You know you play 19s too much when. . .

... you are camping in a real ghostyard...

... you think to Rumsey when you see a bottle of rum ...

... you stay for hours waiting for a WSG pop ...

... you're slacking on memebase/demotivational posters/art of trolling/photobombs while waiting for a WSG pop ...

... you can't admit that Arathi is a real 19 BG ...

... your main is undergeared ...

... you'd get married with your twink if it was possible ...

... you think that Twink > Girlfriend ...

... you could play twink all your life ...

... Shadowfang is your god ...

... you think you can carry your national flag and bring it back to your base ...

... you slack all day long on TwinkInfo ...
Carlaßruni said:
... you are camping in a real ghostyard...

... you think to Rumsey when you see a bottle of rum ...

... you stay for hours waiting for a WSG pop ...

... you're slacking on memebase/demotivational posters/art of trolling/photobombs while waiting for a WSG pop ...

... you can't admit that Arathi is a real 19 BG ...

... your main is undergeared ...

... you'd get married with your twink if it was possible ...

... you think that Twink > Girlfriend ...

... you could play twink all your life ...

... Shadowfang is your god ...

... you think you can carry your national flag and bring it back to your base ...

... you slack all day long on TwinkInfo ...

... you are camping in a real ghostyard...

... you think to Rumsey when you see a bottle of rum ...

... you stay for hours waiting for a WSG pop ...

... you're slacking on memebase/demotivational posters/art of trolling/photobombs while waiting for a WSG pop ...

... you can't admit that Arathi is a real 19 BG ...

... your main is undergeared ...

... you'd get married with your twink if it was possible ...

... you think that Twink > Girlfriend ...

... you could play twink all your life ...

... Shadowfang is your god ...

... you think you can carry your national flag and bring it back to your base ...

... you slack all day long on TwinkInfo ...
you know you play too much 19's when you're fapping and you can't finish unless the girl in your fantasy is wearing lucky fishing hat. (doesn't happen to me. honest.)
You buy situational heirlooms with your twink honor and buy one insignia per twink to avoid the inconvenience of mailing them...
Skanktmonius said:
You buy situational heirlooms with your twink honor and buy one insignia per twink to avoid the inconvenience of mailing them...

You have 4 McGowan on the same server and 3 Stained Shadowcraft Tunic cause you want to try other enchants

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