Xpoff can que bgs now. What 29 twink you making?

I get it... and it may sound harsh to the tender ears around here, but I have zero compassion for someone complaining about the free experience. It's free. No matter how much you may spend aside from it.... it's not a subscription-based activity, and ANYONE paying a sub and acting within that subscription's allowance has every right to infringe on what you WANT your free experience to be. However and whenever Blizz swings the pay2play experience in that direction. F2play has always been a TRIAL-BASED scenario meant to allow people to try out the game in hopes of getting some subs. Yes, they expanded it and gave the appearance of a free-standing experience but it still is subject to change without cause or apology however that intention is deemed to benefit that goal.

So TL;DR.... tough titties, kids. Sorry your non-subscription activity isnt everything you demand it to be at the moment. :FrogeConcern:
Oh no, don’t shatter their self-important little world.
I get it... and it may sound harsh to the tender ears around here, but I have zero compassion for someone complaining about the free experience. It's free. No matter how much you may spend aside from it.... it's not a subscription-based activity, and ANYONE paying a sub and acting within that subscription's allowance has every right to infringe on what you WANT your free experience to be. However and whenever Blizz swings the pay2play experience in that direction. F2play has always been a TRIAL-BASED scenario meant to allow people to try out the game in hopes of getting some subs. Yes, they expanded it and gave the appearance of a free-standing experience but it still is subject to change without cause or apology however that intention is deemed to benefit that goal.

So TL;DR.... tough titties, kids. Sorry your non-subscription activity isnt everything you demand it to be at the moment. :FrogeConcern:
Things are just better when f2ps dictate the terms.
Sure 29s will have the bracket now, its just a sad state because the people who make 29s are bad people and bad players so the game will obviously suffer. Its simply sadness of losing the good and doubling down on the bad the bracket has to offer.

And to bring money in to the equation in a stupid argument since just about every f2p has a p2p account on the side. Its an argument stupid people make when they run out of good arguments.

The bracket is gonna get pretty bad and its either gonna be a clownfiesta making backpaddling survs disengaging into walls look like awc plays or its going to die. Either way, rip slands.
Things are just better when f2ps dictate the terms.

No doubt.... but to act like they should have control over something they pay nothing for is literally entitlement. Someone said it before and got a lashing, but it's quite literally true. Some sense of being owed something for nothing.

I totally agree that the current decision (or mistake) is wayyyyyy wrong direction... but it is what it is and that's that.

What are f2play gonna do? Pay even less than nothing for quite truly amazing content? So PvP sucks... lots more to do.

The bracket is gonna get pretty bad

Well... there's like 5 more. Oh wait... gotta pay for access to those. :FrogeConcern:
No doubt.... but to act like they should have control over something they pay nothing for is literally entitlement. Someone said it before and got a lashing, but it's quite literally true. Some sense of being owed something for nothing.

I totally agree that the current decision (or mistake) is wayyyyyy wrong direction... but it is what it is and that's that.

What are f2play gonna do? Pay even less than nothing for quite truly amazing content? So PvP sucks... lots more to do.

Nobody has any control over anything. Its not like 29s is gonna have any control over anything. Blizz will do whatever the fk they want.

F2Ps pay alot in transfers, second active accounts, tokens and whatever else and I think blizzard will lose money from this change.
the people who make 29s are bad people and bad players so the game will obviously suffer.
That's pretty bold rhetoric to flat out label a whole group as bad people for playing the game according to how blizz adjusts things.

Say what you will about their playstyle, but the people backing 29s have generally felt much less toxic in their communication, whereas the f2ps who are upset by this change have come out with noxiously aggressive rhetoric and character assinations.

Lots of repressed anger showing up from people who IMO have devoted way too much of their life to a sad little niche in a videogame that's about to get even sadder.
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That's pretty bold rhetoric to flat out call a whole a group as bad people for playing the game according to how blizz adjusted things. Also, the people backing 29s have generally felt much less toxic in their communication, whereas the f2ps who are upset by this change have come out with noxiously aggressive rhetoric and character assinations. Lots of repressed anger showing up from people who IMO have devoted way too much of their life to a sad little niche in a videogame that's about to get even sadder.
They are, they are gonna take a sledgehammer to a not great not terrible thing and ruin it simply because playing on a slightly even playing with everyone else is the worst thing they can imagine.
Thats because youre a shitty person so your inherently drawn to the other shitty people.
And youve been here like a day anyway, you know nothing.
And what exactly do they lose by ruffling the feathers of people that give them nothing? That's right -----> nothing.

