Xrated's Level 10 twink thread of fun, facts trolls and goals.

Its not over yet, probably just gonna keep xrated 10 and make 2 new level 10 priests with white mail able enchanted gear for deserters and be right back under trolling the gy.

Then just because this has gotten attention from blizzard as it would not have been fixed so fast. I would like to try and see if i can sync queues for both a alliance toon and a horde toon and hold the flag on both of them and duel box against both teams 8) challenge accepted now.

I can't wait to be able to read both bg chats i wont sleep for days if it works well.
If you just wanna grief, Bottled tornado both flags to wall, crane, or roof and time out people's bgs.

Not sure why anyone would get off on that but whatever.
I want to be right in front of both teams farming them, id only battle tornado if 1 lost control of flag, i would regain it and come down. I like to put a obstical that can be overcome in front of them not making it impossible.

You have never seen me play the game "Tedious time" with a 10 stack flag debuff have u while farming lol?

I played against you today on your Worgen Level 10 Priest in a random XP ON WSG. It seems that you can stay Level 10 in XP ON if you never cap or finish a game, you abandoned the game with a minute or 2 left and had a pocket shaman healer with you.

I did the math for haste and I can't see how you can be GCD capped with just +10 to gloves and the heirloom items. What am I missing?

I will be updating what i am currently doing soon, like how far i have got on glitching queue and what i am doing to prevent leveling from battlegrounds (great addon someone made on ownedcore), and of course videos and pictures! i am just behind because of the patch and focusing on hitting 100k kills for my priest.
I will be updating what i am currently doing soon, like how far i have got on glitching queue and what i am doing to prevent leveling from battlegrounds (great addon someone made on ownedcore), and of course videos and pictures! i am just behind because of the patch and focusing on hitting 100k kills for my priest.

This confused me..
Has there been an update on getting into xp-on with xp-off, so that its possible again?

Any1 found a way?



old one, he actually was going for 3 cap
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Playing with scrap 10s so you don't risk your GF one? thought you said your werent going to do that lol.
What's the easiest level 10 to reach BiS with assuming you have all the looms.
Basically level 10s with the easiest BoEs (Highest drop chance)?

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