Making one post here then muting the thread since no one is actually trying to actually understand anything
A lot of what seems to be interpreted as entitlement from long time 20s is them trying to defend their subcommunity which started and thrived completely independent of 21-29 who by themselves are incapable of maintaining a scene. All the validations and reasons people have been using in this thread are the same ones the 24s used in cata/mop after they found out the 20s had built themselves a nice community with extremely active pops. They've been hearing "lol poor" "just sub" "I just wanna pvp without gimping myself" from people just trying to exploit and abuse the community they built for over a decade at this point. Everytime Blizz changes things around so 20s have to go back to playing with 24/29 its the same song and dance, to dismiss that is to deny history. They are understandably upset when the 29s come back in to the 20s house with muddy shoes after they burned down their own for the umpteenth time throwing their hands up like they don't know why the 20s are upset at them.
For people who are legitimately new and just trying to find somewhere with active queues then yeah its understandable. You have no attachment to the bracket or 20s community and probably ignorant to its history as an isolated pocket and it not really being part of the 20-29 community at large. So people asking you to roll 20 instead of 29 sounds absurd why wouldn't you make your toon at the top of the bracket? Cant really fault you for doing so as they get it, they really don't like it, but they get it. The 20s can/should definitely be much less abrasive and rude in the discussion but I also get that as they've been defending and left to pick up the pieces of their community back up after the 24/29s are done playing with it for years now.
The old 60/70s: Don't think anyone is really begrudging yall for busting out your old toons as long as you aren't saying shit like this
-20s just want the upper levels to show some sort of respect for the community they built by themselves for once
-20s should try to give people a chance before getting defensive
inb4 "lolpoor"
100% agree with you mate that people need to understand both sides and be mindful of that, when making comments.
I am one of the left overs that have been in the same situation where I can see both perspectives, coming from a 60 classic account that moved to a 70 BC account where they ended up merging us with XPoff accounts.
I disagree with you about 20s building a community when no other bracket could, 60s and 70s continued to do weekly raids for years after the PVP stopped. This was some of my most fondest memories on my 70s and where relationships were built that still continue today. I hope the same will be true for my 20 friends I have developed over the last couple of years, you and TFF included, looking forward to continue shuffles or WGs.
How many true FTP players are there? I suspect a lot of FTP also have VeTs that are in my opinion no different to the new XPoff 25+s taking a paid account to maximize their advantage, there by essentially exploiting their own community.
VETs only stayed 20 so they could still PVP.
I would also say 90% of VETs used the gift wrap artifact bug to max their weapon so they could 'compete' with the grandfathered relic twinks. I see this as the same 'concept' of making a 29 to compete. Absolutely NOT the same thing but if we are talking community and morals the difference between FTP (Non GF relic)/Leveler advantage was similar.
The amazing 20 community (which I still love) was not built from nothing either, in regards to PVP. It was simply an end result of the accounts having access to leveling Battlegrounds. Being the x0 (bottom) of the bracket just the same as 60s and 70s.
I am just saying I think people are looking at the existing 20 community with rose colored glasses.
I do however fully understand the position a lot are in right now, I would never of leveled my 70 or made a new 74/79 because it went against everything that the community had built, so I get the hostility.
My hope is that 20 is put into its own bracket (not completely unrealistic) but until then I will play my old 70s as they are. I am sure if FTP level cap became 10 for the next few years forcing a shift on the community then returned to level 20 cap combined with 10s sometime in the future, you would all go back to your 20s as well.
I feel for the true core of the 20 community especially FTP I really do, VETs I can also sympathize with having spent so much time investment and gold/IRL money on characters they considered new mains (me included) and I can also understand and appreciate people re-rolling a new 29 or even leveling an existing (crazy IMO) but they have that option and should not be labeled or judged or excluded from having an opinion because of it.