You guys like my new F2P Alliance Priest?

a quick google search showed the method posted on ownedcore, apparently it was discovered by a Chinese wow player!
90% of what AIT shares with us is from Owned Core.
well at least he is willing to share, for personal glory or not, unlike some of these other twinks i know:)
Depends on your social circle. Most of the people that don't get access to the hidden gems some of the players in this bracket yield usually aren't deserving of them.

I'm not liked by 70% of the f2p community but I'm still in the loop.
create k trial accounts, multi-box k pandaren's (the value of k depends on how many computers you have and how many wow each computer can run)

do this n times.

you end up with k*n GF'd trial twinks with factions gears = lots of $ when you sell each of them

use $ to pay for your wow subscription and play 24's.

create k trial accounts, multi-box k pandaren's (the value of k depends on how many computers you have and how many wow each computer can run)

do this n times.

you end up with k*n GF'd trial twinks with factions gears = lots of $ when you sell each of them

use $ to pay for your wow subscription and play 24's.

Why would I pay to play a 24?
or just get some GF'd panda twinks and play them yourself.

man, seems to be a lot of work though.

and you can't pick paladin/druid, which are the only classes i would play on a F2P. i guess priest or LM-shaman aren't too shabby either, but meh.
one thing is certain tho, if you use new email addresses, then there is no risk, only return.
Finally found out how to do the quest :p

i thought i had too last night, but about 10mins after first toggling a faction to at war and back i found that all my factions turned to at war and deregistered so i cannot change them back, i do realized this was warned and understand that i will most likely have to make another toon. i would like to know how i can avoid happening the next time though.
If you make any finds about the alliance gear please PM me. I believe I completed all the alliance quests but I could have missed some. For now (if you are planning to go horde) questing priority Redridge > Darkshore > Wetlands

Great items you can get are Keeshans Bandana, Bravo Commander Ring (or awful bow and dagger) and Darkshore Warder shield (or 5 stam 3 agi bracers). If you have any questions feel free to Pm meeee thx
So far the only obtainable Alliance items are the Bandana and Ring.

Horde obtainable items include the Merger Boots and/or Bracers.

Interesting trade offs and additions for choosing to reroll a Panda.

However, there are 3 additional items that come from Horde that are BiS and are obtainable. No one knows which ones (yet), except Garrosh's Pardon ;)

Bon is the only one who has come close to the ring.

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