Your Ultimate WoW Wish...

Monk kiting really isn't that hard to counter. Worst case scenario it requires a slight bit of teamwork to cut them off. Its not like their healers can keep up with them either (*cough*). Someone outplaying you =/= OP :p.

Purge off the GCD would be 25 flavors of broken.

Other than that its a good list. Frostbolt for all specs and cone of cold would be a much better mage change than a buff to the already useful Elemental de Agua though :)

I wouldn't really consider using your speed boost and running off tun to get a 10s cap outplaying me or anyone.. I could care less about it on the ground but that tun roof jump is kinda getting annoying the more people that find out about it and if the monks got rid of their speed boost it would make atleast take care of one class.

Purge should be off the gcd imo cause honestly how many shammies spam it anyways? Shammies can be the bane of this bracket if they are good and know how to play and I would muchrather see 4 shammies per bg instead of 4 Rdruids.

I remember cone of cold vaguely and I don't feel like looking it up.. Is that the one where they are frozen and can't do anything and frost dmg is increased by like 200%? If so hell no mages shouldn't get that.. I remember how OP it was in cata at 70+
I wish for skirmish war games to come back :p

Took a while. That's the only valid wish. Skirmishes.

The game won't, at any given point, no matter what you have changed - be any more balanced. There will always be imbalance and "OP classes". But the ability to do sign up for arena and get activity in that way, is priceless at any time.

Also "All abilities at level" then what's the point of twinking? Go 90 then.

Would have gone with undead paladins / druids / shaman or one of the other awesome ideas, but for a new one:

Minor glyphs!

Moose mounts. Astral wolf. Woodland creature charming. Charge or Felsteed leaving a fiery trail. Etc.
I wish i started trial account on aggramar EU and made an undead mage rather than having to change main and only have 14k HKS on new main. i also wish there was a pvp neutral zone where horde and alliance can meet and can speak duel etc without actually killing each other.
I wouldn't really consider using your speed boost and running off tun to get a 10s cap outplaying me or anyone.. I could care less about it on the ground but that tun roof jump is kinda getting annoying the more people that find out about it and if the monks got rid of their speed boost it would make atleast take care of one class.

Purge should be off the gcd imo cause honestly how many shammies spam it anyways? Shammies can be the bane of this bracket if they are good and know how to play and I would muchrather see 4 shammies per bg instead of 4 Rdruids.

I remember cone of cold vaguely and I don't feel like looking it up.. Is that the one where they are frozen and can't do anything and frost dmg is increased by like 200%? If so hell no mages shouldn't get that.. I remember how OP it was in cata at 70+

Well the flying off tunnel part doesn't separate skilled monks at all, anyone can do that. The difference is whether or not they can stay alive kiting after they cross mid. It's just something that one or two people on a team need to be aware of. If there's a WW monk on the other team, you need to pay attention to when they're getting the flag. Wait at horde tunnel or get la bandeira. It's a pain if your team doesn't pay attention at all and you have a 30 second rez, but then we're getting into balancing the game around poor play. Monks don't cap any faster than druids rotating boots/darkflight/dash/speed pots. The only difference is that monks can be snared/rooted and are easy kills if you catch them alone after outrunning everyone.

Purge has a glyph to make it dispel 2 abilities, it was recently nerfed to give it a 6 second CD also. It was OP. Purge off the GCD would make magic buffs irrelevant. Purging should be a conscious decision and take somewhat of a sacrifice (the other abilities you could use with that global). Otherwise, every shaman would just macro it to everything (/targetenemyplayer; /cast Purge; /targetlasttarget; /cast Healing Surge) - broken.

Cone of Cold - Spell - World of Warcraft. We had it in cata :(
Well the flying off tunnel part doesn't separate skilled monks at all, anyone can do that. The difference is whether or not they can stay alive kiting after they cross mid. It's just something that one or two people on a team need to be aware of. If there's a WW monk on the other team, you need to pay attention to when they're getting the flag. Wait at horde tunnel or get la bandeira. It's a pain if your team doesn't pay attention at all and you have a 30 second rez, but then we're getting into balancing the game around poor play. Monks don't cap any faster than druids rotating boots/darkflight/dash/speed pots. The only difference is that monks can be snared/rooted and are easy kills if you catch them alone after outrunning everyone.

Purge has a glyph to make it dispel 2 abilities, it was recently nerfed to give it a 6 second CD also. It was OP. Purge off the GCD would make magic buffs irrelevant. Purging should be a conscious decision and take somewhat of a sacrifice (the other abilities you could use with that global). Otherwise, every shaman would just macro it to everything (/targetenemyplayer; /cast Purge; /targetlasttarget; /cast Healing Surge) - broken.

Cone of Cold - Spell - World of Warcraft. We had it in cata :(

you only need 2 purge macros, purge target/purge focus.
Hunter: DR to concussive shot (it's annoying)
Rogue: bring back SS
Mage: CoC
Druid: Rejuv nerf
Paladin: Reduce healing on shock by 15%
Shaman: Earthbind totem, purge off gcd
Warrior: spamstring, reduce SS dmg, rend (because not enough people dot rogues)
Monk: nerf kick, reduce stun on fists or make trinkitable

General: Bring back unranked arena random queuing for all brackets, fix everything that broke with 5.2, separate battlegroup for spanish/portuguese speaking realms, tutorials for the nubs on how to use keybinds and macros, wsg debuff similar to afk reporting if you mid fight the whole game.
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