druid twink. Kore was taken on the realm I made her on so it had to be the female version.
I went with the name Eliøt because I like the name Eliot, contrary to popular belief my name is not Eliot IRL.

My druids name is Puga. I named her that because all I do is PuGs on that character.

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