And how'd that work out for ol' Denzel in that film?
In short, warlock is very viable. I recommend it.
A good mindset for it is that you are an anti-frontline class that sits in the backline and throws big damage onto said frontline. Positionally, warlocks can't frontline very well outside of their wall, and relying on it to cast is not reliable in the slightest since CC is slightly more prevalent in the bracket now (+physical damage is very common).
This obviously depends on composition, but generally a cloth class with no mobility does not want to take all of the enemy team's damage (this was even the case in a caster meta- wargame and pug). Another good mindset that comes after this concept is that you can break said 'rules' after you know them with coordination; this, of course, means that any misplay that comes from breaking the 'rules' is quite obvious to you and your teammates. An example of breaking the 'rules' could be lining up a chaos bolt on an enemy mage or hunter (they do not frontline) with team support and likely use of unending resolve for casting purposes.
Another key idea is to remember that this is a team game.
There's a lot more to be said regarding warlock and caster position as a whole this expansion, but that would be a lot more effort than I intend to do on a random xpoff post where I'm de-railing a thread![]()
What about healer priest with good versatility and PW:S, it can be also onshotted by warlock?
EDIT: as resto shaman, can survive well geared warlock and hunter in BG?![]()
What are the biggest contributing factors to a Big Dick Chaos Bolt? Int/Crit/?
Pretty sure the tooltip says Crit boosts the damage for Chaos Bolt... wonder what an all-Crit mongo Chaos Bolt would damage for...
If someone else could prove/theorycraft, that would be greaaat.
Yes.. geared restoration shaman and restoration druid can.. Get healing up when vs hunter.. And close in on them.. If you can maintain a very close distance then the hunter dies eventually, the weakness of hunter is they can't heal like a healer and you take away their range advantage, then there is no advantage to talk about anymoreEDIT: as resto shaman, can survive well geared warlock and hunter in BG?![]()
no idea but @Childishgankino hit me for like 5300 with a soul fire and my warrior has ~15% vers in BGs. I still have nightmares about it and that was like 2 or 3 weeks ago.wonder what an all-Crit mongo Chaos Bolt would damage for...
no idea but @Childishgankino hit me for like 5300 with a soul fire and my warrior has ~15% vers in BGs. I still have nightmares about it and that was like 2 or 3 weeks ago.
What are the biggest contributing factors to a Big Dick Chaos Bolt? Int/Crit/?
Pretty sure the tooltip says Crit boosts the damage for Chaos Bolt...
SO just fiddling with a warlock I just got to 20, replacing full crit bracers with crit/vers bracers made tooltip damage go up.
I dont think crits as good as Blizz would have you believe, especially since it's guaranteed to crit... but I really cant say 100% since it's been 20 like 12 minutes and I was just curious like you all. Done no actual testing so far.
PLUS.... your crit rating will go down as you get bumped up to 29, right? So i'd figue INT and/or vers is "best" for that.
Then is Mastery what makes it go ultra-super mega damage?
The mastery is wonky... mine says 13% base and an additional "up to 13%" more damage. Half of it is random...
(his mastery says 26% so it adds to the best case i guess)
But maybe at a certain point crit will overtake straight damage, cuz you cant get vers up to like 30%. So if crit rating is straight boost it could be better? Sorry, i really dont know and I'm 76 dungeon runs away from any sort of idea...
My crit is at 20% on that guy (not geared), and more crit gave less tooltip damage than more crit/vers. All the resultant casts are different since the mastery bonus is random. Just a little different, but it fluctuated between 588 and 620.
I need like a big trinket to check big changes, so i gotta run some gear...
edit- his vers is only 6% so it's easier to get to 20% vers than to get to 34% crit, i'd wager. A good mix is probably "best".