Yep, I leveled my 24 Priest!!!


Hey guys,

Well the rumors are true, i leveled. I know, its my fault and i am 100% fault to blame. I am wrecked about it.

I been stewing on what i should do, but i want to try and get it de-leveled any means possible. Considering i have 2 hotshots on him. (1 with 24 stam)

If anyone has had experience or know anyone how managed to get a twink de-leveled. I want to know how they wrote the ticket to achieving so.

I know the chances are small. But anything from you guys would be appreciated.

Thank you
dude that sucks, im sorry man :(
Hey guys,

Well the rumors are true, i leveled. I know, its my fault and i am 100% fault to blame. I am wrecked about it.

I been stewing on what i should do, but i want to try and get it de-leveled any means possible. Considering i have 2 hotshots on him. (1 with 24 stam)

If anyone has had experience or know anyone how managed to get a twink de-leveled. I want to know how they wrote the ticket to achieving so.

I know the chances are small. But anything from you guys would be appreciated.

Thank you

I have opened a ludicrous amount of tickets to get toons de-leveled, it's impossible. I've spoken to many GMs who all say that the system does not have a way to make that possible, I lost over 20 twinks myself when wrath hit, so I know how it is. Sorry man.
Any recent faction/realm/race changes? Pretty sure GMs can revert your char to a previous state if any of those 3 were used recently.
Any recent faction/realm/race changes? Pretty sure GMs can revert your char to a previous state if any of those 3 were used recently.

Hmmm thats a interesting idea, I believe it's possible for them to reset any character 3 days.
I have heard of people not getting the actual toon de-leveled, but have heard of getting all your gear sent to a fresh level 1 character. Maybe that is a path worth considering?

Also, what were you doing with xp-on? :rolleyes:
If thy can't delevel, just make the best of it and twink 25 so ur gear will scale like a boss in the 29 bracket
Hey guys,

Well the rumors are true, i leveled. I know, its my fault and i am 100% fault to blame. I am wrecked about it.

I been stewing on what i should do, but i want to try and get it de-leveled any means possible. Considering i have 2 hotshots on him. (1 with 24 stam)

If anyone has had experience or know anyone how managed to get a twink de-leveled. I want to know how they wrote the ticket to achieving so.

I know the chances are small. But anything from you guys would be appreciated.

Thank you

Option 1: Deal with unhelpful GMs who refuse to do anything about the situation. Open ticket after ticket and get banned for GM harassment.

Option 2: Deal with the loss and make a new character.
Man, that sucks! I really hope you find a helpful GM to sort this situation out for you :( However unlikely it might be, I would keep making tickets and explaining the problem throughoutly (you basically dinged because of a fault in the wargame system), and maybe you will eventually get it sorted. I wish you all the luck buddy!
They can reset your character to an earlier point if you recently have done a transfer/race change/faction change. Otherwise, if you get really lucky with a GM he might be willing to transfer all your gear to a level 1. It's probably best to just cut your losses and make a new Priest tho.
Customer service is not one of Blizzards virtues. That is why I believe they lost part of their subscriber base, poor service. It has gotten better but...
Ultimately it really was your fault, not a fault on Blizzard's end. It was not due to their game design. You had to check yes not once but twice to start gaining xp again. You can either give 25 a go with glyphs, or just explain the situation to them in a professional manner asking them perhaps to transfer your items to a level one toon and re-equip the 25 for the expanded bracket. Just don't give up and f you have been a subscriber since vanilla, tell them. Just don't be a smartass about it.
Good luck
level another priest to 24. ask to have the gear transferred to the other priest. then keep putting in tickets until they tell you you'll get banned
At least you werent farming XP on matches like your brother. Just roll a new priest. I had 3 pair of hotshots on my OG 29 when they were BiS. 16sp, 20 shadow, and mount speed. Imagine how pissed I was when the ilvl changed.
Hey guys,

Well the rumors are true, i leveled. I know, its my fault and i am 100% fault to blame. I am wrecked about it.

I been stewing on what i should do, but i want to try and get it de-leveled any means possible. Considering i have 2 hotshots on him. (1 with 24 stam)

If anyone has had experience or know anyone how managed to get a twink de-leveled. I want to know how they wrote the ticket to achieving so.

I know the chances are small. But anything from you guys would be appreciated.

Thank you

Good Luck Farming more Hotshots.... GG sir GG

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