Keep talking all you want about side accounts, but end of the day that's so negligible it's laughable to see as argument.

edit- almost........ narcissistic.

I have 3 vet accounts I have no reason to keep updating, no servers or account transfers to pay for.

Ill still have my endgame account but I wasnt gonna cancel that anyway, and its not like Im alone, so ye blizzard is gonna lose money.

Ye on blizzards bottom line its ofcourse all pocket change, but no reason to have a hole in your pocket.
Ye on blizzards bottom line its ofcourse all pocket change, but no reason to have a hole in your pocket.

Unless subs are the lowest they've ever been and they're putting a tourniquet on hemorrhage points. Cleaning house for DF.

wtb TLDR, dont wanna lose any brain cells

Pretty much Blizz used to let us use free wifi but now they are giving the password to the people who pay for it.

Basically your asshole neighbor you were stealing wifi from changed his password. That selfish dick.
Subs are in the millions regardless. Not sure theyre making decisions like this to squeeze a few dozen more subs into the game.

its probably more an attempt at injecting some consistency re: twinks in leveler bgs
Wonder if they will notice, or if the xpon glitchers will keep farming levelers to avoid the 29s.
Things are just better when f2ps dictate the terms.

Wait 'til they realize they never dictated the terms, Blizzard did and Blizzard has spoken.

29s will eat themselves.

Probably. I know this is going to sound like a big cope but.. one-tapping people with a chaos bolt or with an aimed shot will only be fun for "so-long" until they get bored as fuck and start doing something else, especially should the bracket end up being 50% warlocks 50% hunters.
I’m shocked they didnt remove Behsten and Slahtz altogether and then just give starter accounts the expac-capped treatment
If they ever did that I'll just quit the game forever and shove-off to either a classic private server or purely play FFXIV instead.

...Or maybe I'll just decide to get a life, finally.
29s will eat themselves.

No doubt.... but to act like they should have control over something they pay nothing for is literally entitlement. Someone said it before and got a lashing, but it's quite literally true. Some sense of being owed something for nothing.

I totally agree that the current decision (or mistake) is wayyyyyy wrong direction... but it is what it is and that's that.

What are f2play gonna do? Pay even less than nothing for quite truly amazing content? So PvP sucks... lots more to do.

Well... there's like 5 more. Oh wait... gotta pay for access to those. :FrogeConcern:

I see you are keeping the “pay if you want to speak” shit mentality.
I am given the choice of “not paying” (even tho as many ppl said, 20 so have subbed accounts) a sub, to play the game and make use of whatever they provide to f2p players, and they know damn well what they give access to “non-paying” users, it s not like I abuse game mechanics to play this way.

Secondly, before the change, non paying users interacted with non paying users (f2p/vets) and paying users with other paying users (xp locked twinks). Levelers with both.
Now they mixed things up and everybody interacts with everybody, outside levelers that have their own path.

I get that the change targeted levelers, to create a better leveling experience throughout instanced PvP for them, but why should non paying twinks have to deal with paying ones with this change?
I get that the change targeted levelers, to create a better leveling experience throughout instanced PvP for them, but why should non paying twinks have to deal with paying ones with this change?

There's no word or proof that this is intentional or "targetting" anyone... again, rather narcissistic to think so.

And if so, non paying twinks are the same monster exactly as paying ones (except for level, now) so why wouldnt they?

To get the pay2play twink package AND access to levelers (pay2play twinks do not) to fuel queues all with zero fee?


I’m shocked they didnt remove Behsten and Slahtz altogether

Again... there is more to locked XP than PvP against levelers. Rather self-absorbed to even bring up removing the ability to.

edit- there's a damn awful lot of center-of-the-universe mindset rampant on these threads. :FrogeTorch:
Again... there is more to locked XP than PvP against levelers. Rather self-absorbed to even bring up removing the ability to.
This is where I feel like yall arent so much reading what I type, but have decided that because I think 29s deserve ridicule, I therefore hold all these other positions you've invented for me to hold.

I said, "If theyve gone this far, Im shocked they didnt"

Not "if theyve gone this far, I think they should also"

(though, to be fair, I've been on record for YEARS for saying they should remove those NPCs. Like... back in WOD years ago)
No... you equated the only REASON for locking XP to be for PvP.

PvE twinks are 100% unaffected by this queue separation. Why even go to "shocked they didnt remove the ability to"...?

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