20 Twink Solo Druid Classic Dungeonmaster Run completed!


It is with great pleasure that I can announce I have completed running every single dungeon on my 20 Twink in the Classic Dungeonmaster solo! For this run I decided to run with druid, as I felt it had what it took to complete the challenge! Below I have included a write up of my thoughts on the run, and will put up some screen shots of some of the achvs and my armory for this charcter. I completed almost every dungeon in the last 60 hours (as of the time I wrote this).Sadly I did not get the Spiffy "Classic Dungeon Master" pop up on this toon since I am playing on the same account as my Paladin. This particular twink was my old 20 pvp twink from BFA that I decided to level up and complete this challenge with :).

Elythia Classic DM.png
Elythia Classic DM 2.png

I will put my write up in the next post!
The Write Up!

Main Spec:

Main Gear
: TBC Gem Gear, Ghost Iron Dragonling, Classic off-sets as I won them. I did not use the Legion Artifact weapon. I used an epic ilvl 26 staff. I built two sets of main gear for this run, a tank dps set for clearing trash and easy bosses, and a survivability set that boasted huge critical and haste to clear tough hard hitting fights.

Gems: Combination of Steady Talasite (4 armor, 6 stam), and Deadly Pyrestone(2 Agi, 2 Crit).

Enchants: I used +4 Weapon Enchant on my staff due to the interaction of base damage alterations for the largest dps and healing gain. I experimented with other enchants as well, like Unholy. Unholy provides 5 physical damage reduction and seemed to have about a 50% uptime during actual gameplay. Bosses tended to hit me (on the high end) for about 200 on average though this is just an average. This would represent a 2.5% damage reduction while active, but ended up being about 1.25% in my book. Was fun to try but not worth it in the long run. Other enchantments are run of the mill though I opted for simple plus critical enchants in most of my slots this time around for offsets.

Off-set Gear: As with my paladin Meatbawl, I used a huge variety of off gear since that's where the largest amount of side stat alterations can come from. As I earned better gear from Classic dungeons in these slots, I moved towards my preferred setup of critical and haste for this character. My initial gearing was for critical and versatility to get started however. This is good in the long run b/c some fights prefer different setups, so having the flexibility to make the adjustments was key.

Stat Prio: Armor, Stamina, Agility (Dmg & Heal), Critical, Haste, Dodge, Versatility in that order.
Armor Threshold - I recommend shooting for a minimum of 40% damage mitigation from armor. Strive for at least 45%. With Iron Fur going you will end up around 54-55% physical damage mitigation. There were absolutely some fights where Iron Fur is the game winner.

Stamina Threshold - My survivability threshold was set for around 4,300-4400 Health. I found I needed this large amount for some key fights where I would get blasted by huge amounts of quick or spike damage.

Agility Threshold - I recommend at least 125-135. It may seem like you want a good value on this for damage, but I assure you while that is good, what you really want it for is your one and only heal spell Regrowth.

Critical Threshold - To be frank I do not think you can have too much of this for most of your fights. I ended up with almost 37% critical and would hit about 43% on my trinket proc for huge chunks of boss battles. Critical is of course great for damage, and helps end fights faster so you're survivability doesn't have to be quite as high for most encounters. The truth though is that you want the critical to be huge because you really need to bank on critical heals off of Regrowth. Some fights the value of Regrowth vs incoming damage is not good, you will get an even trade. This is bad b/c you take more damage if you get hit while healing in natural form, or worse, get spiked by a critical boss hit or a series of smaller trash criticals. To offset this and gain tempo you absolutely need to always be outpacing damage and critical is where it's at to boost that base heal. You do get critical ticks from Regrowth as well. The other big thing is Moonfire. Moonfire represented the most damage on most of my fights by far and away, so you want the moonfire to critically hit as much as possible. You have so few abilities that moonfire often ends up as your filler in between Mangle/Thrash. I will talk more about this later.

Haste Threshold - I recommend enough haste to get your Regrowth down to 1.4 seconds at a minimum, but 1.3 is the preferred. This gives you an excellent window where you can often sneak in a regrowth without too much issue in between boss attacks. Even while getting pounded it is fast enough to fire 2 or 3 in clutch, and land that important critical regrowth. With this much haste your basic melee attack should end up around 2.2 seconds and global cd about 1.35. This may not sound huge, but is amazing in actual gameplay. You will notice a tremendous difference in what you can and cannot do or get away with in a fight with these values.

