YOUR Transmogrificated Lvl 1 Twink!

Chubs, I have successfully transmogged mail boas into plate armor on my pala, so it should work.
Here's One's look with swords (for now ... I'm farming a new one) ... I've got 3 other outfits and am farming the Justice Points to be able to get the shoulders .. will post them when they're done

attached the file, can some1 explain how to place pictures inside the reply?
Alas this is apparently over. According to some of my Guildees, with this Tuesday's DT Blizz "fixed" it finally so you can no longer mail xmog'd BOAs, boo.

I sent my transmogged BOA axe just this morning. So as of Wednesday 12/7 it's still working. Try the method outlined here:


Or in summary, and I don't know if all the steps are needed but it's going from personal experience and what I been told works. If I was told that I had to stand on my head and recite the pledge of allegiance in nothing but my underwear while clicking send I'd do that.

Put on the BOA.


-Do not put in bag-

Mail one and only one Item by pulling it from your character and placing in the mailbox.

Mail an amount of gold. I personally do one gold, one silver, one copper, though i don't think the amount matters, you just need to send money for it to work.

Hit send.

When your twink opens up the mailbox it won't show as transmogged, I have put it in my bag then wore it and it showed up fine. I've had 100% success rate doing it this way.

attached the file, can some1 explain how to place pictures inside the reply?

Personally I linked mine through a photobucket, using the image icon and plugging in the URL. (Image icon being on the second row down in the middle when you are posting.)

PS: What bow is that? I like it.

-Edit: Found it, the one from Sunwell. That bow is sick! I wants!
Just thought I'd let people have a look at mine, nothing fancy, trying to stick simple.

Side view with weapon sheathed


Front view with weapon out + Furbolg Medicine Pouch



Hopefully they don't fix this / when fixed our Transmogged gear stays the same. This would allow me to get the Tabard of the Achiever and finish the look.


i know im late sorry best i could do without a lvl 85 leather wearer i mogged on my hunt / pally


I really like those boots with that outfit. I was going to ask about them but I guess it's a moot point since I have hooves.

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