Your Ultimate WoW Wish...


OK if blizzard contacted you and they said, we will do anything to your favorite class, as in any changes.A buff or debuff, but you can only choose one class.
I'd go with hunter: Buff Aimshot by 30% and put a 2-3% Heal everytime you disengage.
whats your class buff?
Every time a hunter backpedals they get an electric shock.
haha! :D 'if a hunter back peddles for more than 3 seconds in a bg they fall through the bg to their death'
I want priests to be able to summon Rainbow Dash from MLP and use it as a flying mount at 310% speed, thats all
This is my idea; 24's could only play 1 game in the F2P bracket pr. day, and then they would have to play in the 25-29 bracket for the rest of the day.
damage cause may cancle stun effect
Hunters: backpeddling gives you a dot after 1 sec starting at 50 dmg then at 3 sec a 150 dmg tick then at 5 sec a 500 dmg tick then at 8 sec a 1000 dmg tick then 10 sec a 1500 dmg tick

Pallies: make divine shield purgable or remove it completely. Stupidest move in this bracket
Make denounce have a cd

Druids: nerf rejuv 20%
Remove shapeshifting out of snares

Monks: get rid of speed boost.. just too OP with FCing in a good players hands

Locks: bring bane back

Mages: give their pet more usage

Priests: lengthen shield cd by 5s

Shammies: make purge not count on the gcd

rogue: bring ss back and nerf damage by 10%

warrior: give them hamstring back and nerf shield slam by 25%

Bracket: limit of 3 classes per bg no matter of spec
Limit of 2 spanish people per bg (impossible to make this happen but its a wish so why not)
have a wall over gys like how eots starts so where people can only exit their gys but the opposing team cant enter or even see when people are about to come out
Ranked bgs at this level

That maybe alot of wishes but that would be near a perfect bracket imo
All spells and abilities at level 1

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