You F2P players don't know how lucky you are.

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F2P PvP makes up for probably 0.1% of the whole game. We pay £££ for the other 99.9%
Probably just personal perspective here, but the other 99.9% is stuff I wouldn't pay for
: / (grindingdailiesraidsfarmville)
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F2P is great because I dont play too much. If I payed for this game I would feel obligated to get my moneys worth by playing a whole lot. And I dont have to be on eveyday for guild shit and raids and keeping up with gear. Its just so relaxing after hours of studying to get a few games in.

For those of you that pay... Suckas!!!!!
Why was it so much better last year? What happened :eek:

There were virtually no 24's back in the "golden days". Those days of 20s vs 20s all day were incredible. Less FOTM reroll bullshit, there wasnt all of 1 class, (but lets say hunters soon took that over). The people I layed with were incredible, great people to chill with in channel and just, well I dont even know how to express it. I kept coming back because of the friends I had there. Now most are gone.
24 is not a problem now. equally skilled, a 20 F2P druid/paladin is much more useful than, say, a 24 rogue/lock, in most scenarios.

24 paladin/priest/shaman and all the druids are the ones ruining the bracket.
There were virtually no 24's back in the "golden days". Those days of 20s vs 20s all day were incredible. Less FOTM reroll bullshit, there wasnt all of 1 class, (but lets say hunters soon took that over). The people I layed with were incredible, great people to chill with in channel and just, well I dont even know how to express it. I kept coming back because of the friends I had there. Now most are gone.


AP is full of rerolls now.
24 is not a problem now. equally skilled, a 20 F2P druid/paladin is much more useful than, say, a 24 rogue/lock, in most scenarios.

24 paladin/priest/shaman and all the druids are the ones ruining the bracket.

24 Destructo locks can do a good damage and cc.
24 Rogues can 2-3 shot people
24 Monks have super saiyan mobility
24 Mages do good damage even compared to Prot pally
24 Rogues can 2-3 shot people

what's the point of telling me that?...

i'd like you to roll a 24 rogue and 3-shot, in fact, let me multiply that by 10, 30-shot any competent F2P druid.
There were virtually no 24's back in the "golden days". Those days of 20s vs 20s all day were incredible. Less FOTM reroll bullshit, there wasnt all of 1 class, (but lets say hunters soon took that over). The people I layed with were incredible, great people to chill with in channel and just, well I dont even know how to express it. I kept coming back because of the friends I had there. Now most are gone.
I see. I can sort of relate, 2 years ago, I was playing on a vanilla (60) server and in a few months a lot of cool people quit etc, but I think it's partly in the eye of the beholder. It has to do with nostalgia. :p
what's the point of telling me that?...

i'd like you to roll a 24 rogue and 3-shot, in fact, let me multiply that by 10, 30-shot any competent F2P druid.

Well lets see here.. Normal F2P druids have around 1.4k. Competent druids have around 1.7k.
24 rogues get 800-1k ambushes. Math time
Amubush (900)+ Ambush (900) + thistle + Ambush (900)+ evis (1k)= 3700 dmg. A competent druid could never live through that even with an agm and immediate rejuv/swiftmend
A Sub belf rogue with suber? Ambush, Ambush, Energy potion, hemo, 5 pt evis

why sub? if you want the most burst, shouldn't you be assassin?

Well lets see here.. Normal F2P druids have around 1.4k. Competent druids have around 1.7k.
24 rogues get 800-1k ambushes. Math time
Amubush (900)+ Ambush (900) + thistle + Ambush (900)+ evis (1k)= 3700 dmg. A competent druid could never live through that even with an agm and immediate rejuv/swiftmend

so the druid just sits there, with his back turned, waiting to be ambushed 3 times.

and all of those 3 ambush always all crit.

people, come on.
why sub? if you want the most burst, shouldn't you be assassin?

so the druid just sits there, with his back turned, waiting to be ambushed 3 times.

and all of those 3 ambush always all crit.

people, come on.

You'd be surprised, most people i've seen don't have good reaction times when something takes them by surprise like a rogue or something. Lately, I have been seeing many pallies bubbling with flag which gets us an easy return. People are just that bad it seems.
Sadly I too have grown bored of F2P tested Storm Legion Open beta weekend, and man, the new souls are so boss..... I might spend time there, instead of on my folk's P2P account this coming Vet day.
why sub? if you want the most burst, shouldn't you be assassin?

I see how much you know about your class.... Subtlety and Shadowfocus are the highest burst (at least for f2p rogues as we lost a lot of our crit chance on ambush) for p2p the best burst spec is Sub-Sub, plain and simple, running around with double the crit of a f2p makes you that much less reliable on energy because you just crit more often with ambush and for 700-1k then that is.

so the druid just sits there, with his back turned, waiting to be ambushed 3 times.

and all of those 3 ambush always all crit.

If you know how to play your rogue and you don't keyboard turn you can get those 3 ambushes on him easily, your crippling poison does the rest...

Did I talk about crit chance of p2ps alrdy? Even if only 2 ambushes crit you'll have (700...1k)*2+350...500=1750...2500dmg ALONE for the ambushes, then count your 700...1k+ evis (either crit or noncrit) in and you'll still have about 3k dmg, no f2p druid can outheal that
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