Dodge - I recommend a fair amount of Dodge, I ended up with around 18-19% during battle. Negating 1 out of every 5 hits approximately is a massive improvement to survivability. You can go higher but it's tough to squeeze it in when trying to get some of the other secondary stats to a nice threshold.

Versatility Threshold - This one is interesting because I usually start with a large amount of versatility which helps with both damage and survivability, however the longer I played this class the more I realized it was less and less valuable compared to critical and haste. My recommendation is to stack it high to start and keep the pieces (Arm's Master Locket and Electrocutioner Lagnut come to mind) so you can juggle them. There are times where being able to fend off a bit more of a big hit is good, but the end result was I gained much more survivability from critical heals and faster casts to mitigate spell damage and damage spikes, as well as from stacking more Armor for physicals. I recommend starting high on it for easy dungeons, but swapping it out as your gear improves.

Stat Weights: 5 Armor = 1% Physical mitigation normally, Critical, Haste, and Verse are all about 4 = 1% gain, and Mastery is about 9:1. A sidenote here about mastery, although this is great in groups and at high level, it is very difficult to take advantage of at low levels and I almost completely disregarded it. I experimented with higher values early in the run and they were lackluster.

Trinkets: I ran only two trinkets for 95% of my fights - Ghost Iron Dragonling socketed for Mastery, Verse, and Dodge. Having done the run in hindsight I would recommend right out the gate to socket for Critical and Haste. I would keep the Dodge b/c you really rely on avoidance even if you don't notice it. Remember you can't parry or block, so every bit counts. My other trinket was a rare procced Coin of Blessings to push that critical up.

Talent: Brambles was the no brainer. It makes sure you are getting free damage at all times and is excellent for keeping the damage going while stunned, incapacitated, or for clearing weak trash without detracting attention from more important mobs.

Professions: Engineering as always. I primarily used this for the Potion Injector, although I also used the Cardboard Assassin to cinch a win here and there when the going got tough and I needed to heal in clutch. I went with Embosses from LW. Any second prof is negligible, you can put in whatever you want like Alchemy. The potion injection belt was such a constant part of my play, it was essentially a mini-cd.

Consumables: I went with the +5 Mastery food and +3 all stats as my second choice. Dense weight Stone for +3 weapon damage, Darkmoon Elixirs for a few clutch fights and +9 Agility Elixirs for the rest. I used +5 Armor elixirs (1% mitigation) as well. Drums of Haste are part of my toolset, however I only needed to pop the drums on 3 fights to pull a win out that I may not have otherwise gotten during this run through. The most important consumable listed is the Dense Weightstone due to its unusual interactions for druid stats. It also effects your heals as well (+50 to regrowth). It's extremely important.

Quality of Life: I used mount shoes (20% speed boost when mounted), Goblin Glider, and Water Walking Potions quite frequently to help get around. Playing a druid is quality of life compared to paladin however :p .

DPS and Damage Set: I noted earlier that I built a DPS set that I used while in bear form (and yes cat when I could) to do some fights. This was a huge boost and enabled me to clear even faster than I did on my paladin run. There are a lot of weak bosses, and having a damage oriented set provided quick wins until I got to the real bosses, saving me a lot of time. There are also a few bosses where you actually want a dps set instead (Roogug comes to mind), as they have permanent stacking buffs that will maul you if you don't down them fast enough. If you play tightly you can definitely take down some monster hard hitters as well (Rammstein attempt 1, 3% in my dps set) if you play very tightly. I ran an average of 150 dps on some fights in pure tank up to over 250 dps in my dps set with good procs and such, just to give you an idea.

