Your personal favorite period of twinking.

The skirmish arena time btw, forgot to mention that on my other post. <3
I noticed one variable in each post for why they chose their favourite era: Community.

Community is what generates progression and passion. Too bad nothing is perfect. Trolls and elitists!

I think you're onto something. In my years of twinking I've seen twinking at its best when there was a solid community. Certainly there's a lot of other factors that go into making twinking very good but in a lot of people's minds good community really puts the icing on the cake that is twinking. The responses in this thread verify the importance of it.

The sad thing is no one is saying that now is their favorite time in twinking. I think theres many reasons like some of the decisions Blizz has made, the point that WoW is in in its life cycle, etc. But ultimately the community right now is weak. TI is at an all-time low for involvement. There may be a lot of visitors but there's a lot less posts/threads/dialogs. As many have alluded to (including me), the community is almost absent. All that seems to be left are self-promoters and their suck ups trying to get in with them. Twinking has devolved into personalities, exploits, how can I get ahead attitudes, etc. I'm saddened by this because community can't thrive in that kind of environment...the self has been elevated so high that community is no longer important.

While MoP might be what a lot of twinks are hoping for as far as game mechanics, I fear that the community aspect will continue on this path and continue to ruin twinking in WoW despite whatever good things Blizz might finally do to benefit us (unintentionally of course).

Anyways, good thread, OP. I enjoyed hearing everyone's opinion on the matter.


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