Is there a class/spec that can consistently beat Hunters?

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My warrior can beat "Any" hunter. Some players aren't just "Any hunters" I'm not saying I'm the best hunter, I'm not saying i'm even a good hunter. I'm simply saying that I know how to play a hunter, I know how to kite, and if you know how to do those two things in this bracket, You can beat any class/spec regardless of whether the player in question is skill capped, with the occassional exception of other hunters, who know how to play hunters.

This has NOTHING to do with me being "good" "leet" "lul" It has to do with the fact that the class imbalance is astonishing. And it is this fact that is the reason as to why I don't play my hunter anymore.

I guess I should clarify, "any" hunter means any level 20 f2p hunter that doesn't pop AGM, whether the hunter is good or not.
Apparently he lives in a world where "any hunter" means 800hp backpeddlers

Ok, here we go. "Any hunter" means... about 1400 hp hunters who know how to play. I might run out of mana vs double AGM human hunters (or I guess just regular double AGM hunters) before I can do ~1800 damage. I guess I need to explain why again.

No level 20 f2p of any class has the type of burst to kill a Disc priest spamming shields and heals, barring propper usage of CC in combination with very lucky crits that occur at the right times. Please don't assume I mean that priests are invinsible if they're spamming heals on themselves in all situations, this only applies to 1v1. PW:S absorbs 530 damage, Flash Heal restores ~380 hp and Penance heals for ~160 per wave (480 over 2 seconds). If you keep yourself topped off you can't die. The other healing classes can do the same thing (I actually can't speak for druids), HOWEVER, those other classes lack a 40 yard damage spell. Luckily, priests have Mind Blast, which does ~260 damage and has an extremely fast cast time. SW:p does like 200 over 18 seconds or something, I'm not entirely sure. You might also be able to get away with trinketing a conc shot and running in range for an offensive Penance for ~330 damage. You can also fear the pet to reduce damage further and avoid getting silenced by a moth or CC'd by one of the other pets if you think you let yourself get too low on hp.

I've never gone oom doing this, but the fight is very long and annoying. And before you bring it up, priest don't beat all classes 1v1, anything that can heal with win the mana war (but again, I can't speak for druids).
I beat all but the best of hunters on my druid. With both cooldowns up.

90% of hunters are not good and die before they realise I'm not just a furry rogue.
Ok, here we go. "Any hunter" means... about 1400 hp hunters who know how to play. I might run out of mana vs double AGM human hunters (or I guess just regular double AGM hunters) before I can do ~1800 damage. I guess I need to explain why again.

No level 20 f2p of any class has the type of burst to kill a Disc priest spamming shields and heals, barring propper usage of CC in combination with very lucky crits that occur at the right times. Please don't assume I mean that priests are invinsible if they're spamming heals on themselves in all situations, this only applies to 1v1. PW:S absorbs 530 damage, Flash Heal restores ~380 hp and Penance heals for ~160 per wave (480 over 2 seconds). If you keep yourself topped off you can't die. The other healing classes can do the same thing (I actually can't speak for druids), HOWEVER, those other classes lack a 40 yard damage spell. Luckily, priests have Mind Blast, which does ~260 damage and has an extremely fast cast time. SW:p does like 200 over 18 seconds or something, I'm not entirely sure. You might also be able to get away with trinketing a conc shot and running in range for an offensive Penance for ~330 damage. You can also fear the pet to reduce damage further and avoid getting silenced by a moth or CC'd by one of the other pets if you think you let yourself get too low on hp.

I've never gone oom doing this, but the fight is very long and annoying. And before you bring it up, priest don't beat all classes 1v1, anything that can heal with win the mana war (but again, I can't speak for druids).

Nonono, you got it all wrong, sorry i didnt quote. It was my opinion of warrior vs hunter that I wrote about. I agree with you that priests have good chance of winning against hunters.

So what I said in a simple way before was that warriors doesnt stand chance against proper geared and skilled hunters 1v1.
There are some 24 hunters with too much burst for me to heal through (and for some reason they're pretty rare, apparently not every 24 feels the need to actually twink their character) but apart from that if I don't kill a hunter 1v1 on my priest I screwed up. If there's 2 subpar hunters even I can usually expect to survive. If we just sit there and try to burst each other down yes the hunter burst wins, but any disc who keeps their head on and uses their heals should come out on top.
I can usually blow up priests if they ever allow themselves to dip below 900 HP (and after they trinket the first HoJ).

Even against a good disc, a hunter merely needs to dance with range (moving into 40 yds to auto + focus dump, then right back out before a cast goes off).

Nothing beats BM Moth!

Good point, but the dancing shouldn't be too much of a problem if you account for the grace time (I believe this is the correct term? The thing where if you start casting while in range and the target is 5 or so yards "out of range" when you're done, the game gives you a successful cast anyway). Mind Blast does have a 1.5 second cast, afterall.

Also, on the combination of BM and pets with stuns, wouldn't the stuns DR each other? Using a moth or monkey seems like it makes a lot more sense if that's the case.
Good point, but the dancing shouldn't be too much of a problem if you account for the grace time (I believe this is the correct term? The thing where if you start casting while in range and the target is 5 or so yards "out of range" when you're done, the game gives you a successful cast anyway). Mind Blast does have a 1.5 second cast, afterall.

Also, on the combination of BM and pets with stuns, wouldn't the stuns DR each other? Using a moth or monkey seems like it makes a lot more sense if that's the case.

Wait, what?

Moth is silence, Intimidate is stun, Scatter is disorient. None of them DR each other, as far as I know. Open with Arcane + Kill Command to break shield (plus dent HP), then Scatter into Steady, Intimidate into Steady, Silence into more Arcane + KC. If nothing crits, you are still probably at 2k damage without a single chance to cast.
Wait, what?

Moth is silence, Intimidate is stun, Scatter is disorient. None of them DR each other, as far as I know. Open with Arcane + Kill Command to break shield (plus dent HP), then Scatter into Steady, Intimidate into Steady, Silence into more Arcane + KC. If nothing crits, you are still probably at 2k damage without a single chance to cast.

You're assuming that the hunter knows what he's doing, which 99% of the time is not the case. That being said, @ OP: A skilled hunter should only lose to a skilled holy paladin.
How well did that work for you?

It wouldnt work well in bgs since a long fight means someone else will interrupt. Although max ranging is a good tactic to pick off healers(mostly blood elf pallies) that are stragglers(well the ones that try to fight back) during the first flag zerg in a bg.
It wouldnt work well in bgs since a long fight means someone else will interrupt. Although max ranging is a good tactic to pick off healers(mostly blood elf pallies) that are stragglers(well the ones that try to fight back) during the first flag zerg in a bg.

AKA: In pugs I can flank a healer and peel him out of his group as they leave him to die in an open field with no LoS.
Stragglers meaning people who are usually at the back of the group therefore easy to peel away from the main group cause most pugs dont look back?btw its also denying the enemy O team a healer which is a good thing maybe?

edit: zerker hut can always be used for los
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