

Blood Elf
Arcane Acuity is a new racial passive ability that increases Critical Strike chance by 1%.
Arcane Torrent now restores 20 Runic Power for Death Knights (up from 15 Runic Power), 1 Holy Power for Paladins, or 3% of Mana for Mage, Priest, Warlocks (up from 2% of Mana). Other aspects of the ability remain unchanged.

Arcane Torrent now restores 1 Holy Power for Paladins
1 Holy Power for Paladins
Arcane Torrent
Great but unbalanced unless other racials are getting buffed/revised. Unless you be fun-nah.
rets next xpac are going to fuck everything into the ground....just wait
You were unfortunately an expansion late.

Granted, that kind of BE racial would work for semi-plugging the empty 1 or 2 GCDs in ret DPS (though that gap is a clear clue on what Flash of Light).
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You were unfortunately an expansion late.

Granted, that kind of BE racial would work for semi-plugging the empty 1 or 2 GCDs in ret DPS (though that gap is a clear clue on what Flash of Light).
I've been playin f2ps before you were born kiddo. I remember the 1.3k TVs. You people aren't really looking @ the big picture here.
reallllllllllllllllllllllllllllly. most of this forum have played twinks before you played f2Ps, dont be that douche "kiddo"
well he's referring to cata f2ps, which I started in july of 2011
also, I wasn't talking to you qt
ALSO, get outta my thread nub cant take this heat
well he's referring to cata f2ps, which I started in july of 2011
also, I wasn't talking to you qt
ALSO, get outta my thread nub cant take this heat

oh my mistake, i wasnt referring to me i was referring to this website. belittling people to make a point is an act of cowardliness and personally shows a sign insecurity :p

its your thread so ill leave it as that. :)
don't call me neighborino, pal.

Might be true, but probably not, but it could be. The answer might not suprise you. But it could, so be prepared, but not really since it's a low possability, but it could be.

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