your opinion - Best classes for 49


Ok, prob been asked before but...

What is th best combo for 2 people at lv 49.

I planning to make two lv 49 toons one on my own and one on my wifes.

I'm thinking druid healer, and dps maybe a hunter... What do you guys think the best classes are at 49?

I have a few tiwnks already:

19 druid, 19 rogue, 19 priest

28 lock, 29 warr(sucks)

39 druid, 39 lock

59 rogue

my wife has :

19 hunter, 19 healerpally

We just reactiveated, and are playing the twinks more than my main. We decided to make 2 new twinks instead. I have so much fun on my 39ers I am expecting lv 49 to be even better.

holy pally + anything should be GG

druids are good and mobile, but a bit too squishy nowadays. paladins have plate armor, bubbles, cleanse, such strong single target heals, BoF, etc. a skilled holy pally can take on an entire pug and keep on truckin.

as far as the dps class goes....pretty much any class you wanna pick. hunters are strong solo, and even better with heals. plus you can spec into mortal strike and your twosome will have an MS effect. warriors are amazing with heals, thats where they reall shine. ret pallys are ok, rogues meh. i mean with a healer you can honestly pick any class and roll with it so go nuts.
I think a Druid warlock combo would be good
49 SL warlock fully twinked/geared out can pretty much walk over every class 1v1. The only tough fight 1v1 is a really really good rogue... everything else is a walk in the park to beat.

As long as the warlock isn't garbage... it isn't an I win button being an SL warlock but in the hands of a good pvper... its murder.
There is no best class in this game. Some can be OP, but it is not so big deal if you are retard :)...

Retri paladin will be OP after this next patch with instant exorcism usable on players after each critical strike... I mean no one below 3k HP can't survive paladin. But mage is very, very nasty to... rogue can be also... all you need is skill. You don't need skill for pala. For holy yes, but not for retri. All you need to do is wait for CDs and nuke. Hardest class to play is mage and second hardest would be rogue... So if your wife is going to play, make a dwarf female paladin :D if you are playing alliance or blood elf female on horde side... (btw I don't like BE since they are to skinny :D)
Seleucidis said:
There is no best class in this game. Some can be OP, but it is not so big deal if you are retard :)...

Retri paladin will be OP after this next patch with instant exorcism usable on players after each critical strike... I mean no one below 3k HP can't survive paladin. But mage is very, very nasty to... rogue can be also... all you need is skill. You don't need skill for pala. For holy yes, but not for retri. All you need to do is wait for CDs and nuke. Hardest class to play is mage and second hardest would be rogue... So if your wife is going to play, make a dwarf female paladin :D if you are playing alliance or blood elf female on horde side... (btw I don't like BE since they are to skinny :D)

Mages are not the hardest class in my opinion to play, and neither is a rogue. I have no idea what you were thinking but the skill cap for a rogue and say....a resto druid is very different and a huge gap. You can be bad and do ok as a rogue, you can't be bad and do ok as a druid. A mage is a nuker, and if the idiot behind the controller can just push blink, sheep, and knows his fire spells with the occasional frost nova then your good to go sadly. I think if you can pug and be very successful with a resto shaman at this bracket by yourself then you are incredibly good. Resto shamans just need people to help so that their not interrupted or CCed since there very limited in terms of getting out of CC and interrupts. Just my opinion anyways.
Ugarak said:
Mages are not the hardest class in my opinion to play, and neither is a rogue. I have no idea what you were thinking but the skill cap for a rogue and say....a resto druid is very different and a huge gap. You can be bad and do ok as a rogue, you can't be bad and do ok as a druid. A mage is a nuker, and if the idiot behind the controller can just push blink, sheep, and knows his fire spells with the occasional frost nova then your good to go sadly. I think if you can pug and be very successful with a resto shaman at this bracket by yourself then you are incredibly good. Resto shamans just need people to help so that their not interrupted or CCed since there very limited in terms of getting out of CC and interrupts. Just my opinion anyways.

I agree with you in many points... but I must add something. Inspiration for me to start playing as shaman was Cabbarnuke, naked shaman video... - World of Warcraft Movies (1st part from 3)

It was how I started to play as elemental shaman and got full S3 gear. Since then WOW changed a lot, but I still love shamans. I stopped playing after S3 and I started again as resto shaman 1 month ago. I ensure you: not anyone can play mage or rogue. You need twice more skill to play rogue or four times more skill to play mage. I can be very successful as resto, all I need is a bit support. :) You mentioned druid. I agree you need to be skilled for each class. But blink, sheep - pyroblast... just doesn't work so easy trust me :) And if you are not so skilled go play paladin, bubble can fix all mistakes you made. :) Shaman is very easy class to play! You don't need so much time to rule as a shaman, but once you got it - job done. You can't be bad as a rogue and do OK... :)