How did druid stack up compared to paladin?: Druid does not have emergency buttons like a paladin. Basically you must really be attuned to your damage intake, dps output, and boss mechanics so you know when to use regrowth. I generally recommend healing early, even earlier than paladin since you don't have Word of Glory for that instant heal. Spinal injector tinker was solid throughout all my gameplay, a true support hero item. Paladin is better at preventing and reducing damage of all kinds. It sounds like paladin is the superior class, but rest assured there are some shininig moments for the druid. Being able to get rid of curses (in normal situations) was nice, being able to switch forms was incredible on many fights. Immolthar's bounce mechanic was trivialized by cat form switches. Roogug, Guard Moldar and his adds, as well as a few other bosses would have surely killed me if it wasn't for a timely sprint through areas that I made sure to clear so I could heal and gain control of the fight. Also, most trash is subject to Entangling Roots. You are often able to take a mob out of action that would probably kill you if it was allowed to beat on you with other mobs or with bosses. Some mobs have a terrible +20% damage buff, usually getting 3 or more of them on you especially early in your gearing is sure death. Cat forms movement bonus is hard to beat. Stealth made it so I didn't have to clear nearly as much trash and helped me move even faster.

Final Thoughts: As with my Pally run there are still a few bugged fights that are incredibly hard for non-pet using classes to bypass. It took me 35 attempts to down Jammal'an this time compared to the 65 on my paladin. I Did Baroness in two tries compared to 20+ from the last run. These fights are just bugged very hard. There are a few fights that due to mechanics I didn't need to throw a single regrowth, which was fun and a nice change of pace.

I hope you all enjoyed this read, if anyone is ever interested in a guide write up for this or paladin for Classic Dungeonmaster runs, I'd more than happy to write one up in the future.

God bless, Good luck, and Happy Gaming guys!

PS. Shout out to my crafting buddy Optimus. This guy is a legendary crafter of every profession going all the way back to vanilla days, for those tough to find craftables and keeping me in shape for these runs!

Elythia Immol'thar.jpg Elythia Jammal'an.jpg Elythia Wyrmthalak.jpg View attachment 18006 Elythia Baronness.jpg
P.S. just a few ss's of some of the kills :)
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Very cool, @Dragynslayer ! I’ve been toying around with the idea of making a character to solo as many dungeons as possible available at level 20, but the planning and preparation seems pretty intimidating!

Any plans to do it on other classes now that done done it on Pally and Druid?
THanks guys! @Zorch , You can do it friend. There is a fair amount of planning but a lot of it is just experience. I won't lie, there are some fights that are bomb hard, but it depends on your class and all that too. You figure things out as you do them over and over haha. I am planning on some more runs. I am running some hypotheticals about classes I think can pull off the next run, but haven't decided which one might be able to do the job. Sometimes a class seems good on the surface, but then when put to the test it cracks somewhere. As an example, I ran into a snag on my DK run sadly, so I have a DK that is dead in the water at the moment. I bring this up b/c a lot of people ask about solo DK play. There are plenty of bosses I can do with him, but there are just some terrible roadblocks. I'm not gonna give up yet and say it can't be done, I am hoping to arrive at a solution. I just haven't figured it out yet :p. Many thanks @Vyvenem ! I love your solo progress stuff mate! Keep it up.
if anyone is ever interested in a guide write up for this or paladin for Classic Dungeonmaster runs, I'd more than happy to write one up in the future.

Congratulations & thanks for writing it up so comprehensively.

I don't have the level of understanding on the mechanics of stats from the little time I spend in the game (normally - lockdowns excepted) to work out much by myself. I play as an escape from taxing my brain.

Having tried & failed a couple of instances solo with my Resto Druid, I'm inspired to try harder in a different spec. Any more info you have the time to share that can help would be great. Never offended if it's assumed I know nothing - I'm sure there are plenty of us out there.
Awesome! I'm glad I found this forum, I've been thinking on the idea for a while now. The revamped leveling is pretty cool, and I guess lv.20 is the optimal thing to try at?

Back in an earlier expansion a bunch of years ago when I realized dungeons just weren't what they used to be and groups zerged through it without saying a word, I figured I could just try and solo level in one. So I made a Druid, did the default quests till I got to level 10 and then with heirloom gear + a few enchants I just went and solod dungeons. It worked really great, and was pretty difficult. Eventually I managed to solo level in TBC as well as WotLK, but I hit a roadblock with cata dungeons as it was just too difficult to solo.

Nowadays though dungeons scale to your level, and I think in BfA I attempted a solo run at 10 on a Brewmaster run and it just didn't work. So gave up. But now.. this is exciting, with the leveling revamp things might just be great again. Obviously I think I do have to prepare better than just "equip heirlooms and go at it", maybe looking up bis gear, get sockets, proper enchants. Unfortunately I read that a lot of enchants dont work well, and those from SL require you to be level 50 (I already tested it, they stay disabled until you reach 50).

