EU+US Stam set for Druid

If you're making a max stamina set for Fcing. You shouldn't.
Ah nice one! Wondering if there is anything higher than 5 stam on OH or MH for Druid?
Ah nice one! Wondering if there is anything higher than 5 stam on OH or MH for Druid?
Dawnblade is 6 stamina iirc. But you lose out on a few versa for 1 stamina which isn't worth it. Possibly a 7 stamina one too, but isn't worth it unless it has versa.
And for OH nothing more than 5 stam?
Not that I'm aware of but I haven't looked into it properly. Old Crafty is 4 stamina I think. So unless there is some quest item that scaled weirdly with stat squish I don't think there is one.
Don’t forget about Black Pearl Ring if your going a pure stam/vers stacking build
[doublepost=1533156934,1533156785][/doublepost]There are also 7 stam 7 vers cloth gloves that can be enchanted with 7 stam since they are BOE. However it’s grandfathered and can’t think of name atm.

anyone know the highest stam for druid on off-hand and main-hand gear?

Feel free to lurk on my FC druid, have been working on this build for a good bit, not 100% just yet (because I’m a perfectionist), but he’s 92% there.
This is strict stam focus build with second priority being Vers. As you can see from my stats, it’s an insane build. Numbers don’t lie.

Once I tighten up a few pieces I’ll be at the same HP but even higher Vers! Maybe come back to my armory in the near future and check it out, I’m also listed in the 19’s dictionary as a Druid resto FC.

To also answer your question however, +5 is the highest off hand stam item currently obtainable for our bracket.

You get a lot of Value out of Versatility as a Druid FC.
So sometimes versa outweighs the stamina you get.
A good example beingïe

Still a few items missing but this is a good example.

Not to knock you but I’m nearing 500+ more HP than you with an even higher Vers percentage. Once I finish my build completely I’ll be at 20%+ Vers even.

This is all without any Grandfathered gear. You can definitely manage a high stam stack without sacking Vers.

Hopefully my build will inspire either of you to really fine tune your characters :)
Feel free to lurk on my FC druid, have been working on this build for a good bit, not 100% just yet (because I’m a perfectionist), but he’s 92% there.
This is strict stam focus build with second priority being Vers. As you can see from my stats, it’s an insane build. Numbers don’t lie.

Once I tighten up a few pieces I’ll be at the same HP but even higher Vers! Maybe come back to my armory in the near future and check it out, I’m also listed in the 19’s dictionary as a Druid resto FC.

To also answer your question however, +5 is the highest off hand stam item currently obtainable for our bracket.

Not to knock you but I’m nearing 500+ more HP than you with an even higher Vers percentage. Once I finish my build completely I’ll be at 20%+ Vers even.

This is all without any Grandfathered gear. You can definitely manage a high stam stack without sacking Vers.

Hopefully my build will inspire either of you to really fine tune your characters :)

Solid build. I will note that you definitely want another pair of boots with Minor Speed for when you don't need the 100% stam build.

Not sure if you saw Boomie's stam set or the int set that he is currently in. One notable thing from his stam/verse set that I can remember was Deep Fathom Ring which gives up int for stam/verse.
Not to knock you but I’m nearing 500+ more HP than you with an even higher Vers percentage. Once I finish my build completely I’ll be at 20%+ Vers even.

This is all without any Grandfathered gear. You can definitely manage a high stam stack without sacking Vers.

Hopefully my build will inspire either of you to really fine tune your characters :)
Not my druid, was just trying to help out as that what the thread said :) so dont be such a monkey
Not to knock you but I’m nearing 500+ more HP than you with an even higher Vers percentage. Once I finish my build completely I’ll be at 20%+ Vers even.

This is all without any Grandfathered gear. You can definitely manage a high stam stack without sacking Vers.

Hopefully my build will inspire either of you to really fine tune your characters :)

Also since you're 500HP above him, you're def looking at his int set.
holy this guy talking about finely tuned characters acting mighty but his gear is stuff u could get all within 1day like .

(and barely any of it is even bis 92% 4head)
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Feel free to lurk on my FC druid, have been working on this build for a good bit, not 100% just yet (because I’m a perfectionist), but he’s 92% there.

Oh please, 92 % my ass. Leggings should have 4 crit / 5 vers, Ring and Offhand should have 1 crit 4 vers, Feet should have 3 crit 5 vers. Better shoulders are Cloaked with 3 crit 5 vers and 2 stam enchant on them. You should also get Scouting gloves, the 3 crit 4 vers version.

Check . Still not done, need Feet and Main hand from the bg rewards, but way closer to 100 % than you.

