

SV huntard
This is an @thread to yde and hopefully enough people post before it gets locked for being one.. Mostly recently and all the shit being said on this forum lately I think alot of people have realized how much work mods really do.. It's a thankless job and it pisses me off when someone bitches about yde or any mod and tries complaining about the job they are doing when they don't need to be doing it. She is one of the nicest people on this forum I have talked to including in game and when she can she busts her ass to keep this forum troll free and as we can see when she leaves it goes to hell.

She's gone for another few days so hopefully the trolling stops then. I was going to just PM you this but thought I'd give a surprise with hopefully a whole thread of thank you posts to read when you get back to counter balance all the cleaning up that's gonna need to be done. I just wanted to say thank you [MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION] for doing a great job for this forum and trying to make everyone happy. Sometimes pvp is just crap and I find TI more fun then this bracket and it really sucks when pvp sucks and TI sucks as well cause then I actually have to do something irl. Please PLEASE hurry back so these trolls will go back in their corner.

Feel free to post your own appreciation to her if you want or not idrc..
<3 Yde

Come back soon I miss law and order.
This is an @thread to yde and hopefully enough people post before it gets locked for being one.. Mostly recently and all the shit being said on this forum lately I think alot of people have realized how much work mods really do.. It's a thankless job and it pisses me off when someone bitches about yde or any mod and tries complaining about the job they are doing when they don't need to be doing it. She is one of the nicest people on this forum I have talked to including in game and when she can she busts her ass to keep this forum troll free and as we can see when she leaves it goes to hell.

She's gone for another few days so hopefully the trolling stops then. I was going to just PM you this but thought I'd give a surprise with hopefully a whole thread of thank you posts to read when you get back to counter balance all the cleaning up that's gonna need to be done. I just wanted to say thank you [MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION] for doing a great job for this forum and trying to make everyone happy. Sometimes pvp is just crap and I find TI more fun then this bracket and it really sucks when pvp sucks and TI sucks as well cause then I actually have to do something irl. Please PLEASE hurry back so these trolls will go back in their corner.

Feel free to post your own appreciation to her if you want or not idrc..

Wow, I do not know who this "yde" is (guess she is moderator here), but this post sure looks like one from a white knight. Well, I guess this 'white knight" thing will never leave humanity alone, sucks to be us.
Not sure how trolls insult or disturb you, cause it's very easy to counter them, even easier than to kite a rogue with a hunter - ignore them.
Yde is a scrub and everyone who says otherwise is stupid and an imbicile! Oh wait a minute....

I love Yde.
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