Anyways, I been thinking about a class to try this with. Either a tank, or actually a class with a tanking pet. Hunter is possible, but unfortunately you dont have access to Clefthoof pets yet (they take increased healing, have 10% leech cuz of ferocity and are generally considered the best tanking pets). Tenacity pets just aren't what they used to be, the little extra HP they get isn't even on par with 10% leech on ferocity pets.
Then there's Warlock, most likely afflic with voidwalker. But I have yet to see how strong the pets are. I read from a bfa post the pets were squishy af and would die from just regular mobs. I havent played warlocks in ages so will have to see. Demo with felguard might be a possibility too, they used to be better tanks than voids.
Hunter is possible, but unfortunately you dont have access to Clefthoof pets yet (they take increased healing, have 10% leech cuz of ferocity and are generally considered the best tanking pets).
I, uh, can confirm that a hunter with ANY Ferocity pet is more than enough. Scalehides are my pet of choice.
The leech is more for keeping YOU alive so you can keep Mend Pet up 100% of the time and revive where needed while you tank for 5 seconds.
@Drhank Lvl 20 is the lowest level you can be and earn the Achievement (if you dont' already have it) currently, since some of the dungeons require lvl 20.

As Vyvenem said, hunter for sure. I believe hunter to be the S+ soloer right now for this bracket. As has been since vanilla days, hunter has always been the premier soloer, so that hasn't changed haha. I played hunter for many xpacs and did solo work on them all the time, they are super fun, and I think they are the best ever right now in terms of gameplay. If you go Warlock you will want voidwalker over felguard. The walker is a lot tankier than the felguard, and can hold multiple mobs for you.

There is a guide stickied on the main page, it's a spreadsheet. It contains a list of enchants that work, and what effect they generate after the scaledown since tooltips are messed up right now. An example of this would be how crusader should generate 40 Str and 40 Hp on proc, but actually generates 100 of each. A definite bug, but one that is being permitted right now, and one we all love haha :p.

I would recommend hunter as the first choice for a first run, but as I'm demonstrating definitely possible to clear with other classes undoubtedly. I recommend paladin over druid as well due to having more outs, so it makes your life easier. I do not think every class is viable, but I believe more are viable than is believed.
@Drhank Lvl 20 is the lowest level you can be and earn the Achievement (if you dont' already have it) currently, since some of the dungeons require lvl 20.

As Vyvenem said, hunter for sure. I believe hunter to be the S+ soloer right now for this bracket. As has been since vanilla days, hunter has always been the premier soloer, so that hasn't changed haha. I played hunter for many xpacs and did solo work on them all the time, they are super fun, and I think they are the best ever right now in terms of gameplay. If you go Warlock you will want voidwalker over felguard. The walker is a lot tankier than the felguard, and can hold multiple mobs for you.

There is a guide stickied on the main page, it's a spreadsheet. It contains a list of enchants that work, and what effect they generate after the scaledown since tooltips are messed up right now. An example of this would be how crusader should generate 40 Str and 40 Hp on proc, but actually generates 100 of each. A definite bug, but one that is being permitted right now, and one we all love haha :p.

I would recommend hunter as the first choice for a first run, but as I'm demonstrating definitely possible to clear with other classes undoubtedly. I recommend paladin over druid as well due to having more outs, so it makes your life easier. I do not think every class is viable, but I believe more are viable than is believed.
Thanks! I'll definitely check out the spreadsheet.
In the end I decided to pick hunter, warlock is pretty sweet with dots and self-heals, but then I saw Siphon Life is now only at 25 and even worse it just seems their minions are not on par for actual tanking. Maybe voidwalker can manage regular mobs ok, but from replies I hear they just seem too weak. And the self-heal is still a channeled spell, whats up with that? (I remember when hunter's Mend Pet was channeled ages ago, but they fixed that, why not warlock's?)

