New profile posts

I started a mastery breakdown thread, left cuz it's long and I'll do it over some time but now I can't find where to continue it. If anybody knows the answer to my problem I'd love to hear it :)
Nevermind found it, I'm just an idiot
It seems that I've locked myself out of my original twink info account and am hoping you could help me retrieve it. The only credential I am certain of is that my username is Inveja
Sub ran out and too broke for TWW, so decided to mess with a trial account. All of a sudden I'm making an account on a twinking forum and oops looks like I like dumb math.
not making a 29 on ally lmao ally been farming horde chocked full of 29s using the bugged well fed buff
make a 20 @Sketchbag it easyyy peasyy then you could play wargames with us which happen like 3-4 times weekly + random solo shuffle events n stuff
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Happy you're back! I have a handful of 20s and have already participated in all those fun events... Hope you enjoy your time back!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day <3
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Hi! I am wanting to get back into thinking. Where can I find a list of realms that are active? Or do you have a suggestion. Thankyou for your time.
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