Your personal favorite period of twinking.

I liked bits and pieces of Wrath of the Lich King and don't really like Cataclysm right now. The second half of Burning Crusade was my favorite. I wish we could go back to that.
sorry what was that?

- A lack of general knowledge in current twinking or twinking in general

- A biased point-of-view, perhaps plays or favours one of the current classes that have the most benefit

- Ill-informed or does not realize the amount of burst and differences in what each class has gotten in this expansion to consider why certain classes are excellent and certain classes are not. I.E. Hunters contain Disengage, Concussive Shot, and possibly a pet with a CC while most melee lack their time-on-target abilities such as Hamstring.
I wouldnt say 4.3 is that good (for me since shamans got a crazy nerf and hunter got buffed), but chilltink have a point 4.1 was a very fun patch.
tbc was the most balanced and enjoyable period of twinking, imo, due to low damage and high defensive stats such as 3500 hp beardruids running around and other fun stuff like rogues running around with 70% dodge. These extreme degrees of stats makes mobility the thing to seperate the players in terms of skill instead of the fastest way to pump out the most damage before that guy comes near a spot where he can shake anyone off, as seen in current state of the game. It also makes cc much more important. Oh and druids and shamans didnt have travel form or ghost wolf.

Now someone make a stable 2.4.3 private server with same idea as hamcake land and we shall have ever so much fun
My favorite era was the transition from BC to wotlk. I was probably on the worst battlegroup possible, but it was still lots of good fun. I believe this was around the time of the Enti's glitch, 225 mining glitch and so on. :)
Personally I have to say two times. As I always primarily played a warrior the enti's sword glitch had me playing hours a day. Even though it was a pretty harsh exploit it was still undeniably fun watching rends tick for 150 (not sure of the real number).

A more specific time period would be ruin the months before the migration and then probably the year to follow the migration. From the time time prodigy was just establishing its self and promoting a lot of the migration to ruin, and then the following year and few months where three premades in a week wasn't too surprising.

Oh hell yeah, enti's was a lot of fun.

Another period of time I enjoyed was exploiting the shaman windfury enchant.

And when I had money I enjoyed sporting my naxx pads, I felt like a star.

skirmishes against the pwntage brothers, obliviate, no mercy, deathsstone, mythos, pk, shockstar, goma, very memorable.

retaliation dueling ladder (placed 1st baby)

countless duels with seep, az, hiredhit

any random warsong against Merryjr, Bobgnarly, Goma, rogue Pwntage (miss playing against this guy, always a trip), Fleas, or no mercy members... BATTLE OF THE TITANS..

I very much enjoyed playing with the guild Mind Yo Manas. heavycream, az, push, clairee, and bob were fun to play with, and quite the characters. Smashing NO MERCY with Mind Yo Manas in under 12 minutes was my most memorable moment of twinking. I literally yelled "YEAHHHHHHHHHH" with all of the power of my lunges along with everyone else in vent who was just as happy and proud of our guild tag at that moment as I was (maybe the happiest I have ever been). It surpassed my memories of playing against Pizza Hut with the Cyclone A-Team and returning the flag, though it is a good one. Az aka Shaggy was the best 2's teammate I could ask for, and a good friend to me.

I have to add the days in vanilla grinding sergeant titles, warsong reputation tabards, rumsey rum, and fishing hats with Azebec al ne Adan with my warrior Dstroid. Whenever I want to feel nostalgic I hope the guild armory is always there - it's like a guild locked in time, it always makes me happy to see it.

This makes me sad.

(many edits, i just keep wanting to add more as it comes back to me)
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Hey Ciren. Yeah Mind to Manas was way back in the day. I remember u sold me your naxx pads 2 months before they were obsolete. Ah well it was worth it. Hmmmm, I guess I played on xomg, superleet, and farealz back then if u remember. I miss heavycream too, he wad my old raid leader in BC as well as being mym GM. Pertaining to the thread, I miss when BR was at its peak. Premades every week and a lot of fun games. And last but not least, I miss druid fcs ;(.
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Definitely around patch 2.2/2.3 was the peak of my happiness with the bracket and I got the most enjoyment out of. But I thoroughly enjoyed it throughout the end of vanilla and all through wotlk.
Hey Ciren. Yeah Mind to Manas was way back in the day. I remember u sold me your naxx pads 2 months before they were obsolete. Ah well it was worth it. Hmmmm, I guess I played on xomg, superleet, and farealz back then if u remember. I miss heavycream too, he wad my old raid leader in BC as well as being mym GM. Pertaining to the thread, I miss when BR was at its peak. Premades every week and a lot of fun games. And last but not least, I miss druid fcs ;(.

superleet! of course i remember.

i'm sorry about the naxx pads, i didn't see that coming, i swear, lol.

i forgot i did have some on my warrior for a while as well as my rogue.

they are still a very cool item to have, not many do.

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