So I made a F2P account, a TI account and a youtube account(to sub) because I saw your videos
I loved them. Downing a geared 24 hunter that's awesome, ignore the hate.
ps. Teach me <3
is this guy serious? lmfao.
So I made a F2P account, a TI account and a youtube account(to sub) because I saw your videos
I loved them. Downing a geared 24 hunter that's awesome, ignore the hate.
ps. Teach me <3
Not if he picked that name on this guy serious? lmfao.
WTB forum mod privileges so that i can lock this thread, i'm tired of seeing this massive waste of space appearing, the thread has become a place for people to spout nonsense and claim that its a good counter argument.....
imagine this thread is a giant ass lantern, all its doing is attracting the pests that lurk on this forum that love to gang up and talk shit over the net when in reality 90% of them wouldn't even dare to do so unless in a giant group.... welcome to the internet (insert /sigh), and its really starting to annoy me.
Cute Animals, "Why Can't We Be Friends" - YouTube