P.P. You cant get the belt, everything else is available for 19s.
[doublepost=1533190223,1533190115][/doublepost]Your mace is way worse than the blue bg reward aswell. You literally have more pieces missing than collected, not sure how you got the 92 % done lol
Oh please, 92 % my ass. Leggings should have 4 crit / 5 vers, Ring and Offhand should have 1 crit 4 vers, Feet should have 3 crit 5 vers. Better shoulders are Cloaked with 3 crit 5 vers and 2 stam enchant on them. You should also get Scouting gloves, the 3 crit 4 vers version.

Check . Still not done, need Feet and Main hand from the bg rewards, but way closer to 100 % than you.

P.P. You cant get the belt, everything else is available for 19s.
[doublepost=1533190223,1533190115][/doublepost]Your mace is way worse than the blue bg reward aswell. You literally have more pieces missing than collected, not sure how you got the 92 % done lol

To be fair, fiddling with the suffixes to get the secondary stats is probably only that last little percent in terms of stats.

Your chest is GFd and cloaked shoulders aren't available at 19. Whats the 2 stam enchant though?

Why that cloak over brotherhood? Or rather, why crit over haste (where not required to get max verse)?
To be fair, fiddling with the suffixes to get the secondary stats is probably only that last little percent in terms of stats.

Well, wasn't that the idea behind twinking? You can get like 90 % of the stats from looms and greens, arent we talking about pushing the limit here? The guy said he is going for the max:
not 100% just yet (because I’m a perfectionist), but he’s 92% there.

Your chest is GFd and cloaked shoulders aren't available at 19. Whats the 2 stam enchant though? Why that cloak over brotherhood? Or rather, why crit over haste (where not required to get max verse)?

- I haven't said anything about the chest, Adaptable is second in the bis list after the legion invasion.
- Didn't know the cloaked shoulds are not available, sorry about that. What about scaled forest leather shoulders? They should be better than the looms.

I choose crit over haste after some testing, because haste is not scaling well for low levels in this expansion. Also, as an FC druid in pugs (at least that's what my set is built for), you usually use Rejuv + Swiftmend way more than Regrowth. Haste does not change Swiftmend's amount, only changes Rejuv by a tiny bit, and you need to really stack haste A LOT, to get cast time reduction for Regrowth, that will make any sense. On the other hand, no matter how much crit you can add, it will always increase the crit chance by a tiny bit, resulting in a few more crits per BG.

If you are interested in my stats calculations, I will post them down here. The tests were done having 2,3 k HP, healing for 2k without casting (2x Swiftmend and 1 full Rejuv cycle) and healing for 700 while casting (2x Regrowth), resulting in a total of 5k effective health (numbers are rounded to 100s for easier calculations).

1 stam = 10 hp
1 int = 8 hp
1 armor = 8 hp (0,232 % / 0,426 %) *thats only for druids, havent tested other classes*
1 vers = 6 hp
1 crit = 1,75 hp
1 haste = 0,5 hp
Well, wasn't that the idea behind twinking? You can get like 90 % of the stats from looms and greens, arent we talking about pushing the limit here? The guy said he is going for the max:

- I haven't said anything about the chest, Adaptable is second in the bis list after the legion invasion.
- Didn't know the cloaked shoulds are not available, sorry about that. What about scaled forest leather shoulders? They should be better than the looms.

I choose crit over haste after some testing, because haste is not scaling well for low levels in this expansion. Also, as an FC druid in pugs (at least that's what my set is built for), you usually use Rejuv + Swiftmend way more than Regrowth. Haste does not change Swiftmend's amount, only changes Rejuv by a tiny bit, and you need to really stack haste A LOT, to get cast time reduction for Regrowth, that will make any sense. On the other hand, no matter how much crit you can add, it will always increase the crit chance by a tiny bit, resulting in a few more crits per BG.

If you are interested in my stats calculations, I will post them down here. The tests were done having 2,3 k HP, healing for 2k without casting (2x Swiftmend and 1 full Rejuv cycle) and healing for 700 while casting (2x Regrowth), resulting in a total of 5k effective health (numbers are rounded to 100s for easier calculations).

1 stam = 10 hp
1 int = 8 hp
1 armor = 8 hp (0,232 % / 0,426 %) *thats only for druids, havent tested other classes*
1 vers = 6 hp
1 crit = 1,75 hp
1 haste = 0,5 hp

Just pointing out that he is probably 90% of the way there, which is what he claimed.

I'd assume haste is the best for the reduced GCDs of rejuv/swiftmend/cenarion ward if you spec it. Not so much for the extra rejuv tick or the reduced regrowth cast. Are crit heals also nerfed to 150% instead of 200% in pvp?

I think Forest Leather Mantle scales to 7stam/6 verse. Pretty good if you can find it scaled properly. BoA, especially with the (GFd?) 3stam/2 res enchant is good until then.

Also whats the shoulder enchant for that 2 stam? I assume its a armor kit on BoEs only?

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