This was just my opinion as well, nothing else. ;)
The poster above me is on point like a javelin. A crappy rogue is not effective @ all. No one will beat an sl lock solo, 4K hp and a sh*t load of health regen especially not a ret, their stun can be dispelled by felpuppy. If u want the class that can take most classes 1v1, SL lock. The class that will be most fun w/ healer, warrior. Hunters are pretty meh currently though.
Not sure I completely agree with you guys (alk and sele), other than the SL lock thing. For one thing Seleucidis, resto shammy at 70 is faaaaaaar different than at 49. A resto shammy is far and away the hardest resto class to play at 49. You only have 1 instant heal on a "long" CD. Totems are relatively easily destroyed. That's not to say a good resto shammy can't 1v1 or w/e, just that their skill level requirement is much higher than a rogue or mage.

As for rogues... a "crappy" ambush-evis rogue build can drop anything non-plate, ~3k hp just with their opener if the evis crits (assuming no extra mitigation, i.e. SL). Assuming neither of those crits, then most will vanish/blind/sprint if they can't finish it with a few more autoswings. I would say that's a long way from "not effective at all." That's not to say they don't have counters, but the point is that a crappy rogue can easily premed-ambush-evis then vanish and repeat. On top of that, the amount of cc/fight resets they have really gives them a large advantage in arena/BGs/1v1s. The 49 bracket has changed quite a bit and it's become hard to tell when a rogue is good or crappy. It will show in a 1v1 but other than that, not so much.

As for mages, I will say that the bar has been raised for them. Since the AP-POM nerf, you won't see as many arcane mages 1-2 shotting people every 3 minutes. But again, they have lots of CC and escapes that make them "easier" than a resto shammy.
you can definitely be bad as a rogue and do "ok". its not hard to hit premed ambush eviserate (or premed CS evis for swords) and kill 80% of the people in a normal pug bg. didnt work? vanish and do it again! against a melee class? dismantle/evasion! scared of dying? sprint!
yup that's all I was trying to say. I'm not knocking any rogues in particular. Just saying that it is getting hard to "show" you are a good rogue. Truly skilled rogues are hard to determine unless the fight lasts longer than 5-10 seconds, which is getting somewhat rarer lately.
Thanks for the feedback! I appreciate it.

I already have the lock/pally combo at 29. We dont die much, easily top dps/heals. But it is usually too easy, and sometimes it takes the mobs of ally awhile to die.

My 29 lock was started with the plan of getting to 49, but 29 was too fun with heals.

Another aspect that pulls me toward a druid vs holy pally is the FC ability in WSG.

My 39 druid as resto spec is nearly unkillable, do they get squishier at 49, or are there just not too many good 49 resto druid twinks around? I knwo my druid is squishy as balance, but dps as well as mages.

If pally healers are that much better talk me into one. :]

I hate my 29 warrior, dont know too much about their abilities at lv49, but I deffinately want a class that isn't going to be kited around.

I hear shammans are good for dps at 49 but will they get kited too?

How about disc or shadow priests? I'd think priest over a mage for dps, but are priests just too squishy?

So BM hunters arent uberly OP anymore at 49? Can't a BM hunter mow down a lock pretty fast?

Another aspect I want to take into consideration is mana regen and long fight durability, for AB, as well as WSG FC and Defense abilities. Not just 2v2 or 1v1 winner.

I really wanted to try and mix it up but it looks like twink locks at lv 29,39,49 is the way to go...

Also, for locks, are most everyone spec'n Demo now? or SL,SL mix? Is all afflic not worth it with the instant fear bomb and extra dps?

Hunters and Locks are the "OP" twink classes if there are any IMO. You can play bad and still do well, or play well and be nearly invincible. As well as both classes having great CC.

I have a 73 arcane mage and imo frost mage require lots of talent. Mages in general are a tough class to pvp well with. Not that you cant top dmg/kills, but you'll die alot and drink alot. No long fights.

rogues are great 1v1 and cant really be compared to other classes since they are so terrible and so great at the same time.

PS- WTB 59 Disc priest on Venture Co to BG with my rogue :p
if you want to FC i would stick with a pally. druids are a bit more squishy b/c they have to shapeshift a lot, and if you get caught in caster form you're boned. pallys can get redic. hp and armor and just run the flag right across the map. plus when 3.2 hits and we all get epic mounts druids travel form will kinda be trivialized, 100% > 40%

pallys last great in long fights b/c FoL is the best heal ever imo for mana efficiency and they get regen through crits and passivly through BoW and SoW. they can be good FCs if spec'd/geared for it...and against EFCs judgement of justice is win.

