EU+US Reminder to get 525 fishing before BfA.

Do you do timewalking at endgame? If so, you can use that currency to buy boa rep tokens when MoP timewalking is around

Thats for anglers rep. Not for nat pagle. Nat pagle you have to grind. There are 3 special fish you can catch daily in pandaland. And/or you can fish up a TON of lunkers in draenor (which requires lvl 3 fishing shack). No daily limit on lunkers, but they give less rep.
u need 600 fishing now?? why??
I'm not certain but i've heard from other twinks and had other friends go from 525 - 600 just to be double safe. 600 will xfer to max panda fishing come bfa I assume so it makes sense to me
Yeah, mage port to either Shrine, or New Dal->shrine. Then you'd probably need to get someone with 2-seater to fly you out of the vale. I managed to get 19s to the Fishing place with Tundra Mammoths, druid-stag form, dueling+DGrip, gliders, etc. to get out of the Vale and across to Krasaring, but it's only an exercise in terrain and problem-solving, and you'd have to like that sort of thing.

Ideally, you would have done this some time ago, and used the weekly Random dungeon to get 600+ rep per week. I learned that late in the game from the good folks here. I also went in to this TW session with DMF rep buff on all my mages, which makes it 660. Very handy when you're going through Angler's tokens.

Make sure you get the FPs in Krasarang. The faction FPs are generally inaccessible due to phasing, but you can get to and from the Fishing Wharf to Marissa's neutral FP which is WSW of the Fishing Wharf. No mobs to attack you, unless you get close to the giant shark, but you'd have to really mess up your navigation (US Navy-style). Direct line will take you across fatiguing water, but if you have Sea Turtle, raft, etc, it's not risk.
[doublepost=1531796113,1531795862][/doublepost]KrasarAng. I have a mental block with Kasserine.

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