So level 20 is the required level for some of the later classic dungeons? I suppose I can start already at level 10 and work my way to 20 in some dungeons. What about other expansions? I am really fond of TBC, so much nostalgia and cool dungeons/zones I wanna revisit, do I need a higher than 20 character for those dungeons, or can I do everything as 20? (also for other expansions, can I do them all at 20?)
And final, do you enable Chromie time? Does it matter anyways? I mean by default everything is scaled till level 30, so unless I eventually want to level higher than 20, it shouldn't matter, right?
I hope you all enjoyed this read, if anyone is ever interested in a guide write up for this or paladin for Classic Dungeonmaster runs, I'd more than happy to write one up in the future.

God bless, Good luck, and Happy Gaming guys!

Very cool and congratulations on another successful run! I for one would absolutely love to read a guide on the subject.

Given the advice you and Vyvenem have shared I'm strongly considering a pet class for my first run at this achievement. We know hunters get it done but what are your thoughts on the viability of a warlock?

I believe it's possible with warlock, but I'm still gathering and testing things out before I can give a definite answer on that.

To answer your other questions, there are exactly 3 dungeons from TBC that require level 25. Normally these are not doable without an exploit to get into them.

Chromie Time is useful for gearing. You are going to want TBC gem gear in a lot of slots, so just queue dungeons with Chromie Time for it, unless you are getting a high level assist from somewhere. It's possible to gear up enough to start solo runs just by doing key quests as well, but that is up to you if you want to go that route.

@brettqpublic and @FiveSpice : I will consider writing a guide in the next month for solo runs for everyone since there are requests :) . I am in the middle of a 2nd attempt at completing all dungs in classic on my DK. I am hoping to pull it off, then am moving onto another class or two for sure. I think by the time I finish my Dk and maybe on other class I can put together something insanely comprehensive to help everyone else navigate the challenge on any of the classes that are viable. I will even include a tier list based on my own gameplay and testing, so keep your eyes peeled at some point guys!
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Man, that would be awesome! I can't wait to read your insights.

As far as tier lists go, my gut feeling is hunter is #1. Having played a hunter as main for several expansions they just seem to have the best tools for solo content. Beyond that, I'm not really sure.
Given the advice you and Vyvenem have shared I'm strongly considering a pet class for my first run at this achievement. We know hunters get it done but what are your thoughts on the viability of a warlock?
I just solod Ragefire Chasm on my Hunter at 10, with very basic gear and enchants (average ilvl 14 I think, just some cheap greens from AH). It went well but I had to feign death a few times and self-healing even with the 10% leech is quite minimal. I had to spam mend pet on cooldown for bosses (trash was okay). My pet has about 500HP.

But hunter is a bit boring and I really prefer the warlock overall as class with their spells and abilities, so what the heck I just wanted to try despite people saying their minions are worthless. So got a warlock to level 10, again very basic gearing with greens and a few enchants. A bonus enchant I did get this time was elemental force though, which is still ridiculous at low level (my hunter only had the bow scope). And my minion voidwalker also had about 500HP. To my surprise (havent played warlocks in ages) voidy also has a self-heal in the form of consuming shadows, which drains HP from nearby enemies. Quite neat.
Anyways so I also went into Ragefire Chasm and it was just a lot easier. Pet takes about the same dmg, so I can't exactly say it's squishy at all. But the big deal is that while health funnel (the pet heal) is channeled, it heals for a lot more. Generally I have to only use it for 1 or 2 ticks and I can go back to DPSing.. which honestly I'm already doing with my afflic dots. You also have drain life as self-heal to constantly spam (which is needed when taking dmg from health funnel) but I can do all of this without any cooldowns from my spells. Hunters have a cooldown on both mend pet and their personal heal, while 10% leech is a real small amount of healing.

And then there's curse of weakness (20% increased time in attacks) which makes bosses/mobs a lot easier to deal with.

So Hunters (at 10) have:
- Mend Pet, has cooldown.
- 10% leech both for you and pet (with a Ferocity pet - I had a spider)
- One self-heal ability with long cooldown.
- Feign death (which was necessary for Slagmaw, that boss ignores pets and I cant survive as hunter)
- CC trap which helps in packs of 3 mobs
- Strong single-target DMG, 36dps average during the whole RFC run

