Crazy Russian Gnome, was so bad it was adorable. Always Discombobulated Paladins and Druids, who'd just HoF or Change form.
Played 19 for so long, and just disappeared.
Had "of the Alliance" and still didn't have Fishing Hat.
Didn't speak English well, but he was friendly, never rage quit.
Perfect example of the fun, glorious days of TBC 19.
Honourable mentions to Saku, Kurian, Icarryflag, Ardent, Arrowsinc, Kimbo, Coffe, Hellcular, Ztep, Lavebo, Panino, Nerfmktwo, Hamcake, Whiskyplz, Bouef, Fuffy, Bobswife, Okuki, Blackout, Regulate, Bragh, Encorebroz