you nostalgia, you lose

it was all downhill after r/b

fuck this strat bsns..and sprite bullshit
Every game thats not 3d uses sprites instead of skins, and strats make the game. It's so fucking boring when your entire team is just sweepers and your entire play through all that you have in your mind is "OMG I HOPE I HIT MORE THEN HIM OMG YESSS I CRIT""

r/b had strats too, by the way. Bellyzard was probably one of the first ones to come out.
I hated the trainer battles. LIKE TERRIBLY I WANTED IT TO DIE. But the final battle...... best music in the world
McBankington said:
Bellyzard was probably one of the first ones to come out.

the fuck ?
Am I the only person that doesn't understand this entire thread? I never touched a Pokemon game (probably because I was too old once it came out to be interested) so I'm lost. At least it seems like I'm gathering everyone is talking Pokemon based on what I know about it from my 6 y/o son.

McBankington said:
Pokemon is for adults as sports is for kids.

pretty sure thats backwards. how old are you ink? pretty sure you should know what pokemon is and have played it. christ its been out for nearly 20 years. lets say youre 40 and have a 6 y/o son (im betting your more upper 20s, early 30s...but just for arguments sake lets say 40), that means youd have been ~20 when it came out. in college i assume. should have been exposed to it some how. especially if you're only high 20, low 30s atm, then its even more plausible. if you are both old and didnt go to college then i could see you maybe not coming into contact with it, but meh.
Falkor said:
pretty sure thats backwards.

no, I'm talking about how sports on tvs targetted age group is adults but the viewers are probably 50% kids, while the people that play pokemon is probably around 50% adults.

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