While Warlocks at 10 have:
- Health funnel, no cooldown but is a channel. Vastly superior in healing to mend pet
- Drain Life, strong channeled heal that damages the enemy too.
- Health stone as self-heal (just as strong if not stronger than the hunter's ability)
- Curse of weakness, 20% reduced melee attack speed
- Void self-heal/drain in consuming shadows, not sure how strong this is but I feel this could be on par if not better than the 10% leech hunters have. Also it keeps group aggro really well.
- Fear as CC? I wouldn't advice it unless the mob wont be able to run into another pack
- Strong DMG, can multi-dot everything. However Elemental-Force enchant was the big dmg dealer, often doing most of the damage or on par with my strongest DoT (Agony) 42dps average during the whole RFC run

In this fairly limited testing run it did show one thing. Warlocks are vastly superior (right now, with my testing, and at 10. This can change based on the dungeon ofcourse, and I plan to level both to 20 and compare). As Hunter in trash mobs it was almost needed to CC the 3th mob, so my pet wouldnt take too much dmg. Pet also had issues keeping aggro on multiple mobs while Voidwalker did not (his self-heal is aoe leech). To top it off, the last boss of RFC was difficult as hunter, if you stay in range the random spikes will eventually kill you, but the boss doesnt hit you if you stand far away. However more importantly your pet wont survive the damage even with using mend pet on cooldown. It will die and you will have to quickly revive it and feign death so it can get aggro again. In comparison my voidwalker never was in danger of dying simply by how good health funnel is. It was an incredibly easy run on my warlock, but challenging here and there for my hunter. I'm sure this will change based on dungeon and level, but for now I'm going to try more as warlock!
[doublepost=1610903786,1610902364][/doublepost]Just a quick update, I am leveling to 20, so at 15 I decided to just check RFC again. You know, see how the mobs scale vs me. I already gained a few better gear pieces, and my HP + stats are quite a bit higher than it was at 10.

It's actually pretty insane, these few levels just destroyed everything. Like scaling is through the roof. My voidwalker now dies within a few hits, health funnel cannot keep him alive, my damage is way too low and I can't even kill the first trash pack. I'll level to 20, get gear, see how it goes then, but warlocks might not be viable above 10. It's kinda ridiculous how much of a walk in the park it was at 10, only for the mobs to become completely unkillable in merely a few levels..
It's actually pretty insane, these few levels just destroyed everything. Like scaling is through the roof. My voidwalker now dies within a few hits, health funnel cannot keep him alive, my damage is way too low and I can't even kill the first trash pack. I'll level to 20, get gear, see how it goes then, but warlocks might not be viable above 10. It's kinda ridiculous how much of a walk in the park it was at 10, only for the mobs to become completely unkillable in merely a few levels..

Thanks for the insights Dr. Hank. I hope the lock regains some viability for you at 20. I've always had a soft spot for the class as it was my first on Vanilla.
Nice to see your progress @Drhank ! I am still stuck and have spent several days testing workarounds with my DK. Although I have progressed, I have hit a known wallup based on my previous testing and Dk seems stuck without using a borderline exploit or two. I may yet employ and write it up, but those are last resorts for now. I have discovered many bugs with DK during the meantime as well, and with some general game use functions also. I will probably write about them if I can complete the DK challenge. *fingers crossed*
Have any of you begun progress on dungeons outside of classic yet? I've dabbled in WoD dungeons but the bosses seem to have a much higher health pool. I've hit a hard wall in WoD where bosses have over 30k health. One boss in particular in Bloodmaul Slag Mines is most likely going to be impossible for me, but it is VERY possible for classes with AoE skills. There are a LOT of adds spawned during a fight that have normal mob health.

I soloed both of the BfA dungeons, Freehold being very easy and AtalDazar being very hard. These can be queued for of course, but I am a soloist :)

I plan to just go in on WotLK dungeons next, which seem the closest to Classic and TBC in difficulty.
Yup, I've tried many of the other possible dungeons with both pal and druid. There are some doozied, but I chose not to write about them since I'm focusing on pushing as many classes throuch the classic dungeonmaster challenge. I've been crunching numbers for a few days on this DK issue. Gonna have to do more farming most likely. in regards to bloodmaul slag, yes that is an ugly fight for hunter unfortunately. Have you tried going survival and using cobalt frag bombs for more aoe? I've discovered a lot of bugs and oddities so far in my tests, will write about them at a later date.
This is awesome. Gz man!
Been wanting to do something like this on my vet Druid, when I have the gear variety to make the builds for it.
It's fun to see people go at it early tho. Cheers

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