BM hunters are faceroll. their pets can practically solo average players, and when they use enrage, they can pretty much solo twinks.

locks are good. tbh there arent any good SL/SL locks in my battlegrp, only some decent afflic or destro ones.
scytale said:
As for rogues... a "crappy" ambush-evis rogue build can drop anything non-plate, ~3k hp just with their opener if the evis crits (assuming no extra mitigation, i.e. SL). Assuming neither of those crits, then most will vanish/blind/sprint if they can't finish it with a few more autoswings. I would say that's a long way from "not effective at all." That's not to say they don't have counters, but the point is that a crappy rogue can easily premed-ambush-evis then vanish and repeat. On top of that, the amount of cc/fight resets they have really gives them a large advantage in arena/BGs/1v1s. The 49 bracket has changed quite a bit and it's become hard to tell when a rogue is good or crappy. It will show in a 1v1 but other than that, not so much...
A 'crappy' rogue w/ Ambush-Evis would drop non twinks and bad players. They will not drop good players, thus what I meant by not being effective. It's also quite easy to tell the bad rogues from the good ones. They always have low kbs and deaths cause they lurk the whole game, keyboard turn, and when seen out of stealth, are sprinting to the relief hut cause they've been dotted or poisoned. There are a few on Ruin that u groan everytime they try to kill u and fail and sprint away.

What I need to do is look @ this from a group perspective as well as a 1v1 perspective:


- SL warlock

- Ret paladin

- Ambush rogue

- Elemental shaman

- Prot warrior


- Holy paladin

- SL warlock

- Prot warrior

- Elemental shaman

- Disc priest

- Ambush rogue

Hunters fell off. Too many nerfs to hunters and pets added to the buffs to all other classes means they suffer. SV is simply fail in it's current state. MM is hot but the burst isn't as good as other classes. Even at 1400AP, a non crit aimed shot (47% crit chance) hits for 400 on a 10 sec shared cooldown. I have 3 49 huntards, I'm pissed about thier current state. BM has no burst but is currently the hardest to deal w/ if the huntard is a NE and knows how to 'shadowmeld' and red pet.

Paladins get Exorcism back and Art of War procs all the time so they'll be almost the top spot but SL locks still trump that because they're unkillable solo unless u're an ambush rogue.

For the OP, I say, convince ur girl to roll a holy paladin wearing the Green Dragonscale Gear and she'll have some sick mp5. If u want to be caster dps, u could roll an Elemental shaman in pretty much the same gear. For melee dps, I'd say ret paladin. U 2 would tear shit up and u can do some cute/gay (no offense) stuff like twin twinks w/ similar names.
Alkaholic said:
A 'crappy' rogue w/ Ambush-Evis would drop non twinks and bad players. They will not drop good players, thus what I meant by not being effective. It's also quite easy to tell the bad rogues from the good ones. They always have low kbs and deaths cause they lurk the whole game, keyboard turn, and when seen out of stealth, are sprinting to the relief hut cause they've been dotted or poisoned. There are a few on Ruin that u groan everytime they try to kill u and fail and sprint away.

In general, you are correct. However, saying they will not drop good players is not a good generalization. A clothie without a shield up (or SL) can easily be dropped in the 1 sec it takes to ambush evis. Even caster druids have it hard with the lack of decent leather armor. With ~70% ambush crit and ~30% or more evis crit, that's a good chance of 2 hard hitting crits in 1 second. Not to mention they can fit in a backstab or w/e right after that. Saying that it won't kill good players is not correct.

Bad rogues are still effective is all I'm saying. just like bad retadins or bad tab-dotting, fear-spamming locks. Being effective does not mean you can win most 1v1s or 2v2s or w/e. It just means can you kill you seriously disrupt your opponent, and yes bad rogues can do that.
holy pally/ret pally is some good synergy. i recommend that one of you who wants to heal be a holy pally. the other person pick a dps class and go to town. also dont forget about MS warrior with juggernaut they have great burst, and good mobility for once. prot is strong and has survivability but MS has burst with MS and overpower plus charge in combat is OP.
I see what u're saying, Scy. Also, u can't backstab (60 energy) after ambush (60 energy).

Falk is right about the warrior, w/ a pocket healer that can BOF, U will be a force to recon w/...
Alright guys I figured it out. I'm going to have my wife make a new holy pally. Then level up my 38 fully twinked lock to 49 in the XP BG bracket along the way with her pally.

Now I just need to research the best lv 49 healing pally and lock gear.

Thanks for all your help with the classes.

I am really interesed if more discussions on lv 49 classes. I am thinking of leveling my 29 warr to 49 eventually too, but it would take awhile. Why are Prot warriors good at 49? I would think arms would be the way to go all the time.
I have a quick question or just simply to throw this out there. How have mages been performing in the 49 bracket? Could always think about them, because I have heard they have great burst potential. Just a thought atleast.

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