19 Plate Wearer Gear Screen Shots


Items on a my 19 Pala copied over to Beta.

The ring and cloak Enchants are all "Breath of" rather than "Gift of" .

It's nothing special ( Legion twink >.< ) but has gear most of guys will have, so hopefully you will have idea of what to expect. I have got screen shot of the stats for every thing in it's bags and bank, but a) my photo editing sucks, and b) I'm a lazy fck :)

What about holy paladin? Will talbar, engineers Cloak (not parachute), and seal of wyrnn / arctic buckler be useful again?

Engineers cloak looks low on stats.

Talbar mantle not bad, I believe 9 stam 8 int? Something like that.

Arctic Buckler looking to be BiS, perhaps only swapping out to furbolg pouch against casters when armor isnt needed.

Seal of Wrynn is 1 less int than argas ring but 3 vers.
Engineers cloak looks low on stats.

Talbar mantle not bad, I believe 9 stam 8 int? Something like that.

Arctic Buckler looking to be BiS, perhaps only swapping out to furbolg pouch against casters when armor isnt needed.

Seal of Wrynn is 1 less int than argas ring but 3 vers.

What will stats be on engi Cloak? Also how will beetle clasps be? Right now I think they are 2 int 5 stam on live
Sorry for the mess, no real order of gear, but here's some more bank shizzle, got about another 20 screenies to edit, and given that as stated I suck at editing, and I'm now a tired lazy fck probably wont happen until